All posts by Lennart Poettering

Avahi 0.1 Finally Released

Post Syndicated from Lennart Poettering original

We finally released Avahi 0.1. Full release announcement here. Avahi comes with a powerful DBUS API. Just two show off the coolnes of that interface a Python example:

import avahi, dbus, gobject

bus = dbus.SystemBus()
server = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(avahi.DBUS_NAME, avahi.DBUS_PATH_SERVER), avahi.DBUS_INTERFACE_SERVER)

def new_service(interface, protocol, name, type, domain):
	print "Found service '%s' of type '%s' in domain '%s'" % (name, type, domain)

def remove_service(interface, protocol, name, type, domain):
	print "Service '%s' of type '%s' in domain '%s' disappeared." % (name, type, domain)

path = server.ServiceBrowserNew(avahi.IF_UNSPEC, avahi.PROTO_UNSPEC, "_http._tcp", "")
b = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(avahi.DBUS_NAME, path), avahi.DBUS_INTERFACE_SERVICE_BROWSER)
b.connect_to_signal('ItemNew', new_service)
b.connect_to_signal('ItemRemove', remove_service)

This short program will connect to running avahi-daemon and browse for web services.

Simplified "Draft" Plugin for pyblosxom

Post Syndicated from Lennart Poettering original

The pyblosxom plugin registry links a plugin which allows hiding “draft” stories before publishing them, so that only you can see them. Unfortunately the link to this plugin is broken. So here’s my (simplified) reimplementation:

def cb_prepare(args):
        request = args["request"]
        query = request.getHttp().get('QUERY_STRING', '')

        if not query.endswith("&ignore") and not query == "ignore":
                data = request.getData()
                data["entry_list"] = filter(lambda e: not e.has_key('ignore'), data["entry_list"])

To mark a story as “draft” simply insert this at line #2:

#ignore yes

To browse unpublished stories simply append ?ignore (or &ignore) to your blog URL.

Linking pyblosxom to SVN

Post Syndicated from Lennart Poettering original

If you run a pyblosxom blog with auto-copied stories from SVN you are
probably interested in getting stable story dates that don’t change every time
you update a story. The date of the initial SVN log entry of a story is
something like the “day of birth” of a story, so it’s a good value to use.
Christopher Baus implemented a plugin for pyblosxom, which looks
overly complicated to me: it depends on memcached and comes in two large python

To simplify things I wrote this minimal replacement:

import pysvn, os, sys, anydbm

from config import py

def get_mtime(fname):
        cache_fname = os.path.join(py['datadir'], 'SVNDATES')
        cache =, "c")

        if cache.has_key(fname):
                d = float(cache[fname])
                client = pysvn.Client(fname)
                l = client.log(fname)

                if len(l) > 0:
                        d = l[0]['date']
                        cache[fname] = str(d)
                        d = -1

                del client

        del cache
        return d

def cb_filestat(args):
        args["mtime"] = list(args["mtime"])
        d = get_mtime(args["filename"])
        if d >= 0:
                args["mtime"][8] = d
        return args

Since accessing SVN logs is quite slow the script caches the “date of birth”
in a dbm file. Make sure that your web server has enough priviliges to access
that database file which is stored in $datadir/SVNDATES by

Avahi 0.1 Looming

Post Syndicated from Lennart Poettering original

Avahi 0.1 is due in
the next few days. The last missing piece is a simplifying C wrapper around the
DBUS API. Though Avahi is currently pre-0.1 it is already quite complete and
mature. To put it with Ross Burton: “… this doesnt count as 0.1 because it
has docs, man pages *and* works

Unfortunately python-dbus has quite a few bugs which make it very difficult
to code with. e.g. it doesn’t handle sending empty arrays, fails to send byte
values and so on. It is difficult to work around all these issues, therefore
the Avahi client tools will not work with an unpatched python-dbus. You need to
apply this
(applying to 0.35.2) to fix at least the byte value bug to get
them working.