Asahi Linux November 2022 progress report

Post Syndicated from original

For those who are waiting for Linux on Apple hardware, the Asahi Linux
project has put out a detailed
on progress toward a working kernel and distribution.

This kind of safety model is not new: it is already commonplace on
Android phones, where it is usually implemented in DSP
firmware. But of course, the desktop Linux ecosystem doesn’t even
have a speaker EQ database framework yet, nevermind safety models!
The eternal lagging behind of Linux audio strikes again. What’s the
plan? While this isn’t settled yet, our current idea is to
implement the safety model in a stand-alone daemon that captures
the voltage/current feedback data from the ALSA device, and drives
the mixer volume itself as as means of implementing soft power
limits, together with some kind of “safety watchdog interlock” with
the kernel that only enables higher volume limits when the daemon
is active and running