Tag Archives: AI

This is Intel Gaudi 3 the New 128GB HBM2e AI Chip in the Wild

Post Syndicated from Patrick Kennedy original https://www.servethehome.com/this-is-intel-gaudi-3-the-new-128gb-hbm2e-ai-chip-in-the-wild-intel-vision-2024/

This is Intel Gaudi 3 from Intel Vision 2024. The new modules are designed for scale-out AI inference and training with 24x 200GbE links

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Supermicro X14 Servers Shown at Intel Vision 2024 Including a Big Surprise

Post Syndicated from Patrick Kennedy original https://www.servethehome.com/supermicro-x14-servers-shown-at-intel-vision-2024-including-a-big-surprise/

Supermicro X14 servers for next-gen Intel Xeon 6 were shown at Intel Vision 2024 in Phoenix this week and there were some big surprises

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Gigabyte Shows Axiado BMC for NVIDIA MGX Systems

Post Syndicated from Patrick Kennedy original https://www.servethehome.com/gigabyte-shows-axiado-bmc-for-nvidia-mgx-systems/

One of the coolest pieces of tech at NVIDIA GTC 2024 was this MGX BMC from Axiado. The startup’s AI BMC is set to challenge ASPEED’s dominance

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Cloudflare acquires PartyKit to allow developers to build real-time multi-user applications

Post Syndicated from Sunil Pai original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-acquires-partykit

We’re thrilled to announce that PartyKit, an open source platform for deploying real-time, collaborative, multiplayer applications, is now a part of Cloudflare. This acquisition marks a significant milestone in our journey to redefine the boundaries of serverless computing, making it more dynamic, interactive, and, importantly, stateful.

Defining the future of serverless compute around state

Building real-time applications on the web have always been difficult. Not only is it a distributed systems problem, but you need to provision and manage infrastructure, databases, and other services to maintain state across multiple clients. This complexity has traditionally been a barrier to entry for many developers, especially those who are just starting out.

We announced Durable Objects in 2020 as a way of building synchronized real time experiences for the web. Unlike regular serverless functions that are ephemeral and stateless, Durable Objects are stateful, allowing developers to build applications that maintain state across requests. They also act as an ideal synchronization point for building real-time applications that need to maintain state across multiple clients. Combined with WebSockets, Durable Objects can be used to build a wide range of applications, from multiplayer games to collaborative drawing tools.

In 2022, PartyKit began as a project to further explore the capabilities of Durable Objects and make them more accessible to developers by exposing them through familiar components. In seconds, you could create a project that configured behavior for these objects, and deploy it to Cloudflare. By integrating with popular libraries such as Yjs (the gold standard in collaborative editing) and React, PartyKit made it possible for developers to build a wide range of use cases, from multiplayer games to collaborative drawing tools, into their applications.

Building experiences with real-time components was previously only accessible to multi-billion dollar companies, but new computing primitives like Durable Objects on the edge make this accessible to regular developers and teams. With PartyKit now under our roof, we’re doubling down on our commitment to this future — a future where serverless is stateful.

We’re excited to give you a preview into our shared vision for applications, and the use cases we’re excited to simplify together.

Making state for serverless easy

Unlike conventional approaches that rely on external databases to maintain state, thereby complicating scalability and increasing costs, PartyKit leverages Cloudflare’s Durable Objects to offer a seamless model where stateful serverless functions can operate as if they were running on a single machine, maintaining state across requests. This innovation not only simplifies development but also opens up a broader range of use cases, including real-time computing, collaborative editing, and multiplayer gaming, by allowing thousands of these “machines” to be spun up globally, each maintaining its own state. PartyKit aims to be a complement to traditional serverless computing, providing a more intuitive and efficient method for developing applications that require stateful behavior, thereby marking the “next evolution” of serverless computing.

Simplifying WebSockets for Real-Time Interaction

WebSockets have revolutionized how we think about bidirectional communication on the web. Yet, the challenge has always been about scaling these interactions to millions without a hitch. Cloudflare Workers step in as the hero, providing a serverless framework that makes real-time applications like chat services, multiplayer games, and collaborative tools not just possible but scalable and efficient.

