Security updates for Monday

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Security updates have been issued by Debian (chromium and thunderbird), Fedora (keylime, libarchive, libtasn1, pgadmin4, rubygem-nokogiri, samba, thunderbird, wireshark, and xorg-x11-server-Xwayland), Gentoo (curl, libreoffice, nss, unbound, and virtualbox), Mageia (advancecomp, couchdb, firefox, freerdp, golang, heimdal, kernel, kernel-linus, krb5, leptonica, libetpan, python-slixmpp, thunderbird, and xfce4-settings), Oracle (firefox, nodejs:16, and thunderbird), Scientific Linux (firefox and thunderbird), Slackware (samba), SUSE (chromium and kernel), and Ubuntu (linux-oem-5.17).