Security updates for Monday

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Security updates have been issued by Arch Linux (electron11, electron12, istio, jenkins, libtpms, mediawiki, mruby, opera, puppet, and python-fastapi), Debian (djvulibre and openexr), Fedora (dovecot, libtpms, nginx, and php-league-flysystem), Gentoo (corosync, freeimage, graphviz, and libqb), Mageia (busybox, file-roller, live, networkmanager, and php), openSUSE (clamav-database, lua53, and roundcubemail), Oracle (389-ds:1.4, kernel, libxml2, python38:3.8 and python38-devel:3.8, and ruby:2.5), and SUSE (crmsh, djvulibre, python-py, and python-rsa).