Powering Games and Multiplayer Applications Without Limits

Imagine building multiplayer platforms where the game never lags, the collaboration is seamless, and video conferences are crystal clear. Cloudflare’s Durable Objects morph the stateless serverless landscape into a realm where persistent connections thrive. PartyKit’s integration into this ecosystem means developers now have a powerhouse toolkit to bring ambitious multiplayer visions to life, without the traditional overheads.

This is especially critical in gaming — there are few areas where low-latency and real-time interaction matter more. Every millisecond, every lag, every delay defines the entire experience. With PartyKit’s capabilities integrated into Cloudflare, developers will be able to leverage our combined technologies to create gaming experiences that are not just about playing but living the game, thanks to scalable, immersive, and interactive platforms.

The toolkit for building Local-First applications

The Internet is great, and increasingly always available, but there are still a few situations where we are forced to disconnect — whether on a plane, a train, or a beach.

The premise of local-first applications is that work doesn’t stop when the Internet does. Wherever you left off in your doc, you can keep working on it, assuming the state will be restored when you come back online. By storing data on the client and syncing when back online, these applications offer resilience and responsiveness that’s unmatched. Cloudflare’s vision, enhanced by PartyKit’s technology, aims to make local-first not just an option but the standard for application development.

What’s next for PartyKit users?

Users can expect their existing projects to continue working as expected. We will be adding more features to the platform, including the ability to create and use PartyKit projects inside existing Workers and Pages projects. There will be no extra charges to use PartyKit for commercial purposes, other than the standard usage charges for Cloudflare Workers and other services. Further, we’re going to expand the roadmap to begin working on integrations with popular frameworks and libraries, such as React, Vue, and Angular. We’re deeply committed to executing on the PartyKit vision and roadmap, and we’re excited to see what you build with it.

The Beginning of a New Chapter

The acquisition of PartyKit by Cloudflare isn’t just a milestone for our two teams; it’s a leap forward for developers everywhere. Together, we’re not just building tools; we’re crafting the foundation for the next generation of Internet applications. The future of serverless is stateful, and with PartyKit’s expertise now part of our arsenal, we’re more ready than ever to make that future a reality.

Welcome to the Cloudflare team, PartyKit. Look forward to building something remarkable together.

ASRock Rack MECAI-GH200 Short-Depth NVIDIA Grace Hopper Server

Post Syndicated from Cliff Robinson original https://www.servethehome.com/asrock-rack-mecai-gh200-short-depth-nvidia-grace-hopper-server-arm/

The ASRock Rack MECAI-GH200 is a short-depth NVIDIA Grace Hopper (GH200) server with lots of I/O and designed for single aisle servicing

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Running fine-tuned models on Workers AI with LoRAs

Post Syndicated from Michelle Chen original https://blog.cloudflare.com/fine-tuned-inference-with-loras

Inference from fine-tuned LLMs with LoRAs is now in open beta

Today, we’re excited to announce that you can now run fine-tuned inference with LoRAs on Workers AI. This feature is in open beta and available for pre-trained LoRA adapters to be used with Mistral, Gemma, or Llama 2, with some limitations. Take a look at our product announcements blog post to get a high-level overview of our Bring Your Own (BYO) LoRAs feature.

In this post, we’ll do a deep dive into what fine-tuning and LoRAs are, show you how to use it on our Workers AI platform, and then delve into the technical details of how we implemented it on our platform.

What is fine-tuning?

Fine-tuning is a general term for modifying an AI model by continuing to train it with additional data. The goal of fine-tuning is to increase the probability that a generation is similar to your dataset. Training a model from scratch is not practical for many use cases given how expensive and time consuming they can be to train. By fine-tuning an existing pre-trained model, you benefit from its capabilities while also accomplishing your desired task. Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) is a specific fine-tuning method that can be applied to various model architectures, not just LLMs. It is common that the pre-trained model weights are directly modified or fused with additional fine-tune weights in traditional fine-tuning methods. LoRA, on the other hand, allows for the fine-tune weights and pre-trained model to remain separate, and for the pre-trained model to remain unchanged. The end result is that you can train models to be more accurate  at specific tasks, such as generating code, having a specific personality, or generating images in a specific style. You can even fine-tune an existing LLM to understand additional information about a specific topic.

