This is 2021: what’s coming in free/libre software (Libre Arts)

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Libre Arts (formerly Libre Graphics World) has posted a comprehensive
of what 2021 might hold for a wide range of free
content-creation software.

The topic of fullscreen color management implementation in Wayland is back,
and it’s a kinda frustrating story. In a nutshell:

  • people who are now working on this (Collabora developers) seem to have
    little experience with color management but they appear to be motivated to
    hack on the code;

  • all the while people who have a crapload of experience with color
    management have had bad experience discussing this before, do not like the
    approach by the new team, and don’t seem excited to contribute to this new
    effort (Graeme’s spec proposal is still available).

So we might end up with an implementation that is not suitable for
professional work.