Security updates for Wednesday

Post Syndicated from jzb original

Security updates have been issued by Debian (knot-resolver and wpa), Fedora (chromium, kernel, thunderbird, and yarnpkg), Mageia (c-ares), Oracle (firefox, kernel, opensc, postgresql:13, postgresql:15, and thunderbird), Red Hat (edk2, gimp:2.8, and kernel), SUSE (bind, bluez, container-suseconnect, dnsdist, freerdp, gcc12, gcc7, glib2, gnutls, kernel, kubevirt, virt-api-container, virt-controller-container, virt-exportproxy-container, virt-exportserver-container, virt-handler-container, virt-launcher-container, virt-libguestfs-t, libqt5-qtbase, libqt5-qtsvg, nodejs18, nodejs20, openssl, openssl-1_0_0, poppler, python-crcmod, python-cryptography, python-cryptography- vectors, python-pip, python-requests, python3-requests, python311, python39, rabbitmq-c, samba, sccache, shim, SUSE Manager 4.2, SUSE Manager Server 4.2, the Linux-RT Kernel, and thunderbird), and Ubuntu (less, openssl, php7.0, php7.2, php7.4, and tiff).