The approach of maintaining the original base model weights means that you can create new fine-tune weights with relatively little compute. You can take advantage of existing foundational models (such as Llama, Mistral, and Gemma), and adapt them for your needs.

How does fine-tuning work?

To better understand fine-tuning and why LoRA is so effective, we have to take a step back to understand how AI models work. AI models (like LLMs) are neural networks that are trained through deep learning techniques. In neural networks, there are a set of parameters that act as a mathematical representation of the model’s domain knowledge, made up of weights and biases – in simple terms, numbers. These parameters are usually represented as large matrices of numbers. The more parameters a model has, the larger the model is, so when you see models like llama-2-7b, you can read “7b” and know that the model has 7 billion parameters.

A model’s parameters define its behavior. When you train a model from scratch, these parameters usually start off as random numbers. As you train the model on a dataset, these parameters get adjusted bit-by-bit until the model reflects the dataset and exhibits the right behavior. Some parameters will be more important than others, so we apply a weight and use it to show more or less importance. Weights play a crucial role in the model’s ability to capture patterns and relationships in the data it is trained on.

Traditional fine-tuning will adjust all the parameters in the trained model with a new set of weights. As such, a fine-tuned model requires us to serve the same amount of parameters as the original model, which means it can take a lot of time and compute to train and run inference for a fully fine-tuned model. On top of that, new state-of-the-art models, or versions of existing models, are regularly released, meaning that fully fine-tuned models can become costly to train, maintain, and store.

LoRA is an efficient method of fine-tuning

In the simplest terms, LoRA avoids adjusting parameters in a pre-trained model and instead allows us to apply a small number of additional parameters. These additional parameters are applied temporarily to the base model to effectively control model behavior. Relative to traditional fine-tuning methods it takes a lot less time and compute to train these additional parameters, which are referred to as a LoRA adapter. After training, we package up the LoRA adapter as a separate model file that can then plug in to the base model it was trained from. A fully fine-tuned model can be tens of gigabytes in size, while these adapters are usually just a few megabytes. This makes it a lot easier to distribute, and serving fine-tuned inference with LoRA only adds ms of latency to total inference time.

If you’re curious to understand why LoRA is so effective, buckle up — we first have to go through a brief lesson on linear algebra. If that’s not a term you’ve thought about since university, don’t worry, we’ll walk you through it.

Show me the math

With traditional fine-tuning, we can take the weights of a model (W0) and tweak them to output a new set of weights — so the difference between the original model weights and the new weights is ΔW, representing the change in weights. Therefore, a tuned model will have a new set of weights which can be represented as the original model weights plus the change in weights, W0 + ΔW.

Remember, all of these model weights are actually represented as large matrices of numbers. In math, every matrix has a property called rank (r), which describes the number of linearly independent columns or rows in a matrix. When matrices are low-rank, they have only a few columns or rows that are “important”, so we can actually decompose or split them into two smaller matrices with the most important parameters  (think of it like factoring in algebra). This technique is called rank decomposition, which allows us to greatly reduce and simplify matrices while keeping the most important bits. In the context of fine-tuning, rank determines how many parameters get changed from the original model – the higher the rank, the stronger the fine-tune, giving you more granularity over the output.

According to the original LoRA paper, researchers have found that when a model is low-rank, the matrix representing the change in weights is also low-rank. Therefore, we can apply rank decomposition to our matrix representing the change in weights ΔW to create two smaller matrices A, B, where ΔW = BA. Now, the change in the model can be represented by two smaller low-rank matrices. This is why this method of fine-tuning is called Low-Rank Adaptation.

When we run inference, we only need the smaller matrices A, B to change the behavior of the model. The model weights in A, B constitute our LoRA adapter (along with a config file). At runtime, we add the model weights together, combining the original model (W0) and the LoRA adapter (A, B). Adding and subtracting are simple mathematical operations, meaning that we can quickly swap out different LoRA adapters by adding and subtracting A, B from W0.. By temporarily adjusting the weights of the original model, we modify the model’s behavior and output and as a result, we get fine-tuned inference with minimal added latency.

According to the original LoRA paper, “LoRA can reduce the number of trainable parameters by 10,000 times and the GPU memory requirement by 3 times”. Because of this, LoRA is one of the most popular methods of fine-tuning since it’s a lot less computationally expensive than a fully fine-tuned model, doesn’t add any material inference time, and is much smaller and portable.

