[$] A farewell to LWN

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/879072/rss

Back at the beginning of 2020, it was predicted that retirements would increase
during this decade. In 2021, the prediction
was that retirements would increase over the next couple of years. It is
happening and LWN is no exception. I am retiring at the end of this year
after more than 20 years with LWN.

So who am I and how did I get here? To some, I’m a name at the bottom of
some LWN page. To a few, I’m the one that reminds them when their LWN group
subscription is about to expire. You might have even met me at a
conference. Not that I have been to very many. Mostly I tend to be quietly
in the background watching the LWN mailbox, looking for brief items and
quotes of the week (sorry I haven’t found much lately), proofreading
articles, managing subscriptions, and more. But I’m older than most of you
and this is my last LWN weekly edition. Getting here is a bit of story.