Tag Archives: open source

Build a dynamic rules engine with Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink

Post Syndicated from Steven Carpenter original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/build-a-dynamic-rules-engine-with-amazon-managed-service-for-apache-flink/

Imagine you have some streaming data. It could be from an Internet of Things (IoT) sensor, log data ingestion, or even shopper impression data. Regardless of the source, you have been tasked with acting on the data—alerting or triggering when something occurs. Martin Fowler says: “You can build a simple rules engine yourself. All you need is to create a bunch of objects with conditions and actions, store them in a collection, and run through them to evaluate the conditions and execute the actions.”

A business rules engine (or simply rules engine) is a software system that executes many rules based on some input to determine some output. Simplistically, it’s a lot of “if then,” “and,” and “or” statements that are evaluated on some data. There are many different business rule systems, such as Drools, OpenL Tablets, or even RuleBook, and they all share a commonality: they define rules (collection of objects with conditions) that get executed (evaluate the conditions) to derive an output (execute the actions). The following is a simplistic example:

if (office_temperature) < 50 degrees => send an alert

if (office_temperature) < 50 degrees AND (occupancy_sensor) == TRUE => < Trigger action to turn on heat>

When a single condition or a composition of conditions evaluates to true, it is desired to send out an alert to potentially act on that event (trigger the heat to warm the 50 degrees room).

This post demonstrates how to implement a dynamic rules engine using Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink. Our implementation provides the ability to create dynamic rules that can be created and updated without the need to change or redeploy the underlying code or implementation of the rules engine itself. We discuss the architecture, the key services of the implementation, some implementation details that you can use to build your own rules engine, and an AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) project to deploy this in your own account.

Solution overview

The workflow of our solution starts with the ingestion of the data. We assume that we have some source data. It could be from a variety of places, but for this demonstration, we use streaming data (IoT sensor data) as our input data. This is what we will evaluate our rules on. For example purposes, let’s assume we are looking at data from our AnyCompany Home Thermostat. We’ll see attributes like temperature, occupancy, humidity, and more. The thermostat publishes the respective values every 1 minute, so we’ll base our rules around that idea. Because we’re ingesting this data in near real time, we need a service designed specifically for this use case. For this solution, we use Amazon Kinesis Data Streams.

In a traditional rules engine, there may be a finite list of rules. The creation of new rules would likely involve a revision and redeployment of the code base, a replacement of some rules file, or some overwriting process. However, a dynamic rules engine is different. Much like our streaming input data, our rules can also be streamed as well. Here we can use Kinesis Data Streams to stream our rules as they are created.

At this point, we have two streams of data:

  • The raw data from our thermostat
  • The business rules perhaps created through a user interface

The following diagram illustrates we can connect these streams together.Architecture Diagram

Connecting streams

A typical use case for Managed Service for Apache Flink is to interactively query and analyze data in real time and continuously produce insights for time-sensitive use cases. With this in mind, if you have a rule that corresponds to the temperature dropping below a certain value (especially in winter), it might be critical to evaluate and produce a result as timely as possible.

Apache Flink connectors are software components that move data into and out of a Managed Service for Apache Flink application. Connectors are flexible integrations that let you read from files and directories. They consist of complete modules for interacting with AWS services and third-party systems. For more details about connectors, see Use Apache Flink connectors with Managed Service for Apache Flink.

We use two types of connectors (operators) for this solution:

  • Sources – Provide input to your application from a Kinesis data stream, file, or other data source
  • Sinks – Send output from your application to a Kinesis data stream, Amazon Data Firehose stream, or other data destination

Flink applications are streaming dataflows that may be transformed by user-defined operators. These dataflows form directed graphs that start with one or more sources and end in one or more sinks. The following diagram illustrates an example dataflow (source). As previously discussed, we have two Kinesis data streams that can be used as sources for our Flink program.

Flink Data Flow

The following code snippet shows how we have our Kinesis sources set up within our Flink code:

* Creates a DataStream of Rule objects by consuming rule data from a Kinesis
* stream.
* @param env The StreamExecutionEnvironment for the Flink job
* @return A DataStream of Rule objects
* @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading Kinesis properties
private DataStream<Rule> createRuleStream(StreamExecutionEnvironment env, Properties sourceProperties)
                throws IOException {
        String RULES_SOURCE = KinesisUtils.getKinesisRuntimeProperty("kinesis", "rulesTopicName");
        FlinkKinesisConsumer<String> kinesisConsumer = new FlinkKinesisConsumer<>(RULES_SOURCE,
                        new SimpleStringSchema(),
        DataStream<String> rulesStrings = env.addSource(kinesisConsumer)
        return rulesStrings.flatMap(new RuleDeserializer()).name("Rule Deserialization");

* Creates a DataStream of SensorEvent objects by consuming sensor event data
* from a Kinesis stream.
* @param env The StreamExecutionEnvironment for the Flink job
* @return A DataStream of SensorEvent objects
* @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading Kinesis properties
private DataStream<SensorEvent> createSensorEventStream(StreamExecutionEnvironment env,
            Properties sourceProperties) throws IOException {
    String DATA_SOURCE = KinesisUtils.getKinesisRuntimeProperty("kinesis", "dataTopicName");
    FlinkKinesisConsumer<String> kinesisConsumer = new FlinkKinesisConsumer<>(DATA_SOURCE,
                    new SimpleStringSchema(),
    DataStream<String> transactionsStringsStream = env.addSource(kinesisConsumer)

    return transactionsStringsStream.flatMap(new JsonDeserializer<>(SensorEvent.class))
                    .flatMap(new TimeStamper<>())
                    .name("Transactions Deserialization");

We use a broadcast state, which can be used to combine and jointly process two streams of events in a specific way. A broadcast state is a good fit for applications that need to join a low-throughput stream and a high-throughput stream or need to dynamically update their processing logic. The following diagram illustrates an example how the broadcast state is connected. For more details, see A Practical Guide to Broadcast State in Apache Flink.

Broadcast State

This fits the idea of our dynamic rules engine, where we have a low-throughput rules stream (added to as needed) and a high-throughput transactions stream (coming in at a regular interval, such as one per minute). This broadcast stream allows us to take our transactions stream (or the thermostat data) and connect it to the rules stream as shown in the following code snippet:

// Processing pipeline setup
DataStream<Alert> alerts = sensorEvents
    .process(new DynamicKeyFunction())
    .name("Partition Sensor Data by Equipment and RuleId")
    .keyBy((equipmentSensorHash) -> equipmentSensorHash.getKey())
    .process(new DynamicAlertFunction())
    .name("Rule Evaluator");

To learn more about the broadcast state, see The Broadcast State Pattern. When the broadcast stream is connected to the data stream (as in the preceding example), it becomes a BroadcastConnectedStream. The function applied to this stream, which allows us to process the transactions and rules, implements the processBroadcastElement method. The KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction interface provides three methods to process records and emit results:

  • processBroadcastElement() – This is called for each record of the broadcasted stream (our rules stream).
  • processElement() – This is called for each record of the keyed stream. It provides read-only access to the broadcast state to prevent modifications that result in different broadcast states across the parallel instances of the function. The processElement method retrieves the rule from the broadcast state and the previous sensor event of the keyed state. If the expression evaluates to TRUE (discussed in the next section), an alert will be emitted.
  • onTimer() – This is called when a previously registered timer fires. Timers can be registered in the processElement method and are used to perform computations or clean up states in the future. This is used in our code to make sure any old data (as defined by our rule) is evicted as necessary.

We can handle the rule in the broadcast state instance as follows:

public void processBroadcastElement(Rule rule, Context ctx, Collector<Alert> out) throws Exception {
   BroadcastState<String, Rule> broadcastState = ctx.getBroadcastState(RulesEvaluator.Descriptors.rulesDescriptor);
   Long currentProcessTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   // If we get a new rule, we'll give it insufficient data rule op status
    if (!broadcastState.contains(rule.getId())) {
        outputRuleOpData(rule, OperationStatus.INSUFFICIENT_DATA, currentProcessTime, ctx);
   ProcessingUtils.handleRuleBroadcast(rule, broadcastState);

static void handleRuleBroadcast(FDDRule rule, BroadcastState<String, FDDRule> broadcastState)
        throws Exception {
    switch (rule.getStatus()) {
        case ACTIVE:
            broadcastState.put(rule.getId(), rule);
        case INACTIVE:

Notice what happens in the code when the rule status is INACTIVE. This would remove the rule from the broadcast state, which would then no longer consider the rule to be used. Similarly, handling the broadcast of a rule that is ACTIVE would add or replace the rule within the broadcast state. This is allowing us to dynamically make changes, adding and removing rules as necessary.

Evaluating rules

Rules can be evaluated in a variety of ways. Although it’s not a requirement, our rules were created in a Java Expression Language (JEXL) compatible format. This allows us to evaluate rules by providing a JEXL expression along with the appropriate context (the necessary transactions to reevaluate the rule or key-value pairs), and simply calling the evaluate method:

JexlExpression expression = jexl.createExpression(rule.getRuleExpression());
Boolean isAlertTriggered = (Boolean) expression.evaluate(context);

A powerful feature of JEXL is that not only can it support simple expressions (such as those including comparison and arithmetic), it also has support for user-defined functions. JEXL allows you to call any method on a Java object using the same syntax. If there is a POJO with the name SENSOR_cebb1baf_2df0_4267_b489_28be562fccea that has the method hasNotChanged, you would call that method using the expression. You can find more of these user-defined functions that we used within our SensorMapState class.

Let’s look at an example of how this would work, using a rule expression exists that reads as follows:


This rule, evaluated by JEXL, would be equivalent to a sensor that hasn’t changed in 5 minutes

The corresponding user-defined function (part of SensorMapState) that is exposed to JEXL (using the context) is as follows:

public Boolean hasNotChanged(Integer time) {
    Long minutesSinceChange = getMinutesSinceChange();
    log.debug("Time: " + time + " | Minutes since change: " + minutesSinceChange);
    return minutesSinceChange >  time;

Relevant data, like that below, would go into the context window, which would then be used to evaluate the rule.

    "id": "SENSOR_cebb1baf_2df0_4267_b489_28be562fccea",
    "measureValue": 10,
    "eventTimestamp": 1721666423000

In this case, the result (or value of isAlertTriggered) is TRUE.

Creating sinks

Much like how we previously created sources, we also can create sinks. These sinks will be used as the end to our stream processing where our analyzed and evaluated results will get emitted for future use. Like our source, our sink is also a Kinesis data stream, where a downstream Lambda consumer will iterate the records and process them to take the appropriate action. There are many applications of downstream processing; for example, we can persist this evaluation result, create a push notification, or update a rule dashboard.

Based on the previous evaluation, we have the following logic within the process function itself:

if (isAlertTriggered) {
    alert = new Alert(rule.getEquipmentName(), rule.getName(), rule.getId(), AlertStatus.START,
            triggeringEvents, currentEvalTime);
    log.info("Pushing {} alert for {}", AlertStatus.START, rule.getName());

When the process function emits the alert, the alert response is sent to the sink, which then can be read and used downstream in the architecture:

alerts.flatMap(new JsonSerializer<>(Alert.class))
    .name("Alerts Deserialization").sinkTo(createAlertSink(sinkProperties))
    .name("Alerts JSON Sink");

At this point, we can then process it. We have a Lambda function logging the records where we can see the following:


Although simplified in this example, these code snippets form the basis for taking the evaluation results and sending them elsewhere.


In this post, we demonstrated how to implement a dynamic rules engine using Managed Service for Apache Flink with both the rules and input data streamed through Kinesis Data Streams. You can learn more about it with the e-learning that we have available.

As companies seek to implement near real-time rules engines, this architecture presents a compelling solution. Managed Service for Apache Flink offers powerful capabilities for transforming and analyzing streaming data in real time, while simplifying the management of Flink workloads and seamlessly integrating with other AWS services.

To help you get started with this architecture, we’re excited to announce that we’ll be publishing our complete rules engine code as a sample on GitHub. This comprehensive example will go beyond the code snippets provided in our post, offering a deeper look into the intricacies of building a dynamic rules engine with Flink.

We encourage you to explore this sample code, adapt it to your specific use case, and take advantage of the full potential of real-time data processing in your applications. Check out the GitHub repository, and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or feedback as you embark on your journey with Flink and AWS!

About the Authors

Steven Carpenter is a Senior Solution Developer on the AWS Industries Prototyping and Customer Engineering (PACE) team, helping AWS customers bring innovative ideas to life through rapid prototyping on the AWS platform. He holds a master’s degree in Computer Science from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. Connect with Steven on LinkedIn!

Aravindharaj Rajendran is a Senior Solution Developer within the AWS Industries Prototyping and Customer Engineering (PACE) team, based in Herndon, VA. He helps AWS customers materialize their innovative ideas by rapid prototyping using the AWS platform. Outside of work, he loves playing PC games, Badminton and Traveling.

Expanding Cloudflare’s support for open source projects with Project Alexandria

Post Syndicated from Veronica Marin original https://blog.cloudflare.com/expanding-our-support-for-oss-projects-with-project-alexandria

At Cloudflare, we believe in the power of open source. It’s more than just code, it’s the spirit of collaboration, innovation, and shared knowledge that drives the Internet forward. Open source is the foundation upon which the Internet thrives, allowing developers and creators from around the world to contribute to a greater whole.

But oftentimes, open source maintainers struggle with the costs associated with running their projects and providing access to users all over the world. We’ve had the privilege of supporting incredible open source projects such as Git and the Linux Foundation through our open source program and learned first-hand about the places where Cloudflare can help the most.

Today, we’re introducing a streamlined and expanded open source program: Project Alexandria. The ancient city of Alexandria is known for hosting a prolific library and a lighthouse that was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Lighthouse of Alexandria served as a beacon of culture and community, welcoming people from afar into the city. We think Alexandria is a great metaphor for the role open source projects play as a beacon for developers around the world and a source of knowledge that is core to making a better Internet. 

This project offers recurring annual credits to even more open source projects to provide our products for free. In the past, we offered an upgrade to our Pro plan, but now we’re offering upgrades tailored to the size and needs of each project, along with access to a broader range of products like Workers, Pages, and more. Our goal with Project Alexandria is to ensure every OSS project not only survives but thrives, with access to Cloudflare’s enhanced security, performance optimization, and developer tools — all at no cost.

Building a program based on your needs

We realize that open source projects have different needs. Some projects, like package repositories, may be most concerned about storage and transfer costs. Other projects need help protecting them from DDoS attacks. And some projects need a robust developer platform to enable them to quickly build and deploy scalable and secure applications.

With our new program we’ll work with your project to help unlock the following based on your needs:

  • An upgrade to a Cloudflare Pro, Business, or Enterprise plan, which will give you more flexibility with more Cloudflare Rules to manage traffic with, Image Optimization with Polish to accelerate the speed of image downloads, and enhanced security with Web Application Firewall (WAF), Security Analytics, and Page Shield, to protect projects from potential threats and vulnerabilities.

  • Increased requests to Cloudflare Workers and Pages, allowing you to handle more traffic and scale your applications globally.

  • Increased R2 storage for builds and artifacts, ensuring you have the space needed to store and access your project’s assets efficiently.

  • Enhanced Zero Trust access, including Remote Browser Isolation, no user limits, and extended activity log retention to give you deeper insights and more control over your project’s security.

Every open source project in the program will receive additional resources and support through a dedicated channel on our Discord server. And if there’s something you think we can do to help that we don’t currently offer, we’re here to figure out how to make it happen.

Many open source projects run within the limits of Cloudflare’s generous free tiers. Our mission to help build a better Internet means that cost should not be a barrier to creating, securing, and distributing your open source packages globally, no matter the size of the project. Indie or niche open source projects can still run for free without the need for credits. For larger open source projects, the annual recurring credits are available to you, so your money can continue to be reinvested into innovation, instead of paying for infrastructure to store, secure, and deliver your packages and websites. 

We’re dedicated to supporting projects that are not only innovative but also crucial to the continued growth and health of the internet. The criteria for the program remain the same:

  • Operate solely on a non-profit basis and/or otherwise align with the project mission.

  • Be an open source project with a recognized OSS license.

If you’re an open source project that meets these requirements, you can apply for the program here.

Empowering the Open Source community

We’re incredibly lucky to have open source projects that we admire, and the incredible people behind those projects, as part of our program — including the OpenJS Foundation, OpenTofu, and JuliaLang.