How can you use LoRAs with Workers AI?

Workers AI is very well-suited to run LoRAs because of the way we run serverless inference. The models in our catalog are always pre-loaded on our GPUs, meaning that we keep them warm so that your requests never encounter a cold start. This means that the base model is always available, and we can dynamically load and swap out LoRA adapters as needed. We can actually plug in multiple LoRA adapters to one base model, so we can serve multiple different fine-tuned inference requests at once.

When you fine-tune with LoRA, your output will be two files: your custom model weights (in safetensors format) and an adapter config file (in json format). To create these weights yourself, you can train a LoRA on your own data using the Hugging Face PEFT (Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning) library combined with the Hugging Face AutoTrain LLM library. You can also run your training tasks on services such as Auto Train and Google Colab. Alternatively, there are many open-source LoRA adapters available on Hugging Face today that cover a variety of use cases.

Eventually, we want to support the LoRA training workloads on our platform, but we’ll need you to bring your trained LoRA adapters to Workers AI today, which is why we’re calling this feature Bring Your Own (BYO) LoRAs.

For the initial open beta release, we are allowing people to use LoRAs with our Mistral, Llama, and Gemma models. We have set aside versions of these models which accept LoRAs, which you can access by appending -lora to the end of the model name. Your adapter must have been fine-tuned from one of our supported base models listed below:

  • @cf/meta-llama/llama-2-7b-chat-hf-lora
  • @cf/mistral/mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2-lora
  • @cf/google/gemma-2b-it-lora
  • @cf/google/gemma-7b-it-lora

As we are launching this feature in open beta, we have some limitations today to take note of: quantized LoRA models are not yet supported, LoRA adapters must be smaller than 100MB and have up to a max rank of 8, and you can try up to 30 LoRAs per account during our initial open beta. To get started with LoRAs on Workers AI, read the Developer Docs.

As always, we expect people to use Workers AI and our new BYO LoRA feature with our Terms of Service in mind, including any model-specific restrictions on use contained in the models’ license terms.

How did we build multi-tenant LoRA serving?

Serving multiple LoRA models simultaneously poses a challenge in terms of GPU resource utilization. While it is possible to batch inference requests to a base model, it is much more challenging to batch requests with the added complexity of serving unique LoRA adapters. To tackle this problem, we leverage the Punica CUDA kernel design in combination with global cache optimizations in order to handle the memory intensive workload of multi-tenant LoRA serving while offering low inference latency.

The Punica CUDA kernel was introduced in the paper Punica: Multi-Tenant LoRA Serving as a method to serve multiple, significantly different LoRA models applied to the same base model. In comparison to previous inference techniques, the method offers substantial throughput and latency improvements. This optimization is achieved in part through enabling request batching even across requests serving different LoRA adapters.

The core of the Punica kernel system is a new CUDA kernel called Segmented Gather Matrix-Vector Multiplication (SGMV). SGMV allows a GPU to store only a single copy of the pre-trained model while serving different LoRA models. The Punica kernel design system consolidates the batching of requests for unique LoRA models to improve performance by parallelizing the feature-weight multiplication of different requests in a batch. Requests for the same LoRA model are then grouped to increase operational intensity. Initially, the GPU loads the base model while reserving most of its GPU memory for KV Cache. The LoRA components (A and B matrices) are then loaded on demand from remote storage (Cloudflare’s cache or R2) when required by an incoming request. This on demand loading introduces only milliseconds of latency, which means that multiple LoRA adapters can be seamlessly fetched and served with minimal impact on inference performance. Frequently requested LoRA adapters are cached for the fastest possible inference.

Once a requested LoRA has been cached locally, the speed it can be made available for inference is constrained only by PCIe bandwidth. Regardless, given that each request may require its own LoRA, it becomes critical that LoRA downloads and memory copy operations are performed asynchronously. The Punica scheduler tackles this exact challenge, batching only requests which currently have required LoRA weights available in GPU memory, and queueing requests that do not until the required weights are available and the request can efficiently join a batch.

