Wake up!

Post Syndicated from Lennart Poettering original https://0pointer.net/blog/projects/ds-wake-up-call.html

If you plan to attend Desktop Summit in Berlin this year, then please REGISTER NOW!

If you do not register, then this means you will have to wait in the signup
queue at the conference for substantially longer and might miss a talk or two.
You will not get onto the conference WLAN right from the beginning of
the conference (access is authenticated and personalized, only people who sign
up will get access credentials). Your personal badge will not be ready
right-away. If not enough people register we will also have to cut down on
the available catering and the parties
. We rely on the registration numbers
to plan, and if you come but don’t sign up before you make it very hard for us
to plan. Registration is free, so what are you waiting for?

I am pretty sure you want to avoid all of this right? For your own benefit
and for the benefit of everybody else attending the conference, go and register
for the conference right-away!

Also, we are still looking for more volunteers for session chairs and
runners at the conference. This is your chance to introduce your favourite Open
Source hacker on stage! Please consider volunteering and read the Call for
. Add yourself to the list on the wiki page,
today. If you sign up you’ll earn yourself the gratitude of the GNOME and KDE
communities, and you’ll receive the exclusive team T-shirts!

Thank you!