My SubscribeStar account is live

Post Syndicated from esr original

I’ve finally gotten validated by SubscribeStar, which means I can get payouts through it, which means those of you who want nothing to do with Patreon can contribute through it:

If you’re not contributing, and you’re a regular here, please chip in. While I’ve had some research grants in the past, right now nobody is subsidizing the infrastructure work I do and I’m burning my savings.

There’s NTPsec, of course – secure time synchronization is critical to the Internet. There are the 40 or so other projects I maintain. Recently I’m working on improving the tools ecosystem for the Go language, because to reduce defect rates we have got to lift infrastructure like NTPsec out of C and Go looks like the most plausible path. Right now I’m modifying Flex so it can be be retargetable to emit Go (and other languages); I expect to do Go support for Bison next.

I’m not the only person deserving of your support – I’ve founded the Loadsharers network for people who want to help with the more general infrastructure-support problem – but if you’re a regular on this blog I hope I’m personally relatively high on your priority list. I’m not utterly broke yet, but the prospect is looming over me and my house needs a new roof.

Even $5 a month is helpful if enough of you match it. For $20 a month you get to be credited as a supporter when I ship a release of one of my personal projects. From $50 a month I can buy my long-suffering wife a nice dinner and afford an occasional trip to the shooting range.

I live a simple life, trying to be of service to my civilization. Please help that continue.