Rapid7 Acquires IntSights to Tackle the Expanding Threat Landscape

Post Syndicated from Corey Thomas original https://blog.rapid7.com/2021/07/19/rapid7-acquires-intsights/

Rapid7 Acquires IntSights to Tackle the Expanding Threat Landscape

I am pleased to share the exciting news that, today, Rapid7 acquired IntSights, a leading provider of cloud-native, external threat intelligence and proactive threat remediation. The IntSights team is fantastic, and their threat intelligence capabilities are equally impressive. I’ll share more about why IntSights is a great fit for Rapid7 and our customers, but let me first share some context for this acquisition.

We’ve seen firsthand that with digital transformation the attack surface has increased exponentially and customers are recognizing that improved visibility to their internal risk profile is just one part of the security equation. With today’s threat landscape, it’s imperative for security teams to have early, contextualized threat detection across their internal and external environment. Yet most security teams are already under-resourced and overburdened, struggling to identify and address what needs immediate action. So, under these circumstances, how can we help security teams stay one step ahead of the attackers? Enter IntSights.

IntSights offers a leading, cloud-native, external threat intelligence and remediation solution that helps customers solve this emerging challenge. Sophisticated threat intelligence capabilities are typically only realistic for the most mature, well-resourced organizations. But IntSights is disrupting that and democratizing threat intelligence so that every organization can protect itself, regardless of size or capabilities.

There’s no shortage of threat intelligence information available today, but much of it lacks context, creating too much alert noise and additional work for already-overburdened security teams. IntSights’ flagship Threat Command offering turns complex signals into contextualized attack-surface intelligence, making threat intelligence easier for organizations of any size to remediate their most critical external threats.

For example, IntSights monitors the clear, deep, and dark webs to identify threats specifically targeting an organization’s digital footprint, including things like data and credential leakage, malicious activity tied to their brand, and fraud. But IntSights goes beyond monitoring and takes action by proactively remediating with automated takedowns of threats.

Coupling IntSights’ tailored, external threat-intelligence capabilities with Rapid7’s community-infused threat intelligence and deep understanding of customer environments will enable customers with a unified view into threats, attack-surface monitoring, greater signal-to-noise ratio, relevant insights, and proactive threat mitigation.

What’s next

IntSights has built a tremendous business and we look forward to making Threat Command available as a standalone offering to an even broader set of customers through this acquisition. At the same time, we will begin integrating IntSights’ threat-intelligence capabilities into the Rapid7 Insight Platform to unlock earlier threat identification and faster remediation across our entire portfolio. Learn more about how we intend to accelerate security operations and emergent threat response with our platform.

In addition, we will leverage IntSights’ capabilities to enhance our cloud-native, extended detection and response (XDR) capabilities by enabling high-quality, high-fidelity alerts to ensure efficient security operations, earlier threat detection, and accelerated response times. Learn more about how the acquisition of IntSights enhances our best-in-class XDR offering.

Welcome, IntSights!

From its beginning, IntSights set out on a mission to democratize threat intelligence, something that is very culturally synergistic with Rapid7, as we continue our journey to close the security achievement gap and bring high-quality and efficient security operations to organizations of all sizes and capabilities. I want to welcome IntSights’ customers, partners, and team members to Rapid7. Today we begin a new and exciting chapter together as we continue to innovate in the threat-intelligence space, always keeping the needs of our customers at the forefront. I look forward to what will undoubtedly be great things to come.