By effectively managing KV cache and batching these requests, it is possible to handle significant multi-tenant LoRA-serving workloads. A further and important optimization is the use of continuous batching. Common batching methods require all requests to the same adapter to reach their stopping condition before being released. Continuous batching allows a request in a batch to be released early so that it does not need to wait for the longest running request.

Given that LLMs deployed to Cloudflare’s network are available globally, it is important that LoRA adapter models are as well. Very soon, we will implement remote model files that are cached at Cloudflare’s edge to further reduce inference latency.

A roadmap for fine-tuning on Workers AI

Launching support for LoRA adapters is an important step towards unlocking fine-tunes on our platform. In addition to the LLM fine-tunes available today, we look forward to supporting more models and a variety of task types, including image generation.

Our vision for Workers AI is to be the best place for developers to run their AI workloads — and this includes the process of fine-tuning itself. Eventually, we want to be able to run the fine-tuning training job as well as fully fine-tuned models directly on Workers AI. This unlocks many use cases for AI to be more relevant in organizations by empowering models to have more granularity and detail for specific tasks.

With AI Gateway, we will be able to help developers log their prompts and responses, which they can then use to fine-tune models with production data. Our vision is to have a one-click fine-tuning service, where log data from AI Gateway can be used to retrain a model (on Cloudflare) and then the fine-tuned model can be redeployed on Workers AI for inference. This will allow developers to personalize their AI models to fit their applications, allowing for granularity as low as a per-user level. The fine-tuned model can then be smaller and more optimized, helping users save time and money on AI inference – and the magic is that all of this can all happen within our very own Developer Platform.

We’re excited for you to try the open beta for BYO LoRAs! Read our Developer Docs for more details, and tell us what you think on Discord.

QCT QuantaEdge EGX77GE-2U NVIDIA GH200 Grace Hopper Edge Server at GTC 2024

Post Syndicated from Cliff Robinson original https://www.servethehome.com/qct-quantaedge-egx77ge-2u-nvidia-gh200-grace-hopper-edge-server-at-gtc-2024/

We found the NVIDIA GH200 Grace Hopper powered QCT QuantaEdge EGX77GE-2U short-depth 2U server at GTC 2024 which is certainly different

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Welcome to Developer Week 2024

Post Syndicated from Rita Kozlov original https://blog.cloudflare.com/welcome-to-developer-week-2024

It’s time to ship. For us (that’s what Innovation Weeks are all about!), and also for our developers.

Shipping itself is always fun, but getting there is not always easy. Bringing something from idea to life requires many stars to align. That’s what this week is all about — helping developers, including the two million developers already building on our platform, bring their ideas to life.

The full-stack cloud

Building applications requires assembling many different components.

The frontend, the face of the application, must be intuitive, responsive, and visually appealing to engage users effectively. Behind the scenes, you need a backend to handle data processing, storage, and retrieval, ensuring smooth functionality and performance. On top of all that, in the past year AI has entered the chat, so to speak, and increasingly every application requires an element of AI, making it a crucial part of the stack.

The job of a good platform is to provide all these components, and any others you will need, to you, the developer.

Just as there’s nothing more frustrating than coming home from the grocery store and realizing you left out an ingredient, realizing a platform is missing a major component or piece of functionality is no different.

We view providing the tooling that developers need as a critical part of our job as a platform, which is why with every Developer Week, we make it our mission to provide you with more and more pieces you may need. This week is no different — you can expect us to announce more tools and primitives from the frontend to backend to AI.

However, our job doesn’t stop there. If a good platform provides the components, a great platform goes a step further than that.

The job of a great platform is not only to provide the components, but make sure they play well with each other in a way that makes your job as a developer easier. Our vision for the developer platform is exactly that: to anticipate not just the tools you need but also think about how they work with each other, and how they integrate into your development flow.

This week, you will see announcements and deep dives that expound on our vision for an integrated platform: pulling back the curtain on the way we expose services in Workers through bindings for an integrated developer experience, talking about our vision for a unified data platform, updating you on framework support, and more.

The connectivity cloud

While we’re excited for you to build on us as much as possible, we also realize that development projects are rarely greenfield. If you’ve been at this for a long time, chances are a large portion of your application already lives somewhere, whether on another cloud, or on-prem.

