Security updates for Monday

Post Syndicated from original

Security updates have been issued by Arch Linux (ceph, gitea, matrix-synapse, musl, mutt, neomutt, opensc, and webkit2gtk), Debian (debian-security-support, openldap, salt, xen, and xorg-server), Fedora (fossil, pdfresurrect, tcpdump, thunderbird, and xorg-x11-server), Gentoo (chromium, firefox, mariadb, pam, postgresql, seamonkey, thunderbird, and xorg-server), Mageia (mutt, pdfresurrect, privoxy, and thunderbird), openSUSE (chromium, java-1_8_0-openjdk, kernel, minidlna, neomutt, opera, pngcheck, python, python-cryptography, python-pip, python-setuptools, python3, rclone, thunderbird, xen, and xorg-x11-server), Red Hat (ksh and net-snmp), and SUSE (crowbar-openstack, grafana, influxdb, python-urllib3, fontforge, mariadb, mutt, postgresql12, python-cryptography, and xen).