Security updates for Monday

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Security updates have been issued by Debian (bluez, kernel, and lava), Fedora (ckeditor, drupal7, moby-engine, php-Smarty, and wavpack), Mageia (bind, e2fsprogs, epiphany, freerdp, kernel, kernel-linus, libconfuse, libosip2, ntfs-3g, perl-Image-ExifTool, and poppler), Oracle (firefox, java-1.8.0-openjdk, java-11-openjdk, java-17-openjdk, kernel, kernel-container, and thunderbird), Scientific Linux (firefox, java-1.8.0-openjdk, and java-11-openjdk), SUSE (bluez, firefox, kernel, libxml2, and tiff), and Ubuntu (linux-gcp).