Off to LPC 2010, Boston

Post Syndicated from Lennart Poettering original

Later this week the Linux Plumbers Conference 2010 will take place at the
Hyatt Regency in Cambridge.

Together with Mark Brown I’ll be running the conference track about Audio,
and I believe we managed to put together quite a nice schedule with various
interesting talks covering many areas of what Audio on Linux is about.

I’ll also be around at the Boot
and Init Systems
track which Kay Sievers is running. Together with Kay I’ll
do a session about systemd,
everybody’s favourite system and session manager. We also managed to convince a
number of distribution maintainers of systemd to do short presentations about
the state of systemd adoption in their respective distributions: Michael Biebl
from Debian, Gustavo Barbieri from Gentoo, Kay for openSUSE and yours truly for

Because there never can be enough systemd coverage at a conference I’ll do
another talk about systemd, in Vincent Untz’ Desktop
track, this time focussing less on how to boot and maintain a system, but more
on doing the same for desktop sessions, in particular GNOME.

I’ll also stick around for the the first two days of the GNOME Boston Summit.

See you in Cambridge!