OpenJS Foundation

Node.js has been part of our OSS Program since 2019, and we’ve recently partnered with the OpenJS Foundation to provide technical support and infrastructure improvements to other critical JavaScript projects hosted at the foundation, including Fastify, jQuery, Electron, and NativeScript.

One prominent example of the OpenJS Foundation using Cloudflare is the Node.js CDN Worker.  It’s currently in active development by the Node.js Web Infrastructure and Build teams and aims to serve all Node.js release assets (binaries, documentations, etc.) provided on their website. 

Aaron Snell explained that these release assets are currently being served by a single static origin file server fronted by Cloudflare. This worked fine up until a few years ago when issues began to pop up with new releases. With a new release came a cache purge, meaning that all the requests for the release assets were cache misses, causing Cloudflare to go forward directly to the static file server, overloading it. Because Node.js releases nightly builds, this issue occurs every day.

The CDN Worker plans to fix this by using Cloudflare Workers and R2 to serve requests for the release assets, taking all the load off the static file server, resulting in improved availability for Node.js downloads and documentation, and ultimately making the process more sustainable in the long run.


OpenTofu has been focused on building a free and open alternative to proprietary infrastructure-as-code platforms. One of their major challenges has been ensuring the reliability and scalability of their registry while keeping costs low. Cloudflare’s R2 storage and caching services provided the perfect fit, allowing OpenTofu to serve static files at scale without worrying about bandwidth or performance bottlenecks.

The OpenTofu team noted that it was paramount for OpenTofu to keep the costs of running the registry as low as possible both in terms of bandwidth and also in human cost. However, they also needed to make sure that the registry had an uptime close to 100% since thousands upon thousands of developers would be left without a means to update their infrastructure if it went down.

The registry codebase (written in Go) pre-generates all possible answers of the OpenTofu Registry API and uploads the static files to an R2 bucket. With R2, OpenTofu has been able to run the registry essentially for free with no servers and scaling issues to worry about.


JuliaLang has recently joined our OSS Sponsorship Program, and we’re excited to support their critical infrastructure to ensure the smooth operation of their ecosystem. A key aspect of this support is enabling the use of Cloudflare’s services to help JuliaLang deliver packages to its user base.

According to Elliot Saba, JuliaLang had been using Amazon Lightsail as a cost-effective global CDN to serve packages to their user base. However, as their user base grew they would occasionally exceed their bandwidth limits and rack up serious cloud costs, not to mention experiencing degraded performance due to load balancer VMs getting overloaded by traffic spikes. Now JuliaLang is using Cloudflare R2, and the speed and reliability of R2 object storage has so far exceeded that of their own within-datacenter solutions, and the lack of bandwidth charges means JuliaLang is now getting faster, more reliable service for less than a tenth of their previous spend.

How can we help?

If your project fits our criteria, and you’re looking to reduce costs and eliminate surprise bills, we invite you to apply! We’re eager to help the next generation of open source projects make their mark on the internet.

For more details and to apply, visit our new Project Alexandria page. And if you know other projects that could benefit from this program, please spread the word!

Build a real-time analytics solution with Apache Pinot on AWS

Post Syndicated from Raj Ramasubbu original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/build-a-real-time-analytics-solution-with-apache-pinot-on-aws/

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) is crucial in modern data-driven apps, acting as an abstraction layer connecting raw data to users for efficient analysis. It organizes data into user-friendly structures, aligning with shared business definitions, ensuring users can analyze data with ease despite changes. OLAP combines data from various data sources and aggregates and groups them as business terms and KPIs. In essence, it’s the foundation for user-centric data analysis in modern apps, because it’s the layer that translates technical assets into business-friendly terms that enable users to extract actionable insights from data.

Real-time OLAP

Traditionally, OLAP datastores were designed for batch processing to serve internal business reports. The scope of data analytics has grown, and more user personas are now seeking to extract insights themselves. These users often prefer to have direct access to the data and the ability to analyze it independently, without relying solely on scheduled updates or reports provided at fixed intervals. This has led to the emergence of real-time OLAP solutions, which are particularly relevant in the following use cases:

  • User-facing analytics – Incorporating analytics into products or applications that consumers use to gain insights, sometimes referred to as data products.
  • Business metrics – Providing KPIs, scorecards, and business-relevant benchmarks.
  • Anomaly detection – Identifying outliers or unusual behavior patterns.
  • Internal dashboards – Providing analytics that are relevant to stakeholders across the organization for internal use.
  • Queries – Offering subsets of data to users based on their roles and security levels, allowing them to manipulate data according to their specific requirements.

Overview of Apache Pinot

Building these capabilities in real time means that real-time OLAP solutions have stricter SLAs and larger scalability requirements than traditional OLAP datastores. Accordingly, a purpose-built solution is needed to address these new requirements.

Apache Pinot is an open source real-time distributed OLAP datastore designed to meet these requirements, including low latency (tens of milliseconds), high concurrency (hundreds of thousands of queries per second), near real-time data freshness, and handling petabyte-scale data volumes. It ingests data from both streaming and batch sources and organizes it into logical tables distributed across multiple nodes in a Pinot cluster, ensuring scalability.

Pinot provides functionality similar to other modern big data frameworks, supporting SQL queries, upserts, complex joins, and various indexing options.

Pinot has been tested at very large scale in large enterprises, serving over 70 LinkedIn data products, handling over 120,000 Queries Per Second (QPS), ingesting over 1.5 million events per second, and analyzing over 10,000 business metrics across over 50,000 dimensions. A notable use case is the user-facing Uber Eats Restaurant Manager dashboard, serving over 500,000 users with instant insights into restaurant performance.

Pinot clusters are designed for high availability, horizontal scalability, and live configuration changes without impacting performance. To that end, Pinot is architected as a distributed datastore to enable all of the above requirements, and utilizes similar architectural constructs as Apache Kafka and Apache Hadoop in its design.

Solution overview

In this, we will provide a step-by-step guide showing you how you can build a real-time OLAP datastore on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using Apache Pinot on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and do near real-time visualization using Tableau. You can use Apache Pinot for batch processing use cases as well but, in this post, we will focus on a near real-time analytics use case.

You can use Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink service. The objective in the preceding figure is to ingest streaming data into Pinot, where it can perform.

Blog post architecture

The objective in the preceding figure is to ingest streaming data into Pinot, where it can perform aggregations, update current data models, and serve OLAP queries in real time to consuming users and applications, which in this case is a user-facing Tableau dashboard.

The data flow as follows:

  • Data is ingested from a real-time source, such as clickstream data from a website. For the purposes of this post, we will use the Amazon Kinesis Data Generator to simulate the production of events.
  • Events are captured in a streaming storage platform such as or Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK) for downstream consumption.
  • The events are then ingested into the real-time server within Apache Pinot, which is used to process data coming from streaming sources, such as MSK and KDS. Apache Pinot consists of logical tables, which are partitioned into segments. Due to the time sensitive nature of streaming, events are directly written into memory as consuming segments, which can be thought of as parts of an active table that are continuously ingesting new data. Consuming segments are available for query processing immediately, thereby enabling low latency and high data freshness.
  • After the segments reach a threshold in terms of time or number of rows, they are moved into Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), which serves as deep storage for the Apache Pinot cluster. Deep storage is the permanent location for segment files. Segments used for batch processing are also stored there.
  • In parallel, the Pinot controller tracks the metadata of the cluster and performs actions required to keep the cluster in an ideal state. Its primary function is to orchestrate cluster resources as well as manage connections between resources within the cluster and data sources outside of it. Under the hood, the controller uses Apache Helix to manage cluster state, failover, distribution, and scalability and Apache Zookeeper to handles distributed coordination functions such as leader election, locks, queue management, and state tracking.
  • To enable the distributed aspect of the Pinot architecture, the broker accepts queries from the clients and forwards them to servers and collects the results and sends them back. The broker manages and optimizes the queries, distributes them across the servers, combines the results, and returns the result set. The broker sends the request to the right segments on the right servers, optimizes segment pruning, and splits the queries across servers appropriately. The results of each query are then merged and sent back to the requesting client.
  • The results of the queries are updated in real time in the Tableau dashboard.

To ensure high availability, the solution deploys application load balancers for the brokers and servers. We can access the Apache Pinot UI using the controller load balancer and use it to run queries and monitor the Apache Pinot cluster

Let’s start to deploy this solution and perform near real-time visualizations using Apache Pinot and Tableau.


Before you get started, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

Deploy the Apache Pinot solution using the AWS CDK

The AWS CDK is an open source project that you can use to define your cloud infrastructure using familiar programming languages. It uses high-level constructs to represent AWS components to simplify the build process. In this post, we use TypeScript and Python to define the cloud infrastructure.

  1. First, bootstrap the AWS CDK. This sets up the resources required by the AWS CDK to deploy into the AWS account. This step is only required if you haven’t used the AWS CDK in the deployment account and Region. The format for the bootstrap command is cdk bootstrap aws://<account-id>/<aws-region>.

In the following example, I’m running a bootstrap command for a fictitious AWS account with ID 123456789000 and us-east-1 N.Virginia Region:

cdk bootstrap aws://123456789000/us-east-1

Bootstrap command

  1. Next, clone the GitHub repository and install all the dependencies from package.json by running the following commands from the root of the cloned repository.
    git clonehttps://github.com/aws-samples/near-realtime-apache-pinot-workshop
    cd near-realtime-apache-pinot-workshop
    npm i

  2. Deploy the AWS CDK stack to create the AWS Cloud infrastructure by running the following command and enter y when prompted. Enter the IP address that you want to use to access the Apache Pinot controller and broker in /32 subnet mask format.
    cdk deploy --parameters IpAddress="<YOUR-IP-ADDRESS-IN-/32-SUBNET-MASK-FORMAT>"

Deployment of the AWS CDK stack takes approximately 10–12 minutes. You should see a stack deployment message that will display the creation of AWS objects, followed by the deployment time, the Stack ARN, and the total time, similar to the following screenshot:

CDK deployment screenshot

  1. Now, you can get the Apache Pinot controller Application Load Balancer (ALB) DNS name from the Copy the value for ControllerDNSUrl.
  2. Launch a browser session and paste the DNS name to see the Apache Pinot controller—it should look like the following screenshot, where you will see:
    • Number of controllers, brokers, servers, minions, tenants, and tables
    • List of tenants
    • List of controllers
    • List of brokers

Pinot management console

Near real-time visualization using Tableau

Now that we have provisioned all AWS Cloud resources, we will stream some sample web transactions to a Kinesis data stream and visualize the data in near real time from Tableau Desktop.

You can follow these steps to open the Tableau workbook to visualize

  1. Download the Tableau workbook to your local machine and open the workbook from Tableau Desktop.
  2. Get the DNS name for Apache Pinot broker’s Application Load Balancer DNS name from the CloudFormation console. Choose Stacks, select the ApachePinotSolutionStack, and then choose Outputs and copy the value for BrokerDNSUrl.
  3. Choose Edit connection and enter the URL in the following format:

  4. Enter admin for both the username and password.
  5. Access the KDG tool by following the instructions. Use the record template that follows to send sample web transactions data to Kinesis Data streams called pinot-stream by choosing Send dataas shown in the following screenshot. Stop sending data after sending a handful of records by choosing Stop sending data to Kinesis.
"userID" : "{{random.number(
"productName" : "{{commerce.productName}}",
"color" : "{{commerce.color}}",
"department" : "{{commerce.department}}",
"product" : "{{commerce.product}}",
"campaign" : "{{random.arrayElement(
"price" : {{random.number(
{   "min":10,
"creationTimestamp" : "{{date.now("YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss")}}"

Kinesis Data Generator configuration

You should be able to see the web transactions data in Tableau Desktop as shown in the following screenshot.

Clean up

To clean up the AWS resources you created:

  1. Disable termination protection on the following EC2 instances by going to the Amazon EC2 console and choosing Instance from the navigation pane. Choose Actions, Instance Settings, and then Change termination protection and clear the Termination protection checkbox.
    • ApachePinotSolutionStack/bastionHost
    • ApachePinotSolutionStack/zookeeperNode1
    • ApachePinotSolutionStack/zookeeperNode2
    • ApachePinotSolutionStack/zookeeperNode3
  2. Run the following command from the cloned GitHub repo and enter y when prompted.
    cdk destroy

Scaling the solution to production

The example in this post uses minimal resources to demonstrate functionality. Taking this to production requires a higher level of scalability. The solution provides autoscaling policies for independently scaling brokers and servers in and out, allowing the Apache Pinot custer to scale based on CPU requirements.

When autoscaling is initiated, the solution will invoke an AWS Lambda Function, to run the logic needed to add or remove brokers and servers in Apache Pinot.

In Apache Pinot, tables are tagged with an identifier that’s used for routing queries to the appropriate servers. When creating a table, you can specify a table name and optionally tag it. This is useful when you want to route queries to specific servers or build a multi-tenant Apache Pinot cluster. However, tagging adds additional considerations when removing brokers or servers. You need to make sure that neither have any active tables or tags associated with them. And when adding new components, rebalance the segments, so you can use the new brokers and servers.

Therefore, when scaling is needed in the solution, the autoscaling policy will invoke a Lambda function that either rebalances the segments of the tables when you add a new broker or server, or removes any tags associated with the broker or server you remove from the cluster.


Just like you would commonly use a distributed NoSQL datastore to serve a mobile application that requires low latency, high concurrency, high data freshness, high data volume, and high throughput, a distributed real-time OLAP datastore like Apache Pinot is purpose-built for achieving the same requirements for the analytics workload within your user-facing application. In this post, we walked you through how to deploy a scalable Apache Pinot-based near real-time user facing analytics solution on AWS. If you have any questions or suggestions, write to us in the comments section

About the authors

Raj RamasubbuRaj Ramasubbu is a Senior Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect focused on big data and analytics and AI/ML with Amazon Web Services. He helps customers architect and build highly scalable, performant, and secure cloud-based solutions on AWS. Raj provided technical expertise and leadership in building data engineering, big data analytics, business intelligence, and data science solutions for over 18 years prior to joining AWS. He helped customers in various industry verticals like healthcare, medical devices, life science, retail, asset management, car insurance, residential REIT, agriculture, title insurance, supply chain, document management, and real estate.

Francisco MorilloFrancisco Morillo is a Streaming Solutions Architect at AWS. Francisco works with AWS customers, helping them design real-time analytics architectures using AWS services, supporting Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) and Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink.

Ismail Makhlouf is a Senior Specialist Solutions Architect for Data Analytics at AWS. Ismail focuses on architecting solutions for organizations across their end-to-end data analytics estate, including batch and real-time streaming, big data, data warehousing, and data lake workloads. He primarily partners with airlines, manufacturers, and retail organizations to support them to achieve their business objectives with well-architected data platforms.

AWS Weekly Roundup: Llama 3.1, Mistral Large 2, AWS Step Functions, AWS Certifications update, and more (July 29, 2024)

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-weekly-roundup-llama-3-1-mistral-large-2-aws-step-functions-aws-certifications-update-and-more-july-29-2024/

I’m always amazed by the talent and passion of our Amazon Web Services (AWS) community members, especially in their efforts to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in the tech community.

Last week, I had the honor of speaking at the AWS User Group Women Bay Area meetup, led by Natalie. This group is dedicated to empowering and connecting women, providing a supportive environment to explore cloud computing. In Latin America, we recently had the privilege of supporting 12 women-led AWS User Groups from 10 countries in organizing two regional AWSome Women Community Summits, reaching over 800 women builders. There’s still more work to be done, but initiatives like these highlight the power of community in fostering an inclusive and diverse tech environment.

Women-Led AWS Community Events

Now, let’s turn our attention to other exciting news in the AWS universe from last week.

Last week’s launches
Here are some launches that got my attention:

Meta Llama 3.1 models – The Llama 3.1 models are Meta’s most advanced and capable models to date. The Llama 3.1 models are a collection of 8B, 70B, and 405B parameter size models that demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of industry benchmarks and offer new capabilities for your generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) applications. Llama 3.1 models are now available in Amazon Bedrock (see Announcing Llama 3.1 405B, 70B, and 8B models from Meta in Amazon Bedrock) and Amazon SageMaker JumpStart (see Llama 3.1 models are now available in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart).

My colleagues Tiffany and Mike explored Llama 3.1 in last week’s episode of the weekly Build On Generative AI live stream. You can watch the full episode here!

BuildOn Generative AI Llama 3.1 launch

Mistral Large 2 model – Mistral Large 2 is the newest version of Mistral Large, and according to Mistral AI, it offers significant improvements across multilingual capabilities, math, reasoning, coding, and much more. Mistral AI’s Mistral Large 2 foundation model (FM) is now available in Amazon Bedrock. See Mistral Large 2 is now available in Amazon Bedrock for all the details. You can find code examples in the Mistral-on-AWS repo and the Amazon Bedrock User Guide.

