What Are We Breaking Now?

Post Syndicated from Lennart Poettering original https://0pointer.net/blog/projects/brno.html

End of February devconf.cz
took place in Brno, Czech Republic. At the conference Kay Sievers,
Harald Hoyer and I did two presentations about our work on systemd
and about the systemd Journal. These talks were taped and the
recordings are now available online.

First, here’s our talk about What Are We
Breaking Now?
, in which we try to give an overview on what we
are working on currently in the systemd context, and what we expect to
do in the next few months. We cover Predictable Network Interface
, the Boot
Loader Spec
, kdbus, the Apps framework, and more.

And then, I did my second talk about The systemd
, with a focus on how to practically make use of
journalctl, as a day-to-day tool for administrators (these practical
bits start around 28:40). The commands demoed here are all explained in an earlier blog story of

Unfortunately, the audience questions are sometimes hard or
impossible to understand from the videos, and sometimes the text on
the slides is hard to read, but I still believe that the two talks are
quite interesting.