[$] Atomic block-write operations

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/933015/

Martin Petersen and John Garry led a session at the
2023 Linux Storage, Filesystem,
Memory-Management and BPF Summit
on work they have been doing to
implement atomic block writes of various sizes for SCSI and NVMe.
The idea is to support devices that can guarantee atomic operations for
sizes larger than their block size.
It is
an attempt to “find
common ground” between the two standards, Petersen said, because the two
have slightly different semantics, depending on the device type, and
different restrictions, which has made for an “interesting project”. It has
been a challenge to find an abstraction layer that can work with the “five
different variants
of SCSI and NVMe implementations that may or may not be out there”.