That’s why we’re constantly making it easier for you to connect to existing infrastructure or other providers, and working hard to make sure you can still reap the benefits of building on Cloudflare by making your application feel fast and global, regardless of where your backend is.

And vice versa, if your data is on us, but you need to access it from other providers, it’s not our job to keep it hostage in a captivity cloud by charging a tariff for egress.

The experimentation cloud

Before you start assembling components, or even coming up with a plan or a spec for it, there’s an important but overlooked step to the development process — experimentation.

Experimentation can take many forms. Experimentation can be in the form of prototyping an MVP before you spend months developing a product or a feature. If you’ve found yourself rewriting your entire personal website just to try out a new tool or framework, that’s also experimentation.

It’s easy to overlook experimentation as a part of the process, but innovation doesn’t happen without it, which is why it’s something we always want to encourage and support as a part of our platform.

That’s why offering a generous free tier is something that’s been a part of our DNA since the very beginning, and something you can expect to forever be a staple of our platform.

The demo to production cloud

Alright, you’ve got all the tools you need, you’ve had a chance to experiment, and at some point… it’s time to ship.

Shipping is exciting, but shipping is also vulnerable and scary. You’re exposing the thing you’ve been working hard on to the world to criticize. You’re exposing your code to a world of untested edge cases and abuse. You’re exposing your colleagues who are on call to the possibility of getting paged at 1 AM due to the code you released.

Of course, the wrong answer is not shipping.

The right answer is having a platform that supports you and holds your hand through the scary parts. This means a platform that can seamlessly scale from zero to sixty. A platform gives you the tools to test your code, and release it gradually to the world to help you gain confidence. Or a platform provides the observability you need when you are trying to figure out what’s gone wrong at 1 AM.

That’s why this week, you can look forward to some announcements from us that we hope will help you sleep better.

The demo to production cloud — for inference

We talked about some of the scary parts of deploying to production, and while all these apply to AI as well, building AI applications today, especially in production, presents its own unique set of challenges.

Almost every day you see a new AI demo go viral — from Sora to Devin, it’s easy and inspiring to imagine our world completely changed by AI. But if you’ve started actually playing with and implementing AI use cases, you know the harsh reality of making AI truly work. It requires a lot of trial and error to get the results you want — choosing a model, RAG, fine-tuning…

And that’s before you even go to production.

That’s when you encounter the real challenge — provisioning enough capacity to stay up, without over-provisioning and overpaying. This is the exact challenge we set out to solve from the early days of Workers — helping developers not worry about infrastructure, just the application they want to build.

With the recent rise of AI, we’ve noticed many of these challenges return. Thankfully, managing loads and infrastructure is what we’re good at here at Cloudflare. It’s what we’ve had practice at for over a decade of running our platform. It’s all just one giant scheduler.

Our vision for our AI platform is to help solve the exact challenges in deploying AI workloads that we’ve been helping developers solve for, well, any other type of workload. Whether you’re deploying directly on us with Workers AI, or another provider, we’ll help provide the tools you need to access the models you need, without overpaying for idle compute.

Don’t worry, it’s all going to be fine.

So what can you expect this week?

No one in my family can keep a secret — my sister cannot get me a birthday present without spoiling it the week before. For me, the anticipation and the look of surprise is part of the fun! My coworkers seem to have clued into this.

While I won’t give away too much, we’ve already teased out a few things last week (you can find some hints here, here and here), as well as in this blog post if you read closely (because as it turns out, I too, can’t help myself).

See you tomorrow!

Our series of announcements starts on Monday, April 1st. We look forward to sharing them with you here on our blog, and discussing them with you on Discord and X.

8x NVIDIA Grace Hopper Superchips in a Blade HPE Cray EX254n at GTC 2024

Post Syndicated from Cliff Robinson original https://www.servethehome.com/8x-nvidia-grace-hopper-superchips-arm-in-a-blade-hpe-cray-ex254n-at-gtc-2024/

We found the HPE Cray EX254n at NVIDIA GTC 2024. This is an 8x NVIDIA Grace Hopper liquid cooled blade for HPE’s supercomputing platforms

The post 8x NVIDIA Grace Hopper Superchips in a Blade HPE Cray EX254n at GTC 2024 appeared first on ServeTheHome.