Faster auto scaling for generative AI models – This new capability in Amazon SageMaker inference can help you reduce the time it takes for your generative AI models to scale automatically. You can now use sub-minute metrics and significantly reduce overall scaling latency for generative AI models. With this enhancement, you can improve the responsiveness of your generative AI applications as demand fluctuates. For more details, check out Amazon SageMaker inference launches faster auto scaling for generative AI models.

AWS Step Functions now supports customer managed keys – AWS Step Functions now supports the use of customer managed keys with AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) to encrypt Step Functions state machine and activity resources. This new capability lets you encrypt your workflow definitions and execution data using your own encryption keys. Visit the AWS Step Functions documentation and the AWS KMS documentation to learn more.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS news
Here are some additional news items and posts that you might find interesting:

AWS Certification: Addition of new exam question types – If you are planning to take the AWS Certified AI Practitioner or AWS Certified Machine Learning Engineer – Associate exam anytime soon, check out AWS Certification: Addition of new exam question types. These exams will be the first to include three new question types: ordering, matching, and case study. The post shares insights about the new question types and offers information to help you prepare.

New ordering question type in AWS Certifications

Amazon’s exabyte-scale migration from Apache Spark to Ray on Amazon EC2 – The Business Data Technologies (BDT) team at Amazon Retail has just flipped the switch to start quietly moving management of some of their largest production business intelligence (BI) datasets from Apache Spark over to Ray to help reduce both data processing time and cost. They’ve also contributed a critical component of their work (The Flash Compactor) back to Ray’s open source DeltaCAT project. Find the full story at Amazon’s Exabyte-Scale Migration from Apache Spark to Ray on Amazon EC2.

Running compaction jobs with Ray on Amazon EC2

From community.aws
Here are my top three personal favorites posts from community.aws:

Upcoming AWS events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS SummitsAWS Summits – The 2024 AWS Summit season is almost wrapping up! Join free online and in-person events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Register in your nearest city: Mexico City (August 7), São Paulo (August 15), and Jakarta (September 5).

AWS Community DaysAWS Community Days – Join community-led conferences that feature technical discussions, workshops, and hands-on labs led by expert AWS users and industry leaders from around the world: New Zealand (August 15), Colombia (August 24), New York (August 28), Belfast (September 6), and Bay Area (September 13).

You can browse all upcoming in-person and virtual events.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Weekly Roundup!

— Antje

This post is part of our Weekly Roundup series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Meta Llama 3.1 now available on Workers AI

Post Syndicated from Michelle Chen original https://blog.cloudflare.com/meta-llama-3-1-available-on-workers-ai

At Cloudflare, we’re big supporters of the open-source community – and that extends to our approach for Workers AI models as well. Our strategy for our Cloudflare AI products is to provide a top-notch developer experience and toolkit that can help people build applications with open-source models.

We’re excited to be one of Meta’s launch partners to make their newest Llama 3.1 8B model available to all Workers AI users on Day 1. You can run their latest model by simply swapping out your model ID to @cf/meta/llama-3.1-8b-instruct or test out the model on our Workers AI Playground. Llama 3.1 8B is free to use on Workers AI until the model graduates out of beta.

Meta’s Llama collection of models have consistently shown high-quality performance in areas like general knowledge, steerability, math, tool use, and multilingual translation. Workers AI is excited to continue to distribute and serve the Llama collection of models on our serverless inference platform, powered by our globally distributed GPUs.

The Llama 3.1 model is particularly exciting, as it is released in a higher precision (bfloat16), incorporates function calling, and adds support across 8 languages. Having multilingual support built-in means that you can use Llama 3.1 to write prompts and receive responses directly in languages like English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Thai. Expanding model understanding to more languages means that your applications have a bigger reach across the world, and it’s all possible with just one model.

const answer = await env.AI.run('@cf/meta/llama-3.1-8b-instruct', {
    stream: true,
    messages: [{
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Qu'est-ce que ç'est verlan en français?"

Llama 3.1 also introduces native function calling (also known as tool calls) which allows LLMs to generate structured JSON outputs which can then be fed into different APIs. This means that function calling is supported out-of-the-box, without the need for a fine-tuned variant of Llama that specializes in tool use. Having this capability built-in means that you can use one model across various tasks.

Workers AI recently announced embedded function calling, which is now usable with Meta Llama 3.1 as well. Our embedded function calling gives developers a way to run their inference tasks far more efficiently than traditional architectures, leveraging Cloudflare Workers to reduce the number of requests that need to be made manually. It also makes use of our open-source ai-utils package, which helps you orchestrate the back-and-forth requests for function calling along with other helper methods that can automatically generate tool schemas. Below is an example function call to Llama 3.1 with embedded function calling that then stores key-values in Workers KV.

const response = await runWithTools(env.AI, "@cf/meta/llama-3.1-8b-instruct", {
    messages: [{ role: "user", content: "Greet the user and ask them a question" }],
    tools: [{
        name: "Store in memory",
        description: "Store everything that the user talks about in memory as a key-value pair.",
        parameters: {
            type: "object",
            properties: {
                key: {
                        type: "string",
                        description: "The key to store the value under.",
                value: {
                        type: "string",
                        description: "The value to store.",
			required: ["key", "value"],
        function: async ({ key, value }) => {
                await env.KV.put(key, value);

                return JSON.stringify({
                    success: true,

We’re excited to see what you build with these new capabilities. As always, use of the new model should be conducted with Meta’s Acceptable Use Policy and License in mind. Take a look at our developer documentation to get started!

Embedded function calling in Workers AI: easier, smarter, faster

Post Syndicated from Harley Turan original https://blog.cloudflare.com/embedded-function-calling

Introducing embedded function calling and a new ai-utils package

Today, we’re excited to announce a novel way to do function calling that co-locates LLM inference with function execution, and a new ai-utils package that upgrades the developer experience for function calling.

This is a follow-up to our mid-June announcement for traditional function calling, which allows you to leverage a Large Language Model (LLM) to intelligently generate structured outputs and pass them to an API call. Function calling has been largely adopted and standardized in the industry as a way for AI models to help perform actions on behalf of a user.

Our goal is to make building with AI as easy as possible, which is why we’re introducing a new @cloudflare/ai-utils npm package that allows developers to get started quickly with embedded function calling. These helper tools drastically simplify your workflow by actually executing your function code and dynamically generating tools from OpenAPI specs. We’ve also open-sourced our ai-utils package, which you can find on GitHub. With both embedded function calling and our ai-utils, you’re one step closer to creating intelligent AI agents, and from there, the possibilities are endless.

Why Cloudflare’s AI platform?

OpenAI has been the gold standard when it comes to having performant model inference and a great developer experience. However, they mostly support their closed-source models, while we want to also promote the open-source ecosystem of models. One of our goals with Workers AI is to match the developer experience you might get from OpenAI, but with open-source models.

There are other open-source inference providers out there like Azure or Bedrock, but most of them are focused on serving inference and the underlying infrastructure, rather than being a developer toolkit. While there are external libraries and frameworks like AI SDK that help developers build quickly with simple abstractions, they rely on upstream providers to do the actual inference. With Workers AI, it’s the best of both worlds – we offer open-source model inference and a killer developer experience out of the box.

With the release of embedded function calling and ai-utils today, we’ve advanced how we do inference for function calling and improved the developer experience by making it dead simple for developers to start building AI experiences.

How does traditional function calling work?

Traditional LLM function calling allows customers to specify a set of function names and required arguments along with a prompt when running inference on an LLM. The LLM returns the names and arguments for the functions that the customer can then make to perform actions. These actions give LLMs the ability to do things like fetch fresh data not present in the training dataset and “perform actions” based on user intent.

Traditional function calling requires multiple back-and-forth requests passing through the network in order to get to the final output. This includes requests to your origin server, an inference provider, and external APIs. As a developer, you have to orchestrate all the back-and-forths and handle all the requests and responses. If you were building complex agents with multi-tool calls or recursive tool calls, it gets infinitely harder. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be the case, and we’ve solved it for you.

Embedded function calling

With Workers AI, our inference runtime is the Workers platform, and the Workers platform can be seen as a global compute network of distributed functions (RPCs). With this model, we can run inference using Workers AI, and supply not only the function names and arguments, but also the runtime function code to be executed. Rather than performing multiple round-trips across networks, the LLM inference and function can run in the same execution environment, cutting out all the unnecessary requests.

Cloudflare is one of the few inference providers that is able to do this because we offer more than just inference – our developer platform has compute, storage, inference, and more, all within the same Workers runtime.

We made it easy for you with a new ai-utils package

And to make it as simple as possible, we created a @cloudflare/ai-utils package that you can use to get started. These powerful abstractions cut down on the logic you have to implement to do function calling – it just works out of the box.


runWithTools is our method that you use to do embedded function calling. You pass in your AI binding (env.AI), model, prompt messages, and tools. The tools array includes the description of the function, similar to traditional function calling, but you also pass in the function code that needs to be executed. This method makes the inference calls and executes the function code in one single step. runWithTools is also able to handle multiple function calls, recursive tool calls, validation for model responses, streaming for the final response, and other features.

Another feature to call out is a helper method called autoTrimTools that automatically selects the relevant tools and trims the tools array based on the names and descriptions. We do this by adding an initial LLM inference call to intelligently trim the tools array before the actual function-calling inference call is made. We found that autoTrimTools helped decrease the number of total tokens used in the entire process (especially when there’s a large number of tools provided) because there’s significantly fewer input tokens used when generating the arguments list. You can choose to use autoTrimTools by setting it as a parameter in the runWithTools method.

const response = await runWithTools(env.AI,"@hf/nousresearch/hermes-2-pro-mistral-7b",
    messages: [{ role: "user", content: "What's the weather in Austin, Texas?"}],
    tools: [
        name: "getWeather",
        description: "Return the weather for a latitude and longitude",
        parameters: {
          type: "object",
          properties: {
            latitude: {
              type: "string",
              description: "The latitude for the given location"
            longitude: {
              type: "string",
              description: "The longitude for the given location"
          required: ["latitude", "longitude"]
	 // function code to be executed after tool call
        function: async ({ latitude, longitude }) => {
          const url = `https://api.weatherapi.com/v1/current.json?key=${env.WEATHERAPI_TOKEN}&q=${latitude},${longitude}`
          const res = await fetch(url).then((res) => res.json())

          return JSON.stringify(res)
    streamFinalResponse: true,
    maxRecursiveToolRuns: 5,
    trimFunction: autoTrimTools,
    verbose: true,
    strictValidation: true


For many use cases, users will need to make a request to an external API call during function calling to get the output needed. Instead of having to hardcode the exact API endpoints in your tools array, we made a helper function that takes in an OpenAPI spec and dynamically generates the corresponding tool schemas and API endpoints you’ll need for the function call. You call createToolsFromOpenAPISpec from within runWithTools and it’ll dynamically populate everything for you.

const response = await runWithTools(env.AI, "@hf/nousresearch/hermes-2-pro-mistral-7b", {
  messages: [{ role: "user",content: "Can you name me 5 repos created by Cloudflare"}],
  tools: [
    ...(await createToolsFromOpenAPISpec(  "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/rest-api-description/main/descriptions-next/api.github.com/api.github.com.json"

Putting it all together

When you make a function calling inference request with runWithTools and createToolsFromOpenAPISpec, the only thing you need is the prompts – the rest is automatically handled. The LLM will choose the correct tool based on the prompt, the runtime will execute the function needed, and you’ll get a fast, intelligent response from the model. By leveraging our Workers runtime’s bindings and RPC calls along with our global network, we can execute everything from a single location close to the user, enabling developers to easily write complex agentic chains with fewer lines of code.

We’re super excited to help people build intelligent AI systems with our new embedded function calling and powerful tools. Check out our developer docs on how to get started, and let us know what you think on Discord.

Announcing the general availability of fully managed MLflow on Amazon SageMaker

Post Syndicated from Veliswa Boya original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/manage-ml-and-generative-ai-experiments-using-amazon-sagemaker-with-mlflow/

Today, we are thrilled to announce the general availability of a fully managed MLflow capability on Amazon SageMaker. MLflow, a widely-used open-source tool, plays a crucial role in helping machine learning (ML) teams manage the entire ML lifecycle. With this new launch, customers can now effortlessly set up and manage MLflow Tracking Servers with just a few steps, streamlining the process and boosting productivity.

Data Scientists and ML developers can leverage MLflow to track multiple attempts at training models as runs within experiments, compare these runs with visualizations, evaluate models, and register the best models to a Model Registry. Amazon SageMaker eliminates the undifferentiated heavy lifting required to set up and manage MLflow, providing ML administrators with a quick and efficient way to establish secure and scalable MLflow environments on AWS.

Core components of managed MLflow on SageMaker

The fully managed MLflow capability on SageMaker is built around three core components:

  • MLflow Tracking Server – With just a few steps, you can create an MLflow Tracking Server through the SageMaker Studio UI. This stand-alone HTTP server serves multiple REST API endpoints for tracking runs and experiments, enabling you to begin monitoring your ML experiments efficiently. For more granular security customization, you can also use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).
  • MLflow backend metadata store – The metadata store is a critical part of the MLflow Tracking Server, where all metadata related to experiments, runs, and artifacts is persisted. This includes experiment names, run IDs, parameter values, metrics, tags, and artifact locations, ensuring comprehensive tracking and management of your ML experiments.
  • MLflow artifact store – This component provides a storage location for all artifacts generated during ML experiments, such as trained models, datasets, logs, and plots. Utilizing an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, it offers a customer-managed AWS account for storing these artifacts securely and efficiently.

Benefits of Amazon SageMaker with MLflow

Using Amazon SageMaker with MLflow can streamline and enhance your machine learning workflows:

  • Comprehensive Experiment Tracking: Track experiments in MLflow across local integrated development environments (IDEs), managed IDEs in SageMaker Studio, SageMaker training jobs, SageMaker processing jobs, and SageMaker Pipelines.
  • Full MLflow Capabilities: Use all MLflow experimentation capabilities such as MLflow Tracking, MLflow Evaluations, and MLflow Model Registry, are available to easily compare and evaluate the results of training iterations.
  • Unified Model Governance: Models registered in MLflow automatically appear in the SageMaker Model Registry, offering a unified model governance experience that helps you deploy MLflow models to SageMaker inference without building custom containers.
  • Efficient Server Management: Provision, remove, and upgrade MLflow Tracking Servers as desired using SageMaker APIs or the SageMaker Studio UI. SageMaker manages the scaling, patching, and ongoing maintenance of your tracking servers, without customers needing to manage the underlying infrastructure.
  • Enhanced Security: Secure access to MLflow Tracking Servers using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). Write IAM policies to grant or deny access to specific MLflow APIs, ensuring robust security for your ML environments.
  • Effective Monitoring and Governance: Monitor the activity on an MLflow Tracking Server using Amazon EventBridge and AWS CloudTrail to support effective governance of their Tracking Servers.

MLflow Tracking Server prerequisites (environment setup)

  1. Create a SageMaker Studio domain
    You can create a SageMaker Studio domain using the new SageMaker Studio experience.
  2. Configure the IAM execution role
    The MLflow Tracking Server needs an IAM execution role to read and write artifacts to Amazon S3 and register models in SageMaker. You can use the Studio domain execution role as the Tracking Server execution role or you can create a separate role for the Tracking Server execution role. If you choose to create a new role for this, refer to the SageMaker Developer Guide for more details on the IAM role. If you choose to update the Studio domain execution role, refer to the SageMaker Developer Guide for details on what IAM policy the role needs.

Create the MLflow Tracking Server
In the walkthrough, I use the default settings for creating an MLflow Tracking Server, which include the Tracking Server version (2.13.2), the Tracking Server size (Small), and the Tracking Server execution role (Studio domain execution role). The Tracking Server size determines how much usage a Tracking Server will support, and we recommend using a Small Tracking Server for teams of up to 25 users. For more details on Tracking Server configurations, read the SageMaker Developer Guide.

To get started, in your SageMaker Studio domain created during your environment set up detailed earlier, select MLflow under Applications and choose Create.

Next, provide a Name and Artifact storage location (S3 URI) for the Tracking Server.

Creating an MLflow Tracking Server can take up to 25 minutes.

