Tag Archives: Altera

Intel Rebrands its FPGA Business Altera in an Awesome Branding Move

Post Syndicated from Patrick Kennedy original https://www.servethehome.com/intel-rebrands-its-fpga-business-altera-in-an-awesome-branding-move/

In an awesome branding move, Intel’s FPGA business spin-off will be named “Altera”. Along with the name, we have a few roadmap updates

The post Intel Rebrands its FPGA Business Altera in an Awesome Branding Move appeared first on ServeTheHome.

Intel Altera Experiment Ending as PSG Goes Standalone En Route to IPO

Post Syndicated from Patrick Kennedy original https://www.servethehome.com/intel-altera-experiment-ending-as-psg-goes-standalone-en-route-to-ipo/

Intel’s Altera experiment is ending as Intel PSG is transitioning to a standalone business on its way to an upcoming IPO

The post Intel Altera Experiment Ending as PSG Goes Standalone En Route to IPO appeared first on ServeTheHome.