Fallout from upcoming Let’s Encrypt certificate changes

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/836497/rss

As described in this Let’s
Encrypt blog entry
, certificates issued by Let’s Encrypt will soon be
signed solely by that organization’s own root certificate, which is
accepted by all modern browsers. There is one little catch, though:
versions of Android prior to 7.1.1 (released in late 2016) do not recognize
that certificate and will start throwing errors. “Currently, 66.2%
of Android devices are running version 7.1 or above. The remaining 33.8% of
Android devices will eventually start getting certificate errors when users
visit sites that have a Let’s Encrypt certificate. In our communications
with large integrators, we have found that this represents around 1-5% of
traffic to their sites.
” There appears to be little to be done
about this problem other than to encourage owners of older Android devices
to install Firefox.