Security updates for Monday

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Security updates have been issued by Arch Linux (c-ares, libass, raptor, rclone, and swtpm), Debian (libproxy, qemu, tcpflow, and x11vnc), Fedora (asterisk, c-ares, microcode_ctl, moodle, pam, tcpdump, and webkit2gtk3), Mageia (jruby and webkit2), openSUSE (buildah, c-ares, ceph, fontforge, java-1_8_0-openjdk, kernel, LibVNCServer, mariadb, thunderbird, ucode-intel, and wireshark), Red Hat (firefox, rh-mariadb103-mariadb and rh-mariadb103-galera, and thunderbird), SUSE (binutils, libssh2_org, LibVNCServer, libX11, and nodejs12), and Ubuntu (mysql-8.0 and qemu).