FSFE: Youth Hacking 4 Freedom

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/871105/rss

The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) is organizing the coding
competition “Youth Hacking 4 Freedom” (YH4F) for European teenagers
(14-18). Six winners will receive a cash prize and a trip to Brussels.
There will be an opening event October 10 and registration will remain open
until October 31.

On Monday 1 November 2021, a five-month coding phase starts and the participants focus on coding until March 2022. Participants may bring all their imagination to the competition; they may code any type of software they want, as long as it is Free Software. The software project can be a stand-alone program written from scratch, or you can modify or combine existing programs. Everything is welcome! The participants will have the chance to briefly follow each other’s work and exchange ideas.