Boot & Base OS Miniconf at Linux Plumbers Conference 2012, San Diego

Post Syndicated from Lennart Poettering original

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We are working on putting together a miniconf on
the topic of Boot & Base OS
for the Linux Plumbers Conference 2012 in San
Diego (Aug 29-31). And we need your submission!

Are you working on some exciting project related to Boot and Base OS and
would like to present your work? Then please submit something following
these guidelines
, but please CC Kay Sievers and Lennart Poettering.

I hope that at this point the Linux Plumbers Conference
needs little introduction, so I will spare any further prose on how great and
useful and the best conference ever it is for everybody who works on the plumbing
layer of Linux. However, there’s one conference that will be co-located with
LPC that is still little known, because it happens for the first time: The C Conference, organized by Brandon Philips
and friends. It covers all things C, and they are still looking for more
topics, in a reverse CFP. Please
consider submitting a proposal and registering to the conference!

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