Armbian 22.02 has been released

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The Armbian project, which is a Debian-based distribution for Arm-based single-board computers (SBCs) and development boards, has a lengthy release announcement for Armbian 22.02. Beyond lots of updates and bug fixes (of course), Armbian has added support for Debian unstable (“sid”), Raspberry Pi images, a new Extensions build framework,
build automation (continuous integration and continuous deployment) improvements, and more. There is also upcoming support for Ubuntu 22.04 images.

Historically, in many cases board manufacturers have been ‘maintaining’ (in parallel) some heavily patched Linux kernel which have diverged so far from mainline as to be considered an entirely different operating system. That mess, is what some refer to as a Board Support Package (BSP), ‘legacy’ kernel, or ‘vendor’ bootloader.

Those sources get ‘thrown over the wall’ upon release, very often never to be touched again. They are full of proprietary code (binary blobs), dirty hacks, ancient kernels, and all manner of other garbage that will never see the light of day in mainline Linux. All of which is very similar to the situation on Android, if you know anything about that.

In fact, if not for projects like Armbian, our SBCs would likewise become throwaway devices, too — just like your Android — in pretty short order. That is, if you ever even got them to work in the first place.