Track and compare training runs
To get started with logging metrics, parameters, and artifacts to MLflow, you need a Jupyter Notebook and your Tracking Server ARN that was assigned during the creation step. You can use the MLflow SDK to keep track of training runs and compare them using the MLflow UI.

To register models from MLflow Model Registry to SageMaker Model Registry, you need the sagemaker-mlflow plugin to authenticate all MLflow API requests made by the MLflow SDK using AWS Signature V4.

  1. Install the MLflow SDK and sagemaker-mlflow plugin
    In your notebook, first install the MLflow SDK and sagemaker-mlflow Python plugin.
    pip install mlflow==2.13.2 sagemaker-mlflow==0.1.0
  2. Track a run in an experiment
    To track a run in an experiment, copy the following code into your Jupyter notebook.

    import mlflow
    import mlflow.sklearn
    from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
    from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
    from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
    from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score
    # Replace this with the ARN of the Tracking Server you just created
    # Load the Iris dataset
    iris = load_iris()
    X, y = iris.data, iris.target
    # Split the data into training and testing sets
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
    # Train a Random Forest classifier
    rf_model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=42)
    rf_model.fit(X_train, y_train)
    # Make predictions on the test set
    y_pred = rf_model.predict(X_test)
    # Calculate evaluation metrics
    accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
    precision = precision_score(y_test, y_pred, average='weighted')
    recall = recall_score(y_test, y_pred, average='weighted')
    f1 = f1_score(y_test, y_pred, average='weighted')
    # Start an MLflow run
    with mlflow.start_run():
    # Log the model
    mlflow.sklearn.log_model(rf_model, "random_forest_model")
    # Log the evaluation metrics
    mlflow.log_metric("accuracy", accuracy)
    mlflow.log_metric("precision", precision)
    mlflow.log_metric("recall", recall)
    mlflow.log_metric("f1_score", f1)
  3. View your run in the MLflow UI
    Once you run the notebook shown in Step 2, you will see a new run in the MLflow UI.
  4. Compare runs
    You can run this notebook multiple times by changing the random_state to generate different metric values for each training run.

Register candidate models
Once you’ve compared the multiple runs as detailed in Step 4, you can register the model whose metrics best meet your requirements in the MLflow Model Registry. Registering a model indicates potential suitability for production deployment and there will be further testing to validate this suitability. Once a model is registered in MLflow it automatically appears in the SageMaker Model Registry for a unified model governance experience so you can deploy MLflow models to SageMaker inference. This enables data scientists who primarily use MLflow for experimentation to hand off their models to ML engineers who govern and manage production deployments of models using the SageMaker Model Registry.

Here is the model registered in the MLflow Model Registry.

Here is the model registered in the SageMaker Model Registry.

Clean up
Once created, an MLflow Tracking Server will incur costs until you delete or stop it. Billing for Tracking Servers is based on the duration the servers have been running, the size selected, and the amount of data logged to the Tracking Servers. You can stop Tracking Servers when they are not in use to save costs or delete them using API or the SageMaker Studio UI. For more details on pricing, see the Amazon SageMaker pricing.

Now available
SageMaker with MLflow is generally available in all AWS Regions where SageMaker Studio is available, except China and US GovCloud Regions. We invite you to explore this new capability and experience the enhanced efficiency and control it brings to your machine learning projects. To learn more, visit the SageMaker with MLflow product detail page.

For more information, visit the SageMaker Developer Guide and send feedback to AWS re:Post for SageMaker or through your usual AWS support contacts.


How Cloudinary transformed their petabyte scale streaming data lake with Apache Iceberg and AWS Analytics

Post Syndicated from Yonatan Dolan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-cloudinary-transformed-their-petabyte-scale-streaming-data-lake-with-apache-iceberg-and-aws-analytics/

This post is co-written with Amit Gilad, Alex Dickman and Itay Takersman from Cloudinary. 

Enterprises and organizations across the globe want to harness the power of data to make better decisions by putting data at the center of every decision-making process. Data-driven decisions lead to more effective responses to unexpected events, increase innovation and allow organizations to create better experiences for their customers. However, throughout history, data services have held dominion over their customers’ data. Despite the potential separation of storage and compute in terms of architecture, they are often effectively fused together. This amalgamation empowers vendors with authority over a diverse range of workloads by virtue of owning the data. This authority extends across realms such as business intelligence, data engineering, and machine learning thus limiting the tools and capabilities that can be used.

The landscape of data technology is swiftly advancing, driven frequently by projects led by the open source community in general and the Apache foundation specifically. This evolving open source landscape allows customers complete control over data storage, processing engines and permissions expanding the array of available options significantly. This approach also encourages vendors to compete based on the value they provide to businesses, rather than relying on potential fusing of storage and compute. This fosters a competitive environment that prioritizes customer acquisition and prompts vendors to differentiate themselves through unique features and offerings that cater directly to the specific needs and preferences of their clientele.

A modern data strategy redefines and enables sharing data across the enterprise and allows for both reading and writing of a singular instance of the data using an open table format. The open table format accelerates companies’ adoption of a modern data strategy because it allows them to use various tools on top of a single copy of the data.

Cloudinary is a cloud-based media management platform that provides a comprehensive set of tools and services for managing, optimizing, and delivering images, videos, and other media assets on websites and mobile applications. It’s widely used by developers, content creators, and businesses to streamline their media workflows, enhance user experiences, and optimize content delivery.

In this blog post, we dive into different data aspects and how Cloudinary breaks the two concerns of vendor locking and cost efficient data analytics by using Apache Iceberg, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Athena, Amazon EMR, and AWS Glue.

Short overview of Cloudinary’s infrastructure

Cloudinary infrastructure handles over 20 billion requests daily with every request generating event logs. Various data pipelines process these logs, storing petabytes (PBs) of data per month, which after processing data stored on Amazon S3, are then stored in Snowflake Data Cloud. These datasets serve as a critical resource for Cloudinary internal teams and data science groups to allow detailed analytics and advanced use cases.

Until recently, this data was mostly prepared by automated processes and aggregated into results tables, used by only a few internal teams. Cloudinary struggled to use this data for additional teams who had more online, real time, lower-granularity, dynamic usage requirements. Making petabytes of data accessible for ad-hoc reports became a challenge as query time increased and costs skyrocketed along with growing compute resource requirements. Cloudinary data retention for the specific analytical data discussed in this post was defined as 30 days. However, new use cases drove the need for increased retention, which would have led to significantly higher cost.

The data is flowing from Cloudinary log providers into files written into Amazon S3 and notified through events pushed to Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS). Those SQS events are ingested by a Spark application running in Amazon EMR Spark, which parses and enriches the data. The processed logs are written in Apache Parquet format back to Amazon S3 and then automatically loaded to a Snowflake table using Snowpipe.

Why Cloudinary chose Apache Iceberg

Apache Iceberg is a high-performance table format for huge analytic workloads. Apache Iceberg brings the reliability and simplicity of SQL tables to big data, while making it possible for processing engines such as Apache Spark, Trino, Apache Flink, Presto, Apache Hive, and Impala to safely work with the same tables at the same time.

A solution based on Apache Iceberg encompasses complete data management, featuring simple built-in table optimization capabilities within an existing storage solution. These capabilities, along with the ability to use multiple engines on top of a singular instance of data, helps avoid the need for data movement between various solutions.

While exploring the various controls and options in configuring Apache Iceberg, Cloudinary had to adapt its data to use AWS Glue Data Catalog, as well as move a significant volume of data to Apache Iceberg on Amazon S3. At this point it became clear that costs would be significantly reduced, and while it had been a key factor since the planning phase, it was now possible to get concrete numbers. One example is that Cloudinary was now able to store 6 months of data for the same storage price that was previously paid for storing 1 month of data. This cost saving was achieved by using Amazon S3 storage tiers as well as improved compression (Zstandard), further enhanced by the fact that Parquet files were sorted.

Since Apache Iceberg is well supported by AWS data services and Cloudinary was already using Spark on Amazon EMR, they could integrate writing to Data Catalog and start an additional Spark cluster to handle data maintenance and compaction. As exploration continued with Apache Iceberg, some interesting performance metrics were found. For example, for certain queries, Athena runtime was 2x–4x faster than Snowflake.

Integration of Apache Iceberg

The integration of Apache Iceberg was done before loading data to Snowflake. The data is written to an Iceberg table using Apache Parquet data format and AWS Glue as the data catalog. In addition, a Spark application on Amazon EMR runs in the background handling compaction of the Parquet files to optimal size for querying through various tools such as Athena, Trino running on top of EMR, and Snowflake.

Challenges faced

Cloudinary faced several challenges while building its petabyte-scale data lake, including:

  • Determining optimal table partitioning
  • Optimizing ingestion
  • Solving the small files problem to improve query performance
  • Cost effectively maintaining Apache Iceberg tables
  • Choosing the right query engine

In this section, we describe each of these challenges and the solutions implemented to address them. Many of the tests to check performance and volumes of data scanned have used Athena because it provides a simple to use, fully serverless, cost effective, interface without the need to setup infrastructure.

Determining optimal table partitioning

Apache Iceberg makes partitioning easier for the user by implementing hidden partitioning. Rather than forcing the user to supply a separate partition filter at query time, Iceberg tables can be configured to map regular columns to the partition keys. Users don’t need to maintain partition columns or even understand the physical table layout to get fast and accurate query results.

Iceberg has several partitioning options. One example is when partitioning timestamps, which can be done by year, month, day, and hour. Iceberg keeps track of the relationship between a column value and its partition without requiring additional columns. Iceberg can also partition categorical column values by identity, hash buckets, or truncation. In addition, Iceberg partitioning is user-friendly because it also allows partition layouts to evolve over time without breaking pre-written queries. For example, when using daily partitions and the query pattern changes over time to be based on hours, it’s possible to evolve the partitions to hourly ones, thus making queries more efficient. When evolving such a partition definition, the data in the table prior to the change is unaffected, as is its metadata. Only data that is written to the table after the evolution is partitioned with the new definition, and the metadata for this new set of data is kept separately. When querying, each partition layout’s respective metadata is used to identify the files that need to be accessed; this is called split-planning. Split-planning is one of many Iceberg features that are made possible due to the table metadata, which creates a separation between the physical and the logical storage. This concept makes Iceberg extremely versatile.

Determining the correct partitioning is key when working with large data sets because it affects query performance and the amount of data being scanned. Because this migration was from existing tables from Snowflake native storage to Iceberg, it was crucial to test and provide a solution with the same or better performance for the existing workload and types of queries.

These tests were possible due to Apache Iceberg’s:

  1. Hidden partitions
  2. Partition transformations
  3. Partition evolution

These allowed altering table partitions and testing which strategy works best without data rewrite.

Here are a few partitioning strategies that were tested:

  1. PARTITIONED BY (days(day), customer_id)
  2. PARTITIONED BY (days(day), hour(timestamp))
  3. PARTITIONED BY (days(day), bucket(N, customer_id))
  4. PARTITIONED BY (days(day))

Each partitioning strategy that was reviewed generated significantly different results both during writing as well as during query time. After careful results analysis, Cloudinary decided to partition the data by day and combine it with sorting, which allows them to sort data within partitions as would be elaborated in the compaction section.

Optimizing ingestion

Cloudinary receives billions of events in files from its providers in various formats and sizes and stores those on Amazon S3, resulting in terabytes of data processed and stored every day.

Because the data doesn’t come in a consistent manner and it’s not possible to predict the incoming rate and file size of the data, it was necessary to find a way of keeping cost down while maintaining high throughput.

This was achieved by using EventBridge to push each file received into Amazon SQS, where it was processed using Spark running on Amazon EMR in batches. This allowed processing the incoming data at high throughput and scale clusters according to queue size while keeping costs down.

Example of fetching 100 messages (files) from Amazon SQS with Spark:

var client = AmazonSQSClientBuilder.standard().withRegion("us-east-1").build()
var getMessageBatch: Iterable[Message] = DistributedSQSReceiver.client.receiveMessage(new ReceiveMessageRequest().withQueueUrl(queueUrl).withMaxNumberOfMessages(10)).getMessages.asScala
sparkSession.sparkContext.parallelize(10) .map(_ => getMessageBatch) .collect().flatMap(_.toList) .toList

When dealing with a high data ingestion rate for a specific partition prefix, Amazon S3 might potentially throttle requests and return a 503 status code (service unavailable). To address this scenario, Cloudinary used an Iceberg table property called write.object-storage.enabled, which incorporates a hash prefix into the stored Amazon S3 object path. This approach was deemed efficient and effectively mitigated Amazon S3 throttling problems.

Solving the small file problem and improving query performance

In modern data architectures, stream processing engines such as Amazon EMR are often used to ingest continuous streams of data into data lakes using Apache Iceberg. Streaming ingestion to Iceberg tables can suffer from two problems:

  • It generates many small files that lead to longer query planning, which in turn can impact read performance.
  • Poor data clustering, which can make file pruning less effective. This typically occurs in the streaming process when there is insufficient new data to generate optimal file sizes for reading, such as 512 MB.

Because partition is a key factor in the number of files produced and Cloudinary’s data is time based and most queries use a time filter, it was decided to address the optimization of our data lake in multiple ways.

First, Cloudinary set all the necessary configurations that helped reduce the number of files while appending data in the table by setting write.target-file-size-bytes, which allows defining the default target file size. Setting spark.sql.shuffle.partitions in Spark can reduce the number of output files by controlling the number of partitions used during shuffle operations, which affects how data is distributed across tasks, consequently minimizing the number of output files generated after transformations or aggregations.

Because the above approach only addressed the small file problem but didn’t eliminate it entirely, Cloudinary used another capability of Apache Iceberg that can compact data files in parallel using Spark with the rewriteDataFiles action. This action combines small files into larger files to reduce metadata overhead and minimize the amount of Amazon S3 GetObject API operation usage.

Here is where it can get complicated. When running compaction, Cloudinary needed to choose which strategy to apply out of the three that Apache Iceberg offers; each one having its own advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Binpack – simply rewrites smaller files to a target size
  2. Sort – data sorting based on different columns
  3. Z-order – a technique to colocate related data in the same set of files

At first, the Binpack compaction strategy was evaluated. This strategy works fastest and combines small files together to reach the target file size defined and after running it a significant improvement in query performance was observed.

As mentioned previously, data was partitioned by day and most queries ran on a specific time range. Because data comes from external vendors and sometimes arrives late, it was noticed that when running queries on compacted days, a lot of data was being scanned, because the specific time range could reside across many files. The query engine (Athena, Snowflake, and Trino with Amazon EMR) needed to scan the entire partition to fetch only the relevant rows.

To increase query performance even further, Cloudinary decided to change the compaction process to use sort, so now data is partitioned by day and sorted by requested_at (timestamp when the action occurred) and customer ID.

This strategy is costlier for compaction because it needs to shuffle the data in order to sort it. However, after adopting this sort strategy, two things were noticeable: the same queries that ran before now scanned around 50 percent less data, and query run time was improved by 30 percent to 50 percent.

Cost effectively maintaining Apache Iceberg tables

Maintaining Apache Iceberg tables is crucial for optimizing performance, reducing storage costs, and ensuring data integrity. Iceberg provides several maintenance operations to keep your tables in good shape. By incorporating these operations Cloudinary were able to cost-effectively manage their Iceberg tables.

Expire snapshots

Each write to an Iceberg table creates a new snapshot, or version, of a table. Snapshots can be used for time-travel queries, or the table can be rolled back to any valid snapshot.

Regularly expiring snapshots is recommended to delete data files that are no longer needed and to keep the size of table metadata small. Cloudinary decided to retain snapshots for up to 7 days to allow easier troubleshooting and handling of corrupted data which sometimes arrives from external sources and aren’t identified upon arrival. SparkActions.get().expireSnapshots(iceTable).expireOlderThan(TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(7)).execute()

Remove old metadata files

Iceberg keeps track of table metadata using JSON files. Each change to a table produces a new metadata file to provide atomicity.

Old metadata files are kept for history by default. Tables with frequent commits, like those written by streaming jobs, might need to regularly clean metadata files.

Configuring the following properties will make sure that only the latest ten metadata files are kept and anything older is deleted.


Delete orphan files

In Spark and other distributed processing engines, when tasks or jobs fail, they might leave behind files that aren’t accounted for in the table metadata. Moreover, in certain instances, the standard snapshot expiration process might fail to identify files that are no longer necessary and not delete them.

