MariaDB and MySQL room at Froscon

Post Syndicated from Michael "Monty" Widenius original

Froscon, the German Free Software and Open Source conference, is happening again this weekend in University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.

This year we have a MariaDB/MySQL room, C 217, where we can meet, discuss and present MariaDB and MySQL related issues.

I will probably be in the room or at the MariaDB booth most of the time. I welcome people to come to the room with their database problems so that we can try to solve them ‘live’ (assuming that the Internet is reliable enough).

I will also hold a keynote, How to make money from Open Source today. This includes some information about Business source, a topic that has been discussed in many places lately

If you are looking for information about MariaDB, MySQL, how to make money with Open Source or just have a craving for black vodka, seek me out at Froscon!