Security updates for Monday

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Security updates have been issued by Arch Linux (home-assistant, libgcrypt, libvirt, and mutt), Debian (ffmpeg, kernel, libonig, libsdl2, mariadb-10.1, and thunderbird), Fedora (chromium, firefox, jasper, libebml, mingw-python3, netpbm, opensmtpd, thunderbird, and xen), Gentoo (firefox and thunderbird), Mageia (db53, dnsmasq, kernel, kernel-linus, and php-pear), openSUSE (go1.14, go1.15, messagelib, nodejs8, segv_handler, and thunderbird), Oracle (firefox, kernel, and thunderbird), Red Hat (flatpak), SUSE (firefox and rubygem-nokogiri), and Ubuntu (mysql-5.7, mysql-8.0 and python-django).