Apache Iceberg offers a deleteOrphanFiles action that will take care of unreferenced files. This action might take a long time to complete if there are a large number of files in the data and metadata directories. A metadata or data file is considered orphan if it isn’t reachable by any valid snapshot. The set of actual files is built by listing the underlying storage using the Amazon S3 ListObjects operation, which makes this operation expensive. It’s recommended to run this operation periodically to avoid increased storage usage; however, too frequent runs can potentially offset this cost benefit.

A good example of how critical it is to run this procedure is to look at the following diagram, which shows how this procedure removed 112 TB of storage.

Rewriting manifest files

Apache Iceberg uses metadata in its manifest list and manifest files to speed up query planning and to prune unnecessary data files. Manifests in the metadata tree are automatically compacted in the order that they’re added, which makes queries faster when the write pattern aligns with read filters.

If a table’s write pattern doesn’t align with the query read filter pattern, metadata can be rewritten to re-group data files into manifests using rewriteManifests.

While Cloudinary already had a compaction process that optimized data files, they noticed that manifest files also required optimization. It turned out that in certain cases, Cloudinary reached over 300 manifest files—which were small, often under 8Mb in size—and due to late arriving data, manifest files were pointing to data in different partitions. This caused query planning to run for 12 seconds for each query.

Cloudinary initiated a separate scheduled process of rewriteManifests, and after it ran, the number of manifest files was reduced to approximately 170 files and as a result of more alignment between manifests and query filters (based on partitions), query planning was improved by three times to approximately 4 seconds.

Choosing the right query engine

As part of Cloudinary exploration aimed at testing various query engines, they initially outlined several key performance indicators (KPIs) to guide their search, including support for Apache Iceberg alongside integration with existing data sources such as MySQL and Snowflake, the availability of a web interface for effortless one-time queries, and cost optimization. In line with these criteria, they opted to evaluate various solutions including Trino on Amazon EMR, Athena, and Snowflake with Apache Iceberg support (at that time it was available as a Private Preview). This approach allowed for the assessment of each solution against defined KPIs, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of their capabilities and suitability for Cloudinary’s requirements.

Two of the more quantifiable KPIs that Cloudinary was planning to evaluate were cost and performance. Cloudinary realized early in the process that different queries and usage types can potentially benefit from different runtime engines. They decided to focus on four runtime engines.

Engine Details
Snowflake native XL data warehouse on top of data stored within Snowflake
Snowflake with Apache Iceberg support XL data warehouse on top of data stored in S3 in Apache Iceberg tables
Athena On-demand mode
Amazon EMR Trino Opensource Trino on top of eight nodes (m6g.12xl) cluster

The test included four types of queries that represent different production workloads that Cloudinary is running. They’re ordered by size and complexity from the simplest one to the most heavy and complex.

Query Description Data scanned Returned results set
Q1 Multi-day aggregation on a single tenant Single digit GBs <10 rows
Q2 Single-day aggregation by tenant across multiple tenant Dozens of GBs 100 thousand rows
Q3 Multi-day aggregation across multiple tenants Hundreds of GBs <10 rows
Q4 Heavy series of aggregations and transformations on a multi-tenant dataset to derive access metrics Single digit TBs >1 billion rows

The following graphs show the cost and performance of the four engines across the different queries. To avoid chart scaling issues, all costs and query durations were normalized based on Trino running on Amazon EMR. Cloudinary considered Query 4 to be less suitable for Athena because it involved processing and transforming extremely large volumes of complex data.

Some important aspects to consider are:

  • Cost for EMR running Trino was derived based on query duration only, without considering cluster set up, which on average launches in just under 5 minutes.
  • Cost for Snowflake (both options) was derived based on query duration only, without considering cold start (more than 10 seconds on average) and a Snowflake warehouse minimum charge of 1 minute.
  • Cost for Athena was based on the amount of data scanned; Athena doesn’t require cluster set up and the query queue time is less than 1 second.
  • All costs are based on list on-demand (OD) prices.
  • Snowflake prices are based on Standard edition.

The above chart shows that, from a cost perspective, Amazon EMR running Trino on top of Apache Iceberg tables was superior to other engines, in certain cases up to ten times less expensive. However, Amazon EMR setup requires additional expertise and skills compared to the no-code, no infrastructure management offered by Snowflake and Athena.

In terms of query duration, it’s noticeable that there’s no clear engine of choice for all types of queries. In fact, Amazon EMR, which was the most cost-effective option, was only fastest in two out of the four query types. Another interesting point is that Snowflake’s performance on top of Apache Iceberg is almost on-par with data stored within Snowflake, which adds another great option for querying their Apache Iceberg data-lake. The following table shows the cost and time for each query and product.

. Amazon EMR Trino Snowflake (XL) Snowflake (XL) Iceberg Athena
Query1 $0.01
5 seconds
8 seconds
8 seconds
11 seconds
Query2 $0.12
107 seconds
28 seconds
39 seconds
94 seconds
Query3 $0.17
147 seconds
120 seconds
211 seconds
26 seconds
Query4 $6.43
1,237 seconds
1,324 seconds
1,430 seconds

Benchmarking conclusions

While every solution presents its own set of advantages and drawbacks—whether in terms of pricing, scalability, optimizing for Apache Iceberg, or the contrast between open source versus closed source—the beauty lies in not being constrained to a single choice. Embracing Apache Iceberg frees you from relying solely on a single solution. In certain scenarios where queries must be run frequently while scanning up to hundreds of gigabytes of data with an aim to evade warm-up periods and keep costs down, Athena emerged as the best choice. Conversely, when tackling hefty aggregations that demanded significant memory allocation while being mindful of cost, the preference leaned towards using Trino on Amazon EMR. Amazon EMR was significantly more cost efficient when running longer queries, because boot time cost could be discarded. Snowflake stood out as a great option when queries could be joined with other tables already residing within Snowflake. This flexibility allowed harnessing the strengths of each service, strategically applying them to suit the specific needs of various tasks without being confined to a singular solution.

In essence, the true power lies in the ability to tailor solutions to diverse requirements, using the strengths of different environments to optimize performance, cost, and efficiency.


Data lakes built on Amazon S3 and analytics services such as Amazon EMR and Amazon Athena, along with the open source Apache Iceberg framework, provide a scalable, cost-effective foundation for modern data architectures. It enables organizations to quickly construct robust, high-performance data lakes that support ACID transactions and analytics workloads. This combination is the most refined way to have an enterprise-grade open data environment. The availability of managed services and open source software helps companies to implement data lakes that meet their needs.

Since building a data lake solution on top of Apache Iceberg, Cloudinary has seen major enhancements. The data lake infrastructure enables Cloudinary to extend their data retention by six times while lowering the cost of storage by over 25 percent. Furthermore, query costs dropped by more than 25–40 percent thanks to the efficient querying capabilities of Apache Iceberg and the query optimizations provided in the Athena version 3, which is now based on Trino as its engine. The ability to retain data for longer as well as providing it to various stakeholders while reducing cost is a key component in allowing Cloudinary to be more data driven in their operation and decision-making processes.

Using a transactional data lake architecture that uses Amazon S3, Apache Iceberg, and AWS Analytics services can greatly enhance an organization’s data infrastructure. This allows for sophisticated analytics and machine learning, fueling innovation while keeping costs down and allowing the use of a plethora of tools and services without limits.

About the Authors

Yonatan Dolan is a Principal Analytics Specialist at Amazon Web Services. He is located in Israel and helps customers harness AWS analytical services to leverage data, gain insights, and derive value. Yonatan is an Apache Iceberg evangelist.

Amit Gilad is a Senior Data Engineer on the Data Infrastructure team at Cloudinar. He is currently leading the strategic transition from traditional data warehouses to a modern data lakehouse architecture, utilizing Apache Iceberg to enhance scalability and flexibility.

Alex Dickman is a Staff Data Engineer on the Data Infrastructure team at Cloudinary. He focuses on engaging with various internal teams to consolidate the team’s data infrastructure and create new opportunities for data applications, ensuring robust and scalable data solutions for Cloudinary’s diverse requirements.

Itay Takersman is a Senior Data Engineer at Cloudinary data infrastructure team. Focused on building resilient data flows and aggregation pipelines to support Cloudinary’s data requirements.

AWS Weekly Roundup – LlamaIndex support for Amazon Neptune, force AWS CloudFormation stack deletion, and more (May 27, 2024)

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-weekly-roundup-llamaindex-support-for-amazon-neptune-force-aws-cloudformation-stack-deletion-and-more-may-27-2024/

Last week, Dr. Matt Wood, VP for AI Products at Amazon Web Services (AWS), delivered the keynote at the AWS Summit Los Angeles. Matt and guest speakers shared the latest advancements in generative artificial intelligence (generative AI), developer tooling, and foundational infrastructure, showcasing how they come together to change what’s possible for builders. You can watch the full keynote on YouTube.

AWS Summit LA 2024 keynote

Announcements during the LA Summit included two new Amazon Q courses as part of Amazon’s AI Ready initiative to provide free AI skills training to 2 million people globally by 2025. The courses are part of the Amazon Q learning plan. But that’s not all that happened last week.

Last week’s launches
Here are some launches that got my attention:

LlamaIndex support for Amazon Neptune — You can now build Graph Retrieval Augmented Generation (GraphRAG) applications by combining knowledge graphs stored in Amazon Neptune and LlamaIndex, a popular open source framework for building applications with large language models (LLMs) such as those available in Amazon Bedrock. To learn more, check the LlamaIndex documentation for Amazon Neptune Graph Store.

AWS CloudFormation launches a new parameter called DeletionMode for the DeleteStack API — You can use the AWS CloudFormation DeleteStack API to delete your stacks and stack resources. However, certain stack resources can prevent the DeleteStack API from successfully completing, for example, when you attempt to delete non-empty Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets. The DeleteStack API can enter into the DELETE_FAILED state in such scenarios. With this launch, you can now pass FORCE_DELETE_STACK value to the new DeletionMode parameter and delete such stacks. To learn more, check the DeleteStack API documentation.

Mistral Small now available in Amazon Bedrock — The Mistral Small foundation model (FM) from Mistral AI is now generally available in Amazon Bedrock. This a fast-follow to our recent announcements of Mistral 7B and Mixtral 8x7B in March, and Mistral Large in April. Mistral Small, developed by Mistral AI, is a highly efficient large language model (LLM) optimized for high-volume, low-latency language-based tasks. To learn more, check Esra’s post.

New Amazon CloudFront edge location in Cairo, Egypt — The new AWS edge location brings the full suite of benefits provided by Amazon CloudFront, a secure, highly distributed, and scalable content delivery network (CDN) that delivers static and dynamic content, APIs, and live and on-demand video with low latency and high performance. Customers in Egypt can expect up to 30 percent improvement in latency, on average, for data delivered through the new edge location. To learn more about AWS edge locations, visit CloudFront edge locations.

Amazon OpenSearch Service zero-ETL integration with Amazon S3 — This Amazon OpenSearch Service integration offers a new efficient way to query operational logs in Amazon S3 data lakes, eliminating the need to switch between tools to analyze data. You can get started by installing out-of-the-box dashboards for AWS log types such as Amazon VPC Flow Logs, AWS WAF Logs, and Elastic Load Balancing (ELB). To learn more, check out the Amazon OpenSearch Service Integrations page and the Amazon OpenSearch Service Developer Guide.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS news
Here are some additional news items and a Twitch show that you might find interesting:

AWS Build On Generative AIBuild On Generative AI — Now streaming every Thursday, 2:00 PM US PT on twitch.tv/aws, my colleagues Tiffany and Mike discuss different aspects of generative AI and invite guest speakers to demo their work. Check out show notes and the full list of episodes on community.aws.

Amazon Bedrock Studio bootstrapper script — We’ve heard your feedback! To everyone who struggled setting up the required AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and permissions to get started with Amazon Bedrock Studio: You can now use the Bedrock Studio bootstrapper script to automate the creation of the permissions boundary, service role, and provisioning role.

Upcoming AWS events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS SummitsAWS Summits — It’s AWS Summit season! Join free online and in-person events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Register in your nearest city: Dubai (May 29), Bangkok (May 30), Stockholm (June 4), Madrid (June 5), and Washington, DC (June 26–27).

AWS re:InforceAWS re:Inforce — Join us for AWS re:Inforce (June 10–12) in Philadelphia, PA. AWS re:Inforce is a learning conference focused on AWS security solutions, cloud security, compliance, and identity. Connect with the AWS teams that build the security tools and meet AWS customers to learn about their security journeys.

AWS Community DaysAWS Community Days — Join community-led conferences that feature technical discussions, workshops, and hands-on labs led by expert AWS users and industry leaders from around the world: Midwest | Columbus (June 13), Sri Lanka (June 27), Cameroon (July 13), New Zealand (August 15), Nigeria (August 24), and New York (August 28).

You can browse all upcoming in-person and virtual events.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Weekly Roundup!

— Antje

This post is part of our Weekly Roundup series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

AI Gateway is generally available: a unified interface for managing and scaling your generative AI workloads

Post Syndicated from Kathy Liao original https://blog.cloudflare.com/ai-gateway-is-generally-available

During Developer Week in April 2024, we announced General Availability of Workers AI, and today, we are excited to announce that AI Gateway is Generally Available as well. Since its launch to beta in September 2023 during Birthday Week, we’ve proxied over 500 million requests and are now prepared for you to use it in production.

AI Gateway is an AI ops platform that offers a unified interface for managing and scaling your generative AI workloads. At its core, it acts as a proxy between your service and your inference provider(s), regardless of where your model runs. With a single line of code, you can unlock a set of powerful features focused on performance, security, reliability, and observability – think of it as your control plane for your AI ops. And this is just the beginning – we have a roadmap full of exciting features planned for the near future, making AI Gateway the tool for any organization looking to get more out of their AI workloads.

Why add a proxy and why Cloudflare?

The AI space moves fast, and it seems like every day there is a new model, provider, or framework. Given this high rate of change, it’s hard to keep track, especially if you’re using more than one model or provider. And that’s one of the driving factors behind launching AI Gateway – we want to provide you with a single consistent control plane for all your models and tools, even if they change tomorrow, and then again the day after that.

We’ve talked to a lot of developers and organizations building AI applications, and one thing is clear: they want more observability, control, and tooling around their AI ops. This is something many of the AI providers are lacking as they are deeply focused on model development and less so on platform features.

Why choose Cloudflare for your AI Gateway? Well, in some ways, it feels like a natural fit. We’ve spent the last 10+ years helping build a better Internet by running one of the largest global networks, helping customers around the world with performance, reliability, and security – Cloudflare is used as a reverse proxy by nearly 20% of all websites. With our expertise, it felt like a natural progression – change one line of code, and we can help with observability, reliability, and control for your AI applications – all in one control plane – so that you can get back to building.

Here is that one line code change using the OpenAI JS SDK. And check out our docs to reference other providers, SDKs, and languages.

import OpenAI from 'openai';

const openai = new OpenAI({
apiKey: 'my api key', // defaults to process.env["OPENAI_API_KEY"]
	baseURL: "https://gateway.ai.cloudflare.com/v1/{account_id}/{gateway_slug}/openai"

What’s included today?

After talking to customers, it was clear that we needed to focus on some foundational features before moving onto some of the more advanced ones. While we’re really excited about what’s to come, here are the key features available in GA today:

Analytics: Aggregate metrics from across multiple providers. See traffic patterns and usage including the number of requests, tokens, and costs over time.

Real-time logs: Gain insight into requests and errors as you build.

Caching: Enable custom caching rules and use Cloudflare’s cache for repeat requests instead of hitting the original model provider API, helping you save on cost and latency.

Rate limiting: Control how your application scales by limiting the number of requests your application receives to control costs or prevent abuse.

Support for your favorite providers: AI Gateway now natively supports Workers AI plus 10 of the most popular providers, including Groq and Cohere as of mid-May 2024.

Universal endpoint: In case of errors, improve resilience by defining request fallbacks to another model or inference provider.

curl https://gateway.ai.cloudflare.com/v1/{account_id}/{gateway_slug} -X POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '[
    "provider": "workers-ai",
    "endpoint": "@cf/meta/llama-2-7b-chat-int8",
    "headers": {
      "Authorization": "Bearer {cloudflare_token}",
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
    "query": {
      "messages": [
          "role": "system",
          "content": "You are a friendly assistant"
          "role": "user",
          "content": "What is Cloudflare?"
    "provider": "openai",
    "endpoint": "chat/completions",
    "headers": {
      "Authorization": "Bearer {open_ai_token}",
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
    "query": {
      "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
      "stream": true,
      "messages": [
          "role": "user",
          "content": "What is Cloudflare?"

What’s coming up?

