First Round of systemd.conf 2015 Sponsors

Post Syndicated from Lennart Poettering original

First Round of systemd.conf 2015 Sponsors

We are happy to announce the first round of systemd.conf

Our first Gold sponsor is CoreOS!

CoreOS develops software for modern infrastructure that delivers a consistent operating environment for distributed applications. CoreOS’s commercial offering, Tectonic, is an enterprise-ready platform that combines Kubernetes and the CoreOS stack to run Linux containers. In addition CoreOS is the creator and maintainer of open source projects such as CoreOS Linux, etcd, fleet, flannel and rkt. The strategies and architectures that influence CoreOS allow companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter to run their services at scale with high resilience. Learn more about CoreOS here, Tectonic here, or follow CoreOS on Twitter @coreoslinux.

A Silver sponsor is Codethink:

Codethink is a software services consultancy, focusing on engineering reliable systems for long-term deployment with open source technologies.

A Bronze sponsor is Pantheon:

Pantheon is a platform for professional website development, testing, and deployment. Supporting Drupal and WordPress, Pantheon runs over 100,000 websites for the world’s top brands, universities, and media organizations on top of over a million containers.

A Bronze sponsor is Pengutronix:

Pengutronix provides consulting, training and development services for Embedded Linux to customers from the industry. The Kernel Team ports Linux to customer hardware and has more than 3100 patches in the official mainline kernel. In addition to lowlevel ports, the Pengutronix Application Team is responsible for board support packages based on PTXdist or Yocto and deals with system integration (this is where systemd plays an important role). The Graphics Team works on accelerated multimedia tasks, based on the Linux kernel, GStreamer, Qt and web technologies.

We’d like to thank our sponsors for their support! Without sponsors our conference would not be possible!

We’ll shortly announce our second round of sponsors, please stay tuned!

If you’d like to join the ranks of systemd.conf 2015 sponsors, please have a look at our Becoming a Sponsor page!

Reminder! The systemd.conf 2015 Call for Presentations ends on monday, August 31st! Please make sure to submit your proposals on the CfP page until then!

Also, don’t forget to register for the conference! Only a limited number of
registrations are available due to space constraints!
Register here!.

For further details about systemd.conf consult the conference website.