Facebook Friend Suggestions – Not a Virus!

Post Syndicated from David original http://devilsadvocatesecurity.blogspot.com/2010/05/facebook-friend-suggestions-not-virus.html

Facebook status updates are quickly being populated with warnings that the suggest a friend notes that are appearing in users inboxes are virus driven. They’re not – in fact, Facebook has released a notice that AllFacebook.com posted stating

“This is neither a bug nor a virus, and the “Virus Alert” status update is incorrect. Friend suggestions are now mutual and will appear for both users involved. That is, if I suggest that one person become friends with another, both the person I suggested and the person to whom I sent the suggestion will receive the notification.”

The fact that the Facebook populace quickly communicates about a potential issue is good – the fact that false information is spreading quickly is not as good – but I’d rather my users avoid a fake virus than not avoid a real one.