systemd for Administrators, Part XIV

Post Syndicated from Lennart Poettering original

here’s the fourteenth

my ongoing series

The Self-Explanatory Boot

One complaint we often hear about systemd is
that its boot process was hard to understand, even
incomprehensible. In general I can only disagree with this sentiment, I
even believe in quite the opposite: in comparison to what we had
before — where to even remotely understand what was going on you had
to have a decent comprehension of the programming language that is
Bourne Shell[1] — understanding systemd’s boot process is
substantially easier. However, like in many complaints there is some
truth in this frequently heard discomfort: for a seasoned Unix
administrator there indeed is a bit of learning to do when the switch
to systemd is
made. And as systemd developers it is our duty to make the learning
curve shallow, introduce as few surprises as we can, and provide
good documentation where that is not possible.

systemd always had huge body of documentation as manual
(nearly 100 individual pages now!), in the Wiki and
the various blog stories I posted. However, any amount of
documentation alone is not enough to make software easily
understood. In fact, thick manuals sometimes appear intimidating and
make the reader wonder where to start reading, if all he was
interested in was this one simple concept of the whole system.

Acknowledging all this we have now added a new, neat, little
feature to systemd: the self-explanatory boot process. What do we mean
by that? Simply that each and every single component of our boot comes
with documentation and that this documentation is closely linked to
its component, so that it is easy to find.

More specifically, all units in systemd (which are what
encapsulate the components of the boot) now include references to
their documentation, the documentation of their configuration files
and further applicable manuals. A user who is trying to understand the
purpose of a unit, how it fits into the boot process and how to
configure it can now easily look up this documentation with the
well-known systemctl status command. Here’s an example how
this looks for systemd-logind.service:

$ systemctl status systemd-logind.service
systemd-logind.service - Login Service
	  Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-logind.service; static)
	  Active: active (running) since Mon, 25 Jun 2012 22:39:24 +0200; 1 day and 18h ago
	    Docs: man:systemd-logind.service(7)
	Main PID: 562 (systemd-logind)
	  CGroup: name=systemd:/system/systemd-logind.service
		  └ 562 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-logind

Jun 25 22:39:24 epsilon systemd-logind[562]: Watching system buttons on /dev/input/event2 (Power Button)
Jun 25 22:39:24 epsilon systemd-logind[562]: Watching system buttons on /dev/input/event6 (Video Bus)
Jun 25 22:39:24 epsilon systemd-logind[562]: Watching system buttons on /dev/input/event0 (Lid Switch)
Jun 25 22:39:24 epsilon systemd-logind[562]: Watching system buttons on /dev/input/event1 (Sleep Button)
Jun 25 22:39:24 epsilon systemd-logind[562]: Watching system buttons on /dev/input/event7 (ThinkPad Extra Buttons)
Jun 25 22:39:25 epsilon systemd-logind[562]: New session 1 of user gdm.
Jun 25 22:39:25 epsilon systemd-logind[562]: Linked /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 to /run/user/42/X11-display.
Jun 25 22:39:32 epsilon systemd-logind[562]: New session 2 of user lennart.
Jun 25 22:39:32 epsilon systemd-logind[562]: Linked /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 to /run/user/500/X11-display.
Jun 25 22:39:54 epsilon systemd-logind[562]: Removed session 1.

On the first look this output changed very little. If you look
closer however you will find that it now includes one new field:
Docs lists references to the documentation of this
service. In this case there are two man page URIs and one web URL
specified. The man pages describe the purpose and configuration of
this service, the web URL includes an introduction to the basic
concepts of this service.

If the user uses a recent graphical terminal implementation it is
sufficient to click on the URIs shown to get the respective
documentation[2]. With other words: it never has been that
easy to figure out what a specific component of our boot is about:
just use systemctl status to get more information about it
and click on the links shown to find the documentation.

The past days I have written man pages and added these references
for every single unit we ship with systemd. This means, with
systemctl status you now have a very easy way to find out
more about every single service of the core OS.

If you are not using a graphical terminal (where you can just click
on URIs), a man page URI in the middle of the output of systemctl
is not the most useful thing to have. To make reading the
referenced man pages easier we have also added a new command:

systemctl help systemd-logind.service

Which will open the listed man pages right-away, without the need
to click anything or copy/paste an URI.

The URIs are in the formats documented by the uri(7)
man page. Units may reference http and https URLs, as well as man and
info pages.

Of course all this doesn’t make everything self-explanatory, simply
because the user still has to find out about systemctl status
(and even systemctl in the first place so that he even knows
what units there are); however with this basic knowledge further
help on specific units is in very easy reach.

We hope that this kind of interlinking of runtime behaviour and the
matching documentation is a big step forward to make our boot easier
to understand.

This functionality is partially already available in Fedora 17, and
will show up in complete form in Fedora 18.

That all said, credit where credit is due: this kind of references
to documentation within the service descriptions is not new, Solaris’
SMF had similar functionality for quite some time. However, we believe
this new systemd feature is certainly a novelty on Linux, and with
systemd we now offer you the best documented and best self-explaining
init system.

Of course, if you are writing unit files for your own packages,
please consider also including references to the documentation of your
services and its configuration. This is really easy to do, just list
the URIs in the new Documentation= field in the
[Unit] section of your unit files. For details see systemd.unit(5). The
more comprehensively we include links to documentation in our OS
services the easier the work of administrators becomes. (To make sure
Fedora makes comprehensive use of this functionality I filed a bug on

Oh, and BTW: if you are looking for a rough overview of systemd’s
boot process here’s
another new man page we recently added
, which includes a pretty
ASCII flow chart of the boot process and the units involved.


[1] Which TBH is a pretty crufty, strange one on top.

[2] Well, a terminal
where this bug is fixed
(used together with a help
browser where this one is fixed