Finished Thesis Document

Post Syndicated from Bradley M. Kuhn original

Tonight, I finished the actual document of my Master’s thesis. I had to
vet it by reading it out loud, about three times. I have a real hard time
finding subtle grammar errors. I believe that when I read, I parse them
out in my head. Reading out loud usually helps, but it wasn’t working so
well this time. (The first draft had many errors, even though I read it
out loud.)

This time, I went through it twice, reading it out loud while bouncing
the mouse along each word. This seemed to help a lot, as I was catching
errors left and right. I hope I got them all.

I sent the final document off to the committee. I haven’t heard from
Larry Wall, whose an external member of my committee, at all. I haven’t
heard from since we set up the plane tickets months ago. I am sure he’s
insanely busy, and that’s likely why. No big deal, I suppose, I am just
overly nervous.

I really need to get to the actually hacking on perljvm. I have lost
three weeks working on the thesis document, which is really only
describing things, not hacking. While I’ll be glad, I’m sure, to have the
Master’s thesis done, but perljvm needs some hacking done on it,
especially considering that I have a Cosource deadline to meet soon.