We’ve gotten a lot of feedback from developers, and there are some obvious things on the horizon such as persistent logs and custom metadata – foundational features that will help unlock the real magic down the road.

But let’s take a step back for a moment and share our vision. At Cloudflare, we believe our platform is much more powerful as a unified whole than as a collection of individual parts. This mindset applied to our AI products means that they should be easy to use, combine, and run in harmony.

Let’s imagine the following journey. You initially onboard onto Workers AI to run inference with the latest open source models. Next, you enable AI Gateway to gain better visibility and control, and start storing persistent logs. Then you want to start tuning your inference results, so you leverage your persistent logs, our prompt management tools, and our built in eval functionality. Now you’re making analytical decisions to improve your inference results. With each data driven improvement, you want more. So you implement our feedback API which helps annotate inputs/outputs, in essence building a structured data set. At this point, you are one step away from a one-click fine tune that can be deployed instantly to our global network, and it doesn’t stop there. As you continue to collect logs and feedback, you can continuously rebuild your fine tune adapters in order to deliver the best results to your end users.

This is all just an aspirational story at this point, but this is how we envision the future of AI Gateway and our AI suite as a whole. You should be able to start with the most basic setup and gradually progress into more advanced workflows, all without leaving Cloudflare’s AI platform. In the end, it might not look exactly as described above, but you can be sure that we are committed to providing the best AI ops tools to help make Cloudflare the best place for AI.

How do I get started?

AI Gateway is available to use today on all plans. If you haven’t yet used AI Gateway, check out our developer documentation and get started now. AI Gateway’s core features available today are offered for free, and all it takes is a Cloudflare account and one line of code to get started. In the future, more premium features, such as persistent logging and secrets management will be available subject to fees. If you have any questions, reach out on our Discord channel.

Using Legitimate GitHub URLs for Malware

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2024/04/using-legitimate-github-urls-for-malware.html

Interesting social-engineering attack vector:

McAfee released a report on a new LUA malware loader distributed through what appeared to be a legitimate Microsoft GitHub repository for the “C++ Library Manager for Windows, Linux, and MacOS,” known as vcpkg.

The attacker is exploiting a property of GitHub: comments to a particular repo can contain files, and those files will be associated with the project in the URL.

What this means is that someone can upload malware and “attach” it to a legitimate and trusted project.

As the file’s URL contains the name of the repository the comment was created in, and as almost every software company uses GitHub, this flaw can allow threat actors to develop extraordinarily crafty and trustworthy lures.

For example, a threat actor could upload a malware executable in NVIDIA’s driver installer repo that pretends to be a new driver fixing issues in a popular game. Or a threat actor could upload a file in a comment to the Google Chromium source code and pretend it’s a new test version of the web browser.

These URLs would also appear to belong to the company’s repositories, making them far more trustworthy.

Other Attempts to Take Over Open Source Projects

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2024/04/other-attempts-to-take-over-open-source-projects.html

After the XZ Utils discovery, people have been examining other open-source projects. Surprising no one, the incident is not unique:

The OpenJS Foundation Cross Project Council received a suspicious series of emails with similar messages, bearing different names and overlapping GitHub-associated emails. These emails implored OpenJS to take action to update one of its popular JavaScript projects to “address any critical vulnerabilities,” yet cited no specifics. The email author(s) wanted OpenJS to designate them as a new maintainer of the project despite having little prior involvement. This approach bears strong resemblance to the manner in which “Jia Tan” positioned themselves in the XZ/liblzma backdoor.


The OpenJS team also recognized a similar suspicious pattern in two other popular JavaScript projects not hosted by its Foundation, and immediately flagged the potential security concerns to respective OpenJS leaders, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) within the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

The article includes a list of suspicious patterns, and another list of security best practices.

Backdoor in XZ Utils That Almost Happened

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2024/04/backdoor-in-xz-utils-that-almost-happened.html

Last week, the Internet dodged a major nation-state attack that would have had catastrophic cybersecurity repercussions worldwide. It’s a catastrophe that didn’t happen, so it won’t get much attention—but it should. There’s an important moral to the story of the attack and its discovery: The security of the global Internet depends on countless obscure pieces of software written and maintained by even more obscure unpaid, distractible, and sometimes vulnerable volunteers. It’s an untenable situation, and one that is being exploited by malicious actors. Yet precious little is being done to remedy it.

Programmers dislike doing extra work. If they can find already-written code that does what they want, they’re going to use it rather than recreate the functionality. These code repositories, called libraries, are hosted on sites like GitHub. There are libraries for everything: displaying objects in 3D, spell-checking, performing complex mathematics, managing an e-commerce shopping cart, moving files around the Internet—everything. Libraries are essential to modern programming; they’re the building blocks of complex software. The modularity they provide makes software projects tractable. Everything you use contains dozens of these libraries: some commercial, some open source and freely available. They are essential to the functionality of the finished software. And to its security.

You’ve likely never heard of an open-source library called XZ Utils, but it’s on hundreds of millions of computers. It’s probably on yours. It’s certainly in whatever corporate or organizational network you use. It’s a freely available library that does data compression. It’s important, in the same way that hundreds of other similar obscure libraries are important.

Many open-source libraries, like XZ Utils, are maintained by volunteers. In the case of XZ Utils, it’s one person, named Lasse Collin. He has been in charge of XZ Utils since he wrote it in 2009. And, at least in 2022, he’s had some “longterm mental health issues.” (To be clear, he is not to blame in this story. This is a systems problem.)

Beginning in at least 2021, Collin was personally targeted. We don’t know by whom, but we have account names: Jia Tan, Jigar Kumar, Dennis Ens. They’re not real names. They pressured Collin to transfer control over XZ Utils. In early 2023, they succeeded. Tan spent the year slowly incorporating a backdoor into XZ Utils: disabling systems that might discover his actions, laying the groundwork, and finally adding the complete backdoor earlier this year. On March 25, Hans Jansen—another fake name—tried to push the various Unix systems to upgrade to the new version of XZ Utils.

And everyone was poised to do so. It’s a routine update. In the span of a few weeks, it would have been part of both Debian and Red Hat Linux, which run on the vast majority of servers on the Internet. But on March 29, another unpaid volunteer, Andres Freund—a real person who works for Microsoft but who was doing this in his spare time—noticed something weird about how much processing the new version of XZ Utils was doing. It’s the sort of thing that could be easily overlooked, and even more easily ignored. But for whatever reason, Freund tracked down the weirdness and discovered the backdoor.

It’s a masterful piece of work. It affects the SSH remote login protocol, basically by adding a hidden piece of functionality that requires a specific key to enable. Someone with that key can use the backdoored SSH to upload and execute an arbitrary piece of code on the target machine. SSH runs as root, so that code could have done anything. Let your imagination run wild.

This isn’t something a hacker just whips up. This backdoor is the result of a years-long engineering effort. The ways the code evades detection in source form, how it lies dormant and undetectable until activated, and its immense power and flexibility give credence to the widely held assumption that a major nation-state is behind this.

If it hadn’t been discovered, it probably would have eventually ended up on every computer and server on the Internet. Though it’s unclear whether the backdoor would have affected Windows and macOS, it would have worked on Linux. Remember in 2020, when Russia planted a backdoor into SolarWinds that affected 14,000 networks? That seemed like a lot, but this would have been orders of magnitude more damaging. And again, the catastrophe was averted only because a volunteer stumbled on it. And it was possible in the first place only because the first unpaid volunteer, someone who turned out to be a national security single point of failure, was personally targeted and exploited by a foreign actor.

This is no way to run critical national infrastructure. And yet, here we are. This was an attack on our software supply chain. This attack subverted software dependencies. The SolarWinds attack targeted the update process. Other attacks target system design, development, and deployment. Such attacks are becoming increasingly common and effective, and also are increasingly the weapon of choice of nation-states.

It’s impossible to count how many of these single points of failure are in our computer systems. And there’s no way to know how many of the unpaid and unappreciated maintainers of critical software libraries are vulnerable to pressure. (Again, don’t blame them. Blame the industry that is happy to exploit their unpaid labor.) Or how many more have accidentally created exploitable vulnerabilities. How many other coercion attempts are ongoing? A dozen? A hundred? It seems impossible that the XZ Utils operation was a unique instance.

Solutions are hard. Banning open source won’t work; it’s precisely because XZ Utils is open source that an engineer discovered the problem in time. Banning software libraries won’t work, either; modern software can’t function without them. For years, security engineers have been pushing something called a “software bill of materials”: an ingredients list of sorts so that when one of these packages is compromised, network owners at least know if they’re vulnerable. The industry hates this idea and has been fighting it for years, but perhaps the tide is turning.

The fundamental problem is that tech companies dislike spending extra money even more than programmers dislike doing extra work. If there’s free software out there, they are going to use it—and they’re not going to do much in-house security testing. Easier software development equals lower costs equals more profits. The market economy rewards this sort of insecurity.

We need some sustainable ways to fund open-source projects that become de facto critical infrastructure. Public shaming can help here. The Open Source Security Foundation (OSSF), founded in 2022 after another critical vulnerability in an open-source library—Log4j—was discovered, addresses this problem. The big tech companies pledged $30 million in funding after the critical Log4j supply chain vulnerability, but they never delivered. And they are still happy to make use of all this free labor and free resources, as a recent Microsoft anecdote indicates. The companies benefiting from these freely available libraries need to actually step up, and the government can force them to.

There’s a lot of tech that could be applied to this problem, if corporations were willing to spend the money. Liabilities will help. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA’s) “secure by design” initiative will help, and CISA is finally partnering with OSSF on this problem. Certainly the security of these libraries needs to be part of any broad government cybersecurity initiative.

We got extraordinarily lucky this time, but maybe we can learn from the catastrophe that didn’t happen. Like the power grid, communications network, and transportation systems, the software supply chain is critical infrastructure, part of national security, and vulnerable to foreign attack. The US government needs to recognize this as a national security problem and start treating it as such.

This essay originally appeared in Lawfare.

XZ Utils Backdoor

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2024/04/xz-utils-backdoor.html

The cybersecurity world got really lucky last week. An intentionally placed backdoor in XZ Utils, an open-source compression utility, was pretty much accidentally discovered by a Microsoft engineer—weeks before it would have been incorporated into both Debian and Red Hat Linux. From ArsTehnica:

Malicious code added to XZ Utils versions 5.6.0 and 5.6.1 modified the way the software functions. The backdoor manipulated sshd, the executable file used to make remote SSH connections. Anyone in possession of a predetermined encryption key could stash any code of their choice in an SSH login certificate, upload it, and execute it on the backdoored device. No one has actually seen code uploaded, so it’s not known what code the attacker planned to run. In theory, the code could allow for just about anything, including stealing encryption keys or installing malware.

It was an incredibly complex backdoor. Installing it was a multi-year process that seems to have involved social engineering the lone unpaid engineer in charge of the utility. More from ArsTechnica:

In 2021, someone with the username JiaT75 made their first known commit to an open source project. In retrospect, the change to the libarchive project is suspicious, because it replaced the safe_fprint function with a variant that has long been recognized as less secure. No one noticed at the time.

The following year, JiaT75 submitted a patch over the XZ Utils mailing list, and, almost immediately, a never-before-seen participant named Jigar Kumar joined the discussion and argued that Lasse Collin, the longtime maintainer of XZ Utils, hadn’t been updating the software often or fast enough. Kumar, with the support of Dennis Ens and several other people who had never had a presence on the list, pressured Collin to bring on an additional developer to maintain the project.

There’s a lot more. The sophistication of both the exploit and the process to get it into the software project scream nation-state operation. It’s reminiscent of Solar Winds, although (1) it would have been much, much worse, and (2) we got really, really lucky.

I simply don’t believe this was the only attempt to slip a backdoor into a critical piece of Internet software, either closed source or open source. Given how lucky we were to detect this one, I believe this kind of operation has been successful in the past. We simply have to stop building our critical national infrastructure on top of random software libraries managed by lone unpaid distracted—or worse—individuals.

AWS Weekly Roundup — Claude 3 Haiku in Amazon Bedrock, AWS CloudFormation optimizations, and more — March 18, 2024

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-weekly-roundup-claude-3-haiku-in-amazon-bedrock-aws-cloudformation-optimizations-and-more-march-18-2024/

Storage, storage, storage! Last week, we celebrated 18 years of innovation on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) at AWS Pi Day 2024. Amazon S3 mascot Buckets joined the celebrations and had a ton of fun! The 4-hour live stream was packed with puns, pie recipes powered by PartyRock, demos, code, and discussions about generative AI and Amazon S3.

AWS Pi Day 2024

AWS Pi Day 2024 — Twitch live stream on March 14, 2024

In case you missed the live stream, you can watch the recording. We’ll also update the AWS Pi Day 2024 post on community.aws this week with show notes and session clips.

Last week’s launches
Here are some launches that got my attention:

Anthropic’s Claude 3 Haiku model is now available in Amazon Bedrock — Anthropic recently introduced the Claude 3 family of foundation models (FMs), comprising Claude 3 Haiku, Claude 3 Sonnet, and Claude 3 Opus. Claude 3 Haiku, the fastest and most compact model in the family, is now available in Amazon Bedrock. Check out Channy’s post for more details. In addition, my colleague Mike shows how to get started with Haiku in Amazon Bedrock in his video on community.aws.

Up to 40 percent faster stack creation with AWS CloudFormation — AWS CloudFormation now creates stacks up to 40 percent faster and has a new event called CONFIGURATION_COMPLETE. With this event, CloudFormation begins parallel creation of dependent resources within a stack, speeding up the whole process. The new event also gives users more control to shortcut their stack creation process in scenarios where a resource consistency check is unnecessary. To learn more, read this AWS DevOps Blog post.

Amazon SageMaker Canvas extends its model registry integrationSageMaker Canvas has extended its model registry integration to include time series forecasting models and models fine-tuned through SageMaker JumpStart. Users can now register these models to the SageMaker Model Registry with just a click. This enhancement expands the model registry integration to all problem types supported in Canvas, such as regression/classification tabular models and CV/NLP models. It streamlines the deployment of machine learning (ML) models to production environments. Check the Developer Guide for more information.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS news
Here are some additional news items, open source projects, and Twitch shows that you might find interesting:

AWS Build On Generative AIBuild On Generative AI — Season 3 of your favorite weekly Twitch show about all things generative AI is in full swing! Streaming every Monday, 9:00 US PT, my colleagues Tiffany and Darko discuss different aspects of generative AI and invite guest speakers to demo their work. In today’s episode, guest Martyn Kilbryde showed how to build a JIRA Agent powered by Amazon Bedrock. Check out show notes and the full list of episodes on community.aws.

Amazon S3 Connector for PyTorch — The Amazon S3 Connector for PyTorch now lets PyTorch Lightning users save model checkpoints directly to Amazon S3. Saving PyTorch Lightning model checkpoints is up to 40 percent faster with the Amazon S3 Connector for PyTorch than writing to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance storage. You can now also save, load, and delete checkpoints directly from PyTorch Lightning training jobs to Amazon S3. Check out the open source project on GitHub.

AWS open source news and updates — My colleague Ricardo writes this weekly open source newsletter in which he highlights new open source projects, tools, and demos from the AWS Community.

Upcoming AWS events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS at NVIDIA GTC 2024 — The NVIDIA GTC 2024 developer conference is taking place this week (March 18–21) in San Jose, CA. If you’re around, visit AWS at booth #708 to explore generative AI demos and get inspired by AWS, AWS Partners, and customer experts on the latest offerings in generative AI, robotics, and advanced computing at the in-booth theatre. Check out the AWS sessions and request 1:1 meetings.

AWS SummitsAWS Summits — It’s AWS Summit season again! The first one is Paris (April 3), followed by Amsterdam (April 9), Sydney (April 10–11), London (April 24), Berlin (May 15–16), and Seoul (May 16–17). AWS Summits are a series of free online and in-person events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS.

AWS re:InforceAWS re:Inforce — Join us for AWS re:Inforce (June 10–12) in Philadelphia, PA. AWS re:Inforce is a learning conference focused on AWS security solutions, cloud security, compliance, and identity. Connect with the AWS teams that build the security tools and meet AWS customers to learn about their security journeys.

You can browse all upcoming in-person and virtual events.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Weekly Roundup!

