[$] Python gets a “Developer-in-Residence”

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/864472/rss

Backlogs in bug triage, code review, and other elements of the development
process are nothing new for free-software projects; there is clearly a lot
more interest in creating new features (and the bugs that go with them, of
course) than in taking on the less-satisfying bits. For a large project
like CPython, though, the backlog can seriously impede progress—potentially
chasing off contributors whose work falls through the cracks. In order
to address that, the Python Software Foundation (PSF) has
raised some funds to hire
Łukasz Langa as the CPython “Developer-in-Residence”
. Langa will be
working to help clear the backlog, while also looking into other areas of
interest to the PSF and the Python
steering council