Some massive stable kernel updates

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5.10.50, and
stable kernel updates are out. They are huge; when asked why, Greg
Kroah-Hartman responded:

They show the problem that we currently have where maintainers wait
at the end of the -rc cycle and keep valid fixes from being sent to
Linus. They “bunch up” and come out only in -rc1 and so the first
few stable releases after -rc1 comes out are huge. It’s been
happening for the past few years and only getting worse. These
stable releases are proof of that, the 5.13.2-rc release was the
largest we have ever done and it broke one of my scripts because of
it 🙁

There has been more than the usual amount of discussion about patches that
perhaps should not have been included; the probability of regressions in
these releases may be a bit above average. They also, of course, contain a
lot of important bug fixes.