Ubuntu doesn’t get it

Post Syndicated from Lennart Poettering original https://0pointer.net/blog/projects/pa-in-ubuntu.html

#nocomments yes


So in the past Ubuntu packaged PA in a way that, let’s say, was not
exactly optimal. I thought they’d gotten around fixing things since then. Turns
out they didn’t. Seems in their upcoming release they again did some genius
thing to make PA on Ubuntu perform worse than it could
. The Ubuntu kernel
contains all kind of closed-source and other crap to no limits, but backporting
a tiny patch that is blessed and merged upstream and in Fedora for ages, that
they won’t do. Gah.

And it doesn’t stop there. This
patch is an outright insult
. This
is disappointing

Madness. Not good, Ubuntu, really not good! And I’ll get all the
complaints for this f**up again. Thanks!

/me is disappointed. Ubuntu, you really can do better than this.
