Fedora considers “privacy-preserving” telemetry

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/937528/

The Fedora project is considering a
Fedora 40 change proposal
to add limited, opt-out telemetry to the
workstation edition. The proposal is detailed; it is clear that the
developers involved understand that this will be a hard sell in that

We believe an open source community can ethically collect limited
aggregate data on how its software is used without involving big
data companies or building creepy tracking profiles that are not in
the best interests of users. Users will have the option to disable
data upload before any data is sent for the first time. Our service
will be operated by Fedora on Fedora infrastructure, and will not
depend on Google Analytics or any other controversial third-party
services. And in contrast to proprietary software operating
systems, you can redirect the data collection to your own private
metrics server instead of Fedora’s to see precisely what data is
being collected from you, because the server components are open
source too.