Security updates for Monday

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Security updates have been issued by CentOS (thunderbird), Debian (libproxy, qemu, and wordpress), Fedora (ansible, chromium, community-mysql, dotnet-build-reference-packages, dotnet3.1, drupal7, grub2, java-1.8.0-openjdk-aarch32, kernel, kernel-headers, kernel-tools, mingw-gnutls, php-symfony4, python-django, and selinux-policy), Gentoo (DBI, file-roller, gnome-shell, gst-rtsp-server, nextcloud-client, php, proftpd, qtgui, and zeromq), openSUSE (gimp, libjpeg-turbo, openldap2, python-Flask-Cors, and slurm), Oracle (.NET Core 3.1, dovecot, go-toolset:ol8, httpd:2.4, and kernel), Red Hat (dovecot, httpd24-httpd, httpd:2.4, and mysql:8.0), and Slackware (thunderbird).