Serverless and Application Integration sessions at AWS re:Invent 2022

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original

This post is written by Josh Kahn, Tech Leader, AWS Serverless.

AWS re:Invent 2022 is only a few weeks away, featuring an exciting slate of sessions on Serverless and Application Integration. This post highlights many of the sessions we are hosting on Serverless and Application Integration. It groups sessions by theme to help you quickly find the sessions most interesting to you.

AWS re:Invent 2022

As in past years, the conference offers a variety of session formats:

  • Breakout sessions: lecture-style presentations delivered by AWS experts, builders, and customers.
  • Builder’s sessions: smaller sessions led by AWS experts during which you will build a project on your own laptop.
  • Chalk talks: interactive sessions led by experts on a variety of topics. Share your own experiences and feedback.
  • Workshops: hands-on learning sessions designed to help you learn about new technologies. Bring your own laptop.

For detailed descriptions and schedule, visit the AWS re:Invent Session Catalog. If you are attending re:Invent, we would love to connect at our AWS Village and Serverlesspresso booths in the Expo or the Modern Applications Zone at the Venetian. You can also reach out to your AWS account team.

Don’t have a ticket yet? Join us in Las Vegas from November 28-December 2, 2022 by registering for re:Invent 2022.

Leadership session (SVS210)

Join Holly Mesrobian, Vice President of Serverless Compute at AWS, to learn how serverless technology empowers organizations to go to market faster while lowering cost across a wide range of applications. Learn about the innovations happening at all layers of the stack, across both serverless functions and serverless containers. Explore newly released innovations that enable more secure, reliable, and performant applications.

Getting started

Are you new to Serverless or taking your first steps? Hear from AWS experts and customers on best practices and strategies for building serverless workloads. Get hands-on with services by building the next great “to do” app or customer experience for a theme park:

We also offer a series of Builder’s Sessions where you can build the same serverless project using three different infrastructure as code frameworks (attend one or more). These sessions are an opportunity to test drive another IaC framework or understand how your framework of choice can be used with serverless:

Event-driven architectures

Event-driven architectures (EDA) are a popular approach to building modern applications. EDA utilizes events (a change in state) to communicate between decoupled services. This architectural approach lends itself well to a wide-variety of use cases from ecommerce to order fulfillment with individual components able to scale (and fail) independently.

Whether you are getting started with EDA, want to get hands-on, or dive into complex architectures, there is a session for you:

Building serverless architectures

Explore the range of tools available to build serverless architectures and cross-cutting concerns, such as security and observability. These sessions cover the brass tacks of building with serverless, going to beyond “hello world” to help builders understand how to implement a serverless strategy:


AWS offers several options to orchestrate complex workflows. Whether you need to tightly control data processing workflows or user sign-ups, you can take advantage of these orchestration engines to simplify, become more agile, and modernize your workflows.

Integration patterns

Explore the variety of enterprise integration patterns available using AWS, including Amazon SNS, Amazon SQS, Amazon MQ, and more. These sessions explore the wide variety of patterns available using managed services:

Advanced topics

If you are already familiar with serverless, advanced sessions provide an opportunity to go deeper, including under the hood of the AWS Lambda service. Learn advanced design patterns, best practices, and how to build performant, reliable workloads:

Building serverless applications with Java

New this year, there are several sessions dedicating to building serverless applications with the Java runtime. These sessions dive deep on best practices for building performant Java-based applications:

Other talks

Serverless has become such a popular topic that you will also find related sessions in other tracks as well. This list is not exhaustive, but includes talks that you may want to explore:

If you are unable to join us in-person, Breakout Sessions will be available via our YouTube channel after the event. Contact your AWS Account Team is you are interested in learning more about any of these sessions or how to bring our experts to you.

We look forward to seeing you at re:Invent 2022! For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.