Security updates for Monday

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Security updates have been issued by Debian (firefox-esr, imagemagick, sox, thunderbird, and xapian-core), Fedora (chromium, containernetworking-plugins, guile-gnutls, mingw-python-OWSLib, pack, pypy3.7, sudo, thunderbird, tigervnc, and vim), Mageia (apache, epiphany, heimdal, jasper, libde265, libtpms, liferea, mysql-connector-c++, perl-HTML-StripScripts, protobuf, ruby-git, sqlite3, woodstox-core, and xfig), Oracle (kernel), Red Hat (firefox, nss, and openssl), SUSE (apache2, docker, drbd, kernel, and oracleasm), and Ubuntu (curl, python2.7, python3.10, python3.5, python3.6, python3.8, and vim).