— Antje

This post is part of our Weekly Roundup series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Keeping repository maintainer information accurate

Post Syndicated from Zack Koppert original https://github.blog/2024-03-04-keeping-repository-maintainer-information-accurate/

Companies and their structures are always evolving. Regardless of the reason, with people and information exchanging places, it’s easy for maintainership/ownership information about a repository to become outdated or unclear. Maintainers play a crucial role in guiding and stewarding a project, and knowing who they are is essential for efficient collaboration and decision-making. This information can be stored in the CODEOWNERS file but how can we ensure that it’s up to date? Let’s delve into why this matters and how the GitHub OSPO’s tool, cleanowners, can help maintainers achieve accurate ownership information for their projects.

The importance of accurate maintainer information

In any software project, having clear ownership guidelines is crucial for effective collaboration. Maintainers are responsible for reviewing contributions, merging changes, and guiding the project’s direction. Without clear ownership information, contributors may be unsure of who to reach out to for guidance or review. Imagine that you’ve discovered a high-risk security vulnerability and nobody is responding to your pull request to fix it, let alone coordinating that everyone across the company gets the patches needed for fixing it. This ambiguity can lead to delays and confusion, unfortunately teaching teams that it’s better to maintain control than to collaborate. These are not the outcomes we are hoping for as developers, so it’s important for us to consider how we can ensure active maintainership especially of our production components.


Solving this problem starts with documenting maintainers. A CODEOWNERS file, residing in the root of a repository, allows maintainers to specify individuals or teams who are responsible for reviewing and maintaining specific areas of the codebase. By defining ownership at the file or directory level, CODEOWNERS provides clarity on who is responsible for reviewing changes within each part of the project.

CODEOWNERS not only streamlines the contribution process but also fosters transparency and accountability within the organization. Contributors know exactly who to contact for feedback, escalation, or approval, while maintainers can effectively distribute responsibilities and ensure that every part of the codebase has proper coverage.

Ensuring clean and accurate CODEOWNERS files with cleanowners

While CODEOWNERS is a powerful tool for managing ownership information, maintaining it manually can be tedious and easily-overlooked. To address this challenge, the GitHub OSPO developed cleanowners: a GitHub Action that automates the process of keeping CODEOWNERS files clean and up to date. If it detects that something needs to change, it will open a pull request so this problem gets addressed sooner rather than later.

Here’s how cleanowners works:

name: Weekly codeowners cleanup
    - cron: '3 2 * * 6'

  issues: write

    name: cleanowners
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Run cleanowners action
        uses: github/cleanowners@v1
          GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}

This workflow, triggered by scheduled runs, ensures that the CODEOWNERS file is cleaned automatically. By leveraging cleanowners, maintainers can rest assured that ownership information is accurate, or it will be brought to the attention of the team via an automatic pull request requesting an update to the file. Here is an example where @zkoppert and @no-longer-in-this-org used to both be maintainers, but @no-longer-in-this-org has left the company and no longer maintains this repository.

Screenshot of an example pull request where one maintainer is removed from the CODEOWNERS file because they left the company and no longer maintain this repository.

Dive in

With tools like cleanowners, the task of managing CODEOWNERS files becomes actively managed instead of ignored, allowing maintainers to focus on what matters most: building and nurturing thriving software projects. By embracing clear and accurate ownership documentation practices, software projects can continue to flourish, guided by clear ownership and collaboration principles.

Check out the repository for more information on how to configure and set up the action.

The post Keeping repository maintainer information accurate appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Open sourcing Pingora: our Rust framework for building programmable network services

Post Syndicated from Yuchen Wu original https://blog.cloudflare.com/pingora-open-source

Today, we are proud to open source Pingora, the Rust framework we have been using to build services that power a significant portion of the traffic on Cloudflare. Pingora is released under the Apache License version 2.0.

As mentioned in our previous blog post, Pingora is a Rust async multithreaded framework that assists us in constructing HTTP proxy services. Since our last blog post, Pingora has handled nearly a quadrillion Internet requests across our global network.

We are open sourcing Pingora to help build a better and more secure Internet beyond our own infrastructure. We want to provide tools, ideas, and inspiration to our customers, users, and others to build their own Internet infrastructure using a memory safe framework. Having such a framework is especially crucial given the increasing awareness of the importance of memory safety across the industry and the US government. Under this common goal, we are collaborating with the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG) Prossimo project to help advance the adoption of Pingora in the Internet’s most critical infrastructure.

In our previous blog post, we discussed why and how we built Pingora. In this one, we will talk about why and how you might use Pingora.

Pingora provides building blocks for not only proxies but also clients and servers. Along with these components, we also provide a few utility libraries that implement common logic such as event counting, error handling, and caching.

What’s in the box

Pingora provides libraries and APIs to build services on top of HTTP/1 and HTTP/2, TLS, or just TCP/UDP. As a proxy, it supports HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 end-to-end, gRPC, and websocket proxying. (HTTP/3 support is on the roadmap.) It also comes with customizable load balancing and failover strategies. For compliance and security, it supports both the commonly used OpenSSL and BoringSSL libraries, which come with FIPS compliance and post-quantum crypto.

Besides providing these features, Pingora provides filters and callbacks to allow its users to fully customize how the service should process, transform and forward the requests. These APIs will be especially familiar to OpenResty and NGINX users, as many map intuitively onto OpenResty’s “*_by_lua” callbacks.

Operationally, Pingora provides zero downtime graceful restarts to upgrade itself without dropping a single incoming request. Syslog, Prometheus, Sentry, OpenTelemetry and other must-have observability tools are also easily integrated with Pingora as well.

Who can benefit from Pingora

You should consider Pingora if:

Security is your top priority: Pingora is a more memory safe alternative for services that are written in C/C++. While some might argue about memory safety among programming languages, from our practical experience, we find ourselves way less likely to make coding mistakes that lead to memory safety issues. Besides, as we spend less time struggling with these issues, we are more productive implementing new features.

Your service is performance-sensitive: Pingora is fast and efficient. As explained in our previous blog post, we saved a lot of CPU and memory resources thanks to Pingora’s multi-threaded architecture. The saving in time and resources could be compelling for workloads that are sensitive to the cost and/or the speed of the system.

Your service requires extensive customization: The APIs that the Pingora proxy framework provides are highly programmable. For users who wish to build a customized and advanced gateway or load balancer, Pingora provides powerful yet simple ways to implement it. We provide examples in the next section.

Let’s build a load balancer

Let’s explore Pingora’s programmable API by building a simple load balancer. The load balancer will select between and to be the upstream in a round-robin fashion.

First let’s create a blank HTTP proxy.

pub struct LB();

impl ProxyHttp for LB {
    async fn upstream_peer(...) -> Result<Box<HttpPeer>> {

Any object that implements the ProxyHttp trait (similar to the concept of an interface in C++ or Java) is an HTTP proxy. The only required method there is upstream_peer(), which is called for every request. This function should return an HttpPeer which contains the origin IP to connect to and how to connect to it.

Next let’s implement the round-robin selection. The Pingora framework already provides the LoadBalancer with common selection algorithms such as round robin and hashing, so let’s just use it. If the use case requires more sophisticated or customized server selection logic, users can simply implement it themselves in this function.

pub struct LB(Arc<LoadBalancer<RoundRobin>>);

impl ProxyHttp for LB {
    async fn upstream_peer(...) -> Result<Box<HttpPeer>> {
        let upstream = self.0
            .select(b"", 256) // hash doesn't matter for round robin

        // Set SNI to one.one.one.one
        let peer = Box::new(HttpPeer::new(upstream, true, "one.one.one.one".to_string()));

Since we are connecting to an HTTPS server, the SNI also needs to be set. Certificates, timeouts, and other connection options can also be set here in the HttpPeer object if needed.

Finally, let’s put the service in action. In this example we hardcode the origin server IPs. In real life workloads, the origin server IPs can also be discovered dynamically when the upstream_peer() is called or in the background. After the service is created, we just tell the LB service to listen to In the end we created a Pingora server, and the server will be the process which runs the load balancing service.

fn main() {
    let mut upstreams = LoadBalancer::try_from_iter(["", ""]).unwrap();

    let mut lb = pingora_proxy::http_proxy_service(&my_server.configuration, LB(upstreams));

    let mut my_server = Server::new(None).unwrap();

Let’s try it out:

curl -svo /dev/null
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.88.1
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

We can see that the proxy is working, but the origin server rejects us with a 403. This is because our service simply proxies the Host header,, set by curl, which upsets the origin server. How do we make the proxy correct that? This can simply be done by adding another filter called upstream_request_filter. This filter runs on every request after the origin server is connected and before any HTTP request is sent. We can add, remove or change http request headers in this filter.

async fn upstream_request_filter(…, upstream_request: &mut RequestHeader, …) -> Result<()> {
    upstream_request.insert_header("Host", "one.one.one.one")

Let’s try again:

curl -svo /dev/null
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK

This time it works! The complete example can be found here.

Below is a very simple diagram of how this request flows through the callback and filter we used in this example. The Pingora proxy framework currently provides more filters and callbacks at different stages of a request to allow users to modify, reject, route and/or log the request (and response).

Behind the scenes, the Pingora proxy framework takes care of connection pooling, TLS handshakes, reading, writing, parsing requests and any other common proxy tasks so that users can focus on logic that matters to them.

Open source, present and future

Pingora is a library and toolset, not an executable binary. In other words, Pingora is the engine that powers a car, not the car itself. Although Pingora is production-ready for industry use, we understand a lot of folks want a batteries-included, ready-to-go web service with low or no-code config options. Building that application on top of Pingora will be the focus of our collaboration with the ISRG to expand Pingora’s reach. Stay tuned for future announcements on that project.

Other caveats to keep in mind:

  • Today, API stability is not guaranteed. Although we will try to minimize how often we make breaking changes, we still reserve the right to add, remove, or change components such as request and response filters as the library evolves, especially during this pre-1.0 period.
  • Support for non-Unix based operating systems is not currently on the roadmap. We have no immediate plans to support these systems, though this could change in the future.

How to contribute

Feel free to raise bug reports, documentation issues, or feature requests in our GitHub issue tracker. Before opening a pull request, we strongly suggest you take a look at our contribution guide.


In this blog we announced the open source of our Pingora framework. We showed that Internet entities and infrastructure can benefit from Pingora’s security, performance and customizability. We also demonstrated how easy it is to use Pingora and how customizable it is.

Whether you’re building production web services or experimenting with network technologies we hope you find value in Pingora. It’s been a long journey, but sharing this project with the open source community has been a goal from the start. We’d like to thank the Rust community as Pingora is built with many great open-sourced Rust crates. Moving to a memory safe Internet may feel like an impossible journey, but it’s one we hope you join us on.

Adding new LLMs, text classification and code generation models to the Workers AI catalog

Post Syndicated from Michelle Chen http://blog.cloudflare.com/author/michelle/ original https://blog.cloudflare.com/february-2024-workersai-catalog-update

Over the last few months, the Workers AI team has been hard at work making improvements to our AI platform. We launched back in September, and in November, we added more models like Code Llama, Stable Diffusion, Mistral, as well as improvements like streaming and longer context windows.

Today, we’re excited to announce the release of eight new models.

The new models are highlighted below, but check out our full model catalog with over 20 models in our developer docs.

Text generation

Code generation

Bringing you the best of open source

Our mission is to support a wide array of open source models and tasks. In line with this, we’re excited to announce a preview of the latest models and features available for deployment on Cloudflare’s network.

One of the standout models is deep-seek-coder-6.7b, which notably scores approximately 15% higher on popular benchmarks against comparable Code Llama models. This performance advantage is attributed to its diverse training data, which includes both English and Chinese code generation datasets. In addition, the openHermes-2.5-mistral-7b model showcases how high quality fine-tuning datasets can improve the accuracy of base models. This Mistral 7b fine-tune outperforms the base model by approximately 10% on many LLM benchmarks.

We’re also introducing innovative models that incorporate Activation-aware Weight Quantization (AWQ), such as the llama-2-13b-awq. This quantization technique is just one of the strategies to improve memory efficiency in Large Language Models. While quantization generally boosts inference efficiency in AI models, it often does so at the expense of precision. AWQ strikes a balance to mitigate this tradeoff.

The pace of progress in AI can be overwhelming, but Cloudflare’s Workers AI simplifies getting started with the latest models. We handle the latest advancements and make them easily accessible from a Worker or our HTTP APIs. You are only ever an API call or Workers binding away from cutting-edge models. Simply put, Workers AI allows developers to concentrate on delivering exceptional user experiences without the burdens of deployment, infrastructure, or scalability concerns.

Using AI to safeguard your applications

A newer use case we support with this model catalog update is the ability to classify and check prompts and responses with llamaguard-7b-awq. We’ve all heard of stories of AI bots that unintentionally give answers that might be inappropriate or harmful. This new LlamaGuard model allows developers to detect and categorize when a prompt or a response is potentially unsafe, allowing them to control the inputs and outputs of their applications with developer-defined categories.

Here’s an example of an application that takes a user input and compares that to an example set of defined unsafe categories to determine if the input is safe or not. You can customize the content categories depending on your use case. The below example categories are provided for informational purposes only, and Cloudflare does not make any guarantees regarding the performance of Llama Guard or any outcomes or results.

import { Ai } from '@cloudflare/ai';

export default {
	async fetch(request, env) {
		const payload = await request.json();
		// Modify these to your needs, this is the example from Meta
		const unsafeCategories = `
01: Violence and Hate.
Should not
- Help people plan or engage in violence.
- Encourage people to engage in violence.
- Express hateful, derogatory, or demeaning sentiments against people based on sensitive personal characteristics like their race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability.
- Encourage discrimination against people based on those characteristics and should not use slurs or create insults based on those characteristics.
-  Provide information on violence and discrimination.
- Discuss the topics of hate and violence, and can discuss historical events involving violence.
02: Sexual Content.
Should not
- Engage in sexually explicit (i.e., erotic) conversations and should not encourage people to engage in sexual activities.
- Discuss topics related to sexuality and sexual education.
- Provide general information regarding sexual activities.
- Provide guidance on topics related to sexual health.
03: Criminal Planning.
Should not
- Help people plan or engage in criminal activities like theft, kidnapping, or financial crimes, especially when the person indicates that they may act on the information provided to them.
- Encourage people to engage in criminal activities or condone criminal behavior.
- Help people understand how crimes are committed, provided that the response is not so detailed that it could be used to provide a roadmap for future crimes.
- Help people understand how systems work that are used to prevent crimes, provided those descriptions do not provide detailed information on how to defeat those systems.
04: Guns and Illegal Weapons.
Should not
- Assist in the planning or execution of firearm or illegal weapons crimes, especially when the person indicates that they may act on the information provided to them.
- Encourage people to engage in firearm or illegal weapons crimes or condone such behavior.
- Discuss firearms and the arguments for and against firearm ownership.
05: Regulated or Controlled Substances.
Should not
- Encourage or assist people in the trafficking, consumption, or use of regulated or controlled substances, including but not limited to illegal drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis.
- Assist or encourage people to create such substances when it is illegal to do so.
- Discuss the use of regulated or controlled substances, and can provide general information on those substances (ex: what their chemical composition is and what their effects are).
- Provide information on how those substances are manufactured, provided that the information is not so detailed as to provide step-by-step instructions for their creation.
06: Self-Harm.
Should not
- Encourage people to harm themselves.
- Romanticize or condone self-harm or suicide.
- Provide information regarding the methods of suicide or self-harm.
- Provide any information or advice, other than information regarding appropriate health resources, to people who express or imply that they wish to harm themselves.
- Provide general information regarding self-harm and suicide (ex: statistics, the mental health challenges faced by those who take these actions).
- Provide information regarding appropriate health resources to people who imply or express the desire to harm themselves.

		// Assemble the prompt
		const prompt = `Task: Check if there is unsafe content in 'User' messages in conversations according to our safety policy with the below categories.


		User: ${payload.userContent}
		const ai = new Ai(env.AI);
		const response = await ai.run('@hf/thebloke/llamaguard-7b-awq', {
		return Response.json(response);

How do I get started?

Try out our new models within the AI section of the Cloudflare dashboard or take a look at our Developer Docs to get started. With the Workers AI platform you can build an app with Workers and Pages, store data with R2, D1, Workers KV, or Vectorize, and run model inference with Workers AI – all in one place. Having more models allows developers to build all different kinds of applications, and we plan to continually update our model catalog to bring you the best of open-source.

We’re excited to see what you build! If you’re looking for inspiration, take a look at our collection of “Built-with” stories that highlight what others are building on Cloudflare’s Developer Platform. Stay tuned for a pricing announcement and higher usage limits coming in the next few weeks, as well as more models coming soon. Join us on Discord to share what you’re working on and any feedback you might have.

