Red Hat dropping support for LibreOffice

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Red Hat’s Matthias Clasan has let
it be known
that LibreOffice will be dropped from a future Red Hat
Enterprise Linux release, and the future of its support in Fedora is
unclear as well.

The Red Hat Display Systems team (the team behind most of Red Hat’s
desktop efforts) has maintained the LibreOffice packages in Fedora
for years as part of our work to support LibreOffice for Red Hat
Enterprise Linux. We are adjusting our engineering priorities for
RHEL for Workstations and focusing on gaps in Wayland, building out
HDR support, building out what’s needed for color-sensitive work,
and a host of other refinements required by Workstation users. This
is work that will improve the workstation experience for Fedora as
well as RHEL users, and which, we hope, will be positively received
by the entire Linux community.

The tradeoff is that we are pivoting away from work we had been
doing on desktop applications and will cease shipping LibreOffice
as part of RHEL starting in a future RHEL version. This also limits
our ability to maintain it in future versions of Fedora.