Security updates for Monday

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Security updates have been issued by Debian (debian-edu-config, expat, minetest, pgbouncer, python2.7, samba, thunderbird, and varnish), Fedora (dotnet-build-reference-packages, dotnet3.1, dotnet6.0, hostapd, libdxfrw, librecad, mingw-expat, mingw-gdk-pixbuf, php-twig2, php-twig3, rust-afterburn, webkit2gtk3, and xstream), Mageia (bluez, firefox, libarchive, php-adodb, thunderbird, and webkit2), openSUSE (ghostscript, openexr, permissions, SDL2, and wireshark), Red Hat (firefox), Slackware (mariadb), and SUSE (busybox, ghostscript, openexr, permissions, SDL2, and wireshark).