Security updates for Monday

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Security updates have been issued by Arch Linux (isync, lib32-nss, nss, opera, and vivaldi), Debian (gerbv and xen), Fedora (autotrace, chafa, converseen, digikam, dmtx-utils, dvdauthor, eom, kxstitch, libsndfile, nss, pfstools, php-pecl-imagick, psiconv, q, R-magick, rss-glx, rubygem-rmagick, seamonkey, skopeo, synfig, synfigstudio, vdr-scraper2vdr, vdr-skinelchihd, vdr-skinnopacity, vdr-tvguide, vim, vips, and WindowMaker), Mageia (golang, kernel, kernel-linus, mariadb, and vim), openSUSE (aaa_base, python-Pygments, singularity, and tor), Red Hat (nss), Slackware (mozilla), SUSE (aaa_base, kernel, openssh, php74, and xen), and Ubuntu (libmodbus, lrzip, samba, and uriparser).