[$] The FUSE BPF filesystem

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/937433/

The Filesystem
in Userspace
(FUSE) framework can be used to create a “stacked”
filesystem, where the FUSE piece adds specialized functionality
(e.g. reporting different file metadata) atop an
underlying kernel filesystem. The performance of such filesystems leaves a
lot to be desired, however, so
the FUSE
BPF filesystem
has been proposed to try to improve the performance to
be close to that of the underlying native filesystem. It came up in the
context of a session on FUSE passthrough
earlier in the
2023 Linux Storage, Filesystem,
Memory-Management and BPF Summit
, but the details of FUSE BPF were more
fully described by Daniel Rosenberg in a combined filesystem and BPF
session on the final day of the summit.