Tails 4.20 is out

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/862771/rss

Tails is a privacy focused distribution and Tails 4.20
completely changes how to connect to the Tor network from
” with the new Tor Connection assistant.

This new assistant is most useful for users who are at high risk of
physical surveillance, under heavy network censorship, or on a poor
Internet connection:

  • It protects better the users who need to go unnoticed if using Tor
    could look suspicious to someone who monitors their Internet connection
    (parental control, abusive partner, school or work network, etc.).

  • It allows people who need to connect to Tor using bridges to configure
    them without having to change the default configuration in the Welcome

  • It helps first-time users understand how to connect to a local Wi-Fi

  • It provides feedback while connecting to Tor and helps troubleshoot
    network problems.