Interlocking Quadrilaterals

Post Syndicated from Lennart Poettering original

As promised, here’s
a stencil drawing of the Mexican-style IQ Lamp: .ps, .svg, .pdf. (1:1, DIN A4/ISO 216 paper size)

Fake IQ Light from Mexico - Stencil

30 of these are needed to assemble one mexican style lamp, as depicted below.
The material to cut these patterns from needs to be a thin (less than .5 mm
thick) plastic (or maybe cardboard) which needs to be flexible – but not too
flexible, and not glossy. It might be advisable to use energy-saving light
bulbs for this lamp. They are entirely hidden inside the lamp and might be good
to avoid overheating of the plastic. Assembling
, Video, Instructable. Please note
that assembling the mexican-style IQ light needs a quite a bit manual force
because all pieces are bent a little, in contrast to the original danish
design which appears to be assembled without any force. (at least the video
clip suggests that.) For mounting a cable/lamp socket you might need to cut a
small hole in one of the plastic sheets, to put the cable through.

Once again the photo:

Fake IQ Light from Mexico

Have fun!