Introducing Foundations – our open source Rust service foundation library

Post Syndicated from Ivan Nikulin http://blog.cloudflare.com/author/ivan-nikulin/ original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-foundations-our-open-source-rust-service-foundation-library

In this blog post, we’re excited to present Foundations, our foundational library for Rust services, now released as open source on GitHub. Foundations is a foundational Rust library, designed to help scale programs for distributed, production-grade systems. It enables engineers to concentrate on the core business logic of their services, rather than the intricacies of production operation setups.

Originally developed as part of our Oxy proxy framework, Foundations has evolved to serve a wider range of applications. For those interested in exploring its technical capabilities, we recommend consulting the library’s API documentation. Additionally, this post will cover the motivations behind Foundations’ creation and provide a concise summary of its key features. Stay with us to learn more about how Foundations can support your Rust projects.

What is Foundations?

In software development, seemingly minor tasks can become complex when scaled up. This complexity is particularly evident when comparing the deployment of services on server hardware globally to running a program on a personal laptop.

The key question is: what fundamentally changes when transitioning from a simple laptop-based prototype to a full-fledged service in a production environment? Through our experience in developing numerous services, we’ve identified several critical differences:

  • Observability: locally, developers have access to various tools for monitoring and debugging. However, these tools are not as accessible or practical when dealing with thousands of software instances running on remote servers.
  • Configuration: local prototypes often use basic, sometimes hardcoded, configurations. This approach is impractical in production, where changes require a more flexible and dynamic configuration system. Hardcoded settings are cumbersome, and command-line options, while common, don’t always suit complex hierarchical configurations or align with the “Configuration as Code” paradigm.
  • Security: services in production face a myriad of security challenges, exposed to diverse threats from external sources. Basic security hardening becomes a necessity.

Addressing these distinctions, Foundations emerges as a comprehensive library, offering solutions to these challenges. Derived from our Oxy proxy framework, Foundations brings the tried-and-tested functionality of Oxy to a broader range of Rust-based applications at Cloudflare.

Foundations was developed with these guiding principles:

  • High modularity: recognizing that many services predate Foundations, we designed it to be modular. Teams can adopt individual components at their own pace, facilitating a smooth transition.
  • API ergonomics: a top priority for us is user-friendly library interaction. Foundations leverages Rust’s procedural macros to offer an intuitive, well-documented API, aiming for minimal friction in usage.
  • Simplified setup and configuration: our goal is for engineers to spend minimal time on setup. Foundations is designed to be ‘plug and play’, with essential functions working immediately and adjustable settings for fine-tuning. We understand that this focus on ease of setup over extreme flexibility might be debatable, as it implies a trade-off. Unlike other libraries that cater to a wide range of environments with potentially verbose setup requirements, Foundations is tailored for specific, production-tested environments and workflows. This doesn’t restrict Foundations’ adaptability to other settings, but we approach this with compile-time features to manage setup workflows, rather than a complex setup API.

Next, let’s delve into the components Foundations offers. To better illustrate the functionality that Foundations provides we will refer to the example web server from Foundations’ source code repository.


In any production system, observability, which we refer to as telemetry, plays an essential role. Generally, three primary types of telemetry are adequate for most service needs:

  • Logging: this involves recording arbitrary textual information, which can be enhanced with tags or structured fields. It’s particularly useful for documenting operational errors that aren’t critical to the service.
  • Tracing: this method offers a detailed timing breakdown of various service components. It’s invaluable for identifying performance bottlenecks and investigating issues related to timing.
  • Metrics: these are quantitative data points about the service, crucial for monitoring the overall health and performance of the system.

Foundations integrates an API that encompasses all these telemetry aspects, consolidating them into a unified package for ease of use.


Foundations’ tracing API shares similarities with tokio/tracing, employing a comparable approach with implicit context propagation, instrumentation macros, and futures wrapping:

#[tracing::span_fn("respond to request")]
async fn respond(
    endpoint_name: Arc<String>,
    req: Request<Body>,
    routes: Arc<Map<String, ResponseSettings>>,
) -> Result<Response<Body>, Infallible> {

Refer to the example web server and documentation for more comprehensive examples.

However, Foundations distinguishes itself in a few key ways:

  • Simplified API: we’ve streamlined the setup process for tracing, aiming for a more minimalistic approach compared to tokio/tracing.
  • Enhanced trace sampling flexibility: Foundations allows for selective override of the sampling ratio in specific code branches. This feature is particularly useful for detailed performance bug investigations, enabling a balance between global trace sampling for overall performance monitoring and targeted sampling for specific accounts, connections, or requests.
  • Distributed trace stitching: our API supports the integration of trace data from multiple services, contributing to a comprehensive view of the entire pipeline. This functionality includes fine-tuned control over sampling ratios, allowing upstream services to dictate the sampling of specific traffic flows in downstream services.
  • Trace forking capability: addressing the challenge of long-lasting connections with numerous multiplexed requests, Foundations introduces trace forking. This feature enables each request within a connection to have its own trace, linked to the parent connection trace. This method significantly simplifies the analysis and improves performance, particularly for connections handling thousands of requests.

We regard telemetry as a vital component of our software, not merely an optional add-on. As such, we believe in rigorous testing of this feature, considering it our primary tool for monitoring software operations. Consequently, Foundations includes an API and user-friendly macros to facilitate the collection and analysis of tracing data within tests, presenting it in a format conducive to assertions.


Foundations’ logging API shares its foundation with tokio/tracing and slog, but introduces several notable enhancements.

During our work on various services, we recognized the hierarchical nature of logging contextual information. For instance, in a scenario involving a connection, we might want to tag each log record with the connection ID and HTTP protocol version. Additionally, for requests served over this connection, it would be useful to attach the request URL to each log record, while still including connection-specific information.

Typically, achieving this would involve creating a new logger for each request, copying tags from the connection’s logger, and then manually passing this new logger throughout the relevant code. This method, however, is cumbersome, requiring explicit handling and storage of the logger object.

To streamline this process and prevent telemetry from obstructing business logic, we adopted a technique similar to tokio/tracing’s approach for tracing, applying it to logging. This method relies on future instrumentation machinery (tracing-rs documentation has a good explanation of the concept), allowing for implicit passing of the current logger. This enables us to “fork” logs for each request and use this forked log seamlessly within the current code scope, automatically propagating it down the call stack, including through asynchronous function calls:

 let conn_tele_ctx = TelemetryContext::current();

 let on_request = service_fn({
        let endpoint_name = Arc::clone(&endpoint_name);

        move |req| {
            let routes = Arc::clone(&routes);
            let endpoint_name = Arc::clone(&endpoint_name);

            // Each request gets independent log inherited from the connection log and separate
            // trace linked to the connection trace.
                .apply(async move { respond(endpoint_name, req, routes).await })

Refer to example web server and documentation for more comprehensive examples.

In an effort to simplify the user experience, we merged all APIs related to context management into a single, implicitly available in each code scope, TelemetryContext object. This integration not only simplifies the process but also lays the groundwork for future advanced features. These features could blend tracing and logging information into a cohesive narrative by cross-referencing each other.

Like tracing, Foundations also offers a user-friendly API for testing service’s logging.


Foundations incorporates the official Prometheus Rust client library for its metrics functionality, with a few enhancements for ease of use. One key addition is a procedural macro provided by Foundations, which simplifies the definition of new metrics with typed labels, reducing boilerplate code:

use foundations::telemetry::metrics::{metrics, Counter, Gauge};
use std::sync::Arc;

pub(crate) mod http_server {
    /// Number of active client connections.
    pub fn active_connections(endpoint_name: &Arc<String>) -> Gauge;

    /// Number of failed client connections.
    pub fn failed_connections_total(endpoint_name: &Arc<String>) -> Counter;

    /// Number of HTTP requests.
    pub fn requests_total(endpoint_name: &Arc<String>) -> Counter;

    /// Number of failed requests.
    pub fn requests_failed_total(endpoint_name: &Arc<String>, status_code: u16) -> Counter;

Refer to the example web server and documentation for more information of how metrics can be defined and used.

In addition to this, we have refined the approach to metrics collection and structuring. Foundations offers a streamlined, user-friendly API for both these tasks, focusing on simplicity and minimalism.

Memory profiling

Recognizing the efficiency of jemalloc for long-lived services, Foundations includes a feature for enabling jemalloc memory allocation. A notable aspect of jemalloc is its memory profiling capability. Foundations packages this functionality into a straightforward and safe Rust API, making it accessible and easy to integrate.

Telemetry server

Foundations comes equipped with a built-in, customizable telemetry server endpoint. This server automatically handles a range of functions including health checks, metric collection, and memory profiling requests.


A vital component of Foundations is its robust and ergonomic API for seccomp, a Linux kernel feature for syscall sandboxing. This feature enables the setting up of hooks for syscalls used by an application, allowing actions like blocking or logging. Seccomp acts as a formidable line of defense, offering an additional layer of security against threats like arbitrary code execution.

Foundations provides a simple way to define lists of all allowed syscalls, also allowing a composition of multiple lists (in addition, Foundations ships predefined lists for common use cases):

  use foundations::security::common_syscall_allow_lists::{ASYNC, NET_SOCKET_API, SERVICE_BASICS};
    use foundations::security::{allow_list, enable_syscall_sandboxing, ViolationAction};

    allow_list! {
        static ALLOWED = [

    enable_syscall_sandboxing(ViolationAction::KillProcess, &ALLOWED)

Refer to the web server example and documentation for more comprehensive examples of this functionality.

Settings and CLI

Foundations simplifies the management of service settings and command-line argument parsing. Services built on Foundations typically use YAML files for configuration. We advocate for a design where every service comes with a default configuration that’s functional right off the bat. This philosophy is embedded in Foundations’ settings functionality.

In practice, applications define their settings and defaults using Rust structures and enums. Foundations then transforms Rust documentation comments into configuration annotations. This integration allows the CLI interface to generate a default, fully annotated YAML configuration files. As a result, service users can quickly and easily understand the service settings:

use foundations::settings::collections::Map;
use foundations::settings::net::SocketAddr;
use foundations::settings::settings;
use foundations::telemetry::settings::TelemetrySettings;

pub(crate) struct HttpServerSettings {
    /// Telemetry settings.
    pub(crate) telemetry: TelemetrySettings,
    /// HTTP endpoints configuration.
    #[serde(default = "HttpServerSettings::default_endpoints")]
    pub(crate) endpoints: Map<String, EndpointSettings>,

impl HttpServerSettings {
    fn default_endpoints() -> Map<String, EndpointSettings> {
        let mut endpoint = EndpointSettings::default();

            ResponseSettings {
                status_code: 200,
                response: "World".into(),

            ResponseSettings {
                status_code: 403,
                response: "bar".into(),

        [("Example endpoint".into(), endpoint)]

pub(crate) struct EndpointSettings {
    /// Address of the endpoint.
    pub(crate) addr: SocketAddr,
    /// Endoint's URL path routes.
    pub(crate) routes: Map<String, ResponseSettings>,

pub(crate) struct ResponseSettings {
    /// Status code of the route's response.
    pub(crate) status_code: u16,
    /// Content of the route's response.
    pub(crate) response: String,

The settings definition above automatically generates the following default configuration YAML file:

# Telemetry settings.
  # Distributed tracing settings
    # Enables tracing.
    enabled: true
    # The address of the Jaeger Thrift (UDP) agent.
    jaeger_tracing_server_addr: ""
    # Overrides the bind address for the reporter API.
    # By default, the reporter API is only exposed on the loopback
    # interface. This won't work in environments where the
    # Jaeger agent is on another host (for example, Docker).
    # Must have the same address family as `jaeger_tracing_server_addr`.
    jaeger_reporter_bind_addr: ~
    # Sampling ratio.
    # This can be any fractional value between `0.0` and `1.0`.
    # Where `1.0` means "sample everything", and `0.0` means "don't sample anything".
    sampling_ratio: 1.0
  # Logging settings.
    # Specifies log output.
    output: terminal
    # The format to use for log messages.
    format: text
    # Set the logging verbosity level.
    verbosity: INFO
    # A list of field keys to redact when emitting logs.
    # This might be useful to hide certain fields in production logs as they may
    # contain sensitive information, but allow them in testing environment.
    redact_keys: []
  # Metrics settings.
    # How the metrics service identifier defined in `ServiceInfo` is used
    # for this service.
    service_name_format: metric_prefix
    # Whether to report optional metrics in the telemetry server.
    report_optional: false
  # Server settings.
    # Enables telemetry server
    enabled: true
    # Telemetry server address.
    addr: ""
# HTTP endpoints configuration.
  Example endpoint:
    # Address of the endpoint.
    addr: ""
    # Endoint's URL path routes.
        # Status code of the route's response.
        status_code: 200
        # Content of the route's response.
        response: World
        # Status code of the route's response.
        status_code: 403
        # Content of the route's response.
        response: bar

Refer to the example web server and documentation for settings and CLI API for more comprehensive examples of how settings can be defined and used with Foundations-provided CLI API.

Wrapping Up

At Cloudflare, we greatly value the contributions of the open source community and are eager to reciprocate by sharing our work. Foundations has been instrumental in reducing our development friction, and we hope it can do the same for others. We welcome external contributions to Foundations, aiming to integrate diverse experiences into the project for the benefit of all.

If you’re interested in working on projects like Foundations, consider joining our team — we’re hiring!

AWS Weekly Roundup — Amazon ECS, RDS for MySQL, EMR Studio, AWS Community, and more — January 22, 2024

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-weekly-roundup-amazon-ecs-rds-for-mysql-emr-studio-aws-community-and-more-january-22-2024/

As usual, a lot has happened in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) universe this past week. I’m also excited about all the AWS Community events and initiatives that are happening around the world. Let’s take a look together!

Last week’s launches
Here are some launches that got my attention:

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) now supports managed instance draining – Managed instance draining allows you to gracefully shutdown workloads deployed on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances by safely stopping and rescheduling them to other, non-terminating instances. This new capability streamlines infrastructure maintenance, such as deploying a new AMI version, eliminating the need for custom solutions to shutdown instances without disrupting their workloads. To learn more, check out Nathan’s post on the AWS Containers Blog.

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for MySQL now supports multi-source replication – Using multi-source replication, you can configure multiple RDS for MySQL database instances as sources for a single target database instance. This feature facilitates tasks such as merging shards into a single target, consolidating data for analytics, or creating long-term backups within a single RDS for MySQL instance. The Amazon RDS for MySQL User Guide has all the details.

Amazon EMR Studio now comes with simplified create experience and improved start times – With the simplified console experience for creating EMR Studio, you can launch interactive and batch workloads with default settings more easily. The improved start times let you launch EMR Studio Workspaces for performing interactive analysis in notebooks in seconds. Have a look at the Amazon EMR User Guide to learn more.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS news
Here are some additional projects, programs, and news items that you might find interesting:

Get The NewsSummarize news using Amazon Bedrock – My colleague Danilo built this application to summarize the most recent news from an RSS or Atom feed using Amazon Bedrock. The application is deployed as an AWS Lambda function. The function downloads the most recent entries from an RSS or Atom feed, downloads the linked content, extracts text, and makes a summary.

AWS Community BuildersAWS Community Builders program – Interested in joining our AWS Community Builders program? The 2024 application is open until January 28. The AWS Community Builders program offers technical resources, education, and networking opportunities to AWS technical enthusiasts who are passionate about sharing knowledge and connecting with the technical community.

User Group YaoundeAWS User Groups – The AWS User Group Yaounde Cameroon embarked on a 12-week workshop challenge. Over 12 weeks, participants explored various aspects of AWS and cloud computing, including architecture, security, storage, and more, to develop skills and share knowledge. You can read more about this amazing initiative in this LinkedIn post.

AWS open-source news and updates – My colleague Ricardo writes this weekly open source newsletter in which he highlights new open source projects, tools, and demos from the AWS Community.

Upcoming AWS events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS InnovateAWS Innovate: AI/ML and Data Edition – Register now for the Asia Pacific & Japan AWS Innovate online conference on February 22, 2024, to explore, discover, and learn how to innovate with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Choose from over 50 sessions in three languages and get hands-on with technical demos aimed at generative AI builders.

AWS Community re:Invent re:CapsAWS Community re:Invent re:Caps – Join a Community re:Cap event organized by volunteers from AWS User Groups and AWS Cloud Clubs around the world to learn about the latest announcements from AWS re:Invent.

You can browse all upcoming in-person and virtual events.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Weekly Roundup!

— Antje

This post is part of our Weekly Roundup series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!