What’s New in InsightVM: Q2 2021 in Review

Post Syndicated from Aaron Wells original https://blog.rapid7.com/2021/07/16/insightvm-release-roundup-q2-2021/

What’s New in InsightVM: Q2 2021 in Review

The world is changing rapidly. We hear that phrase a lot. Throughout Q2 though, it really is true. Vaccines have been rolling out, to varying success depending on the part of the world, but there is optimism.    

As Rapid7 offices begin to open up to our hard-working team members around the globe, we want to infuse some of that optimism into the latest and greatest new features and updates now available to InsightVM customers. The back half of the year will no doubt bring new threats (will ransomware attacks keep going bigger?), so let’s dive into what’s new so you can prepare and prosper.

Honorable mention

In our Q1 recap, we covered 2 releases that can each have significant positive impact on your operations, so they bear repeating here.

Kubernetes integration

Now available in InsightVM, you can now navigate directly to the new Kubernetes tab to initiate the Kubernetes monitor in DockerHub. Then, deploy it to your clusters to see data in Container VRM within InsightVM. You can also see monitor health and connection details via the Data Collection Management page.  

Scoped Executive Summary Report

The Executive Summary Report in InsightVM has expanded its functionality so users can filter the report for at-a-glance views of priority items. Shape the report to access key metrics and communicate progress to desired goals and outcomes.

Dashboards, consoles, and panels, oh my!

The new releases and updates for the second quarter of 2021 were aimed at quick-look features that bolster our goal of providing customers with evolving ease-of-use functionalities and products that increasingly focus on at-a-glance convenience.

What’s new: Dialing up dashboard performance

Featuring new cards as well as new ways to filter cards, these features solve 3 distinct issues:

Gaining insights into Microsoft’s vulnerability patch cycle

Rapid7’s Patch Tuesday dashboard template now provides an easy way to stay up to date on information associated with deployment of new Microsoft patches and cycles. Why search around for news or insights when you can get them in the one-stop-shop where your team already receives updates and kicks off remediation efforts on the latest vulnerabilities?

Featuring new cards detailing the assets affected as well as trends, assessments, and biggest risks, you can now learn about and prioritize remediation efforts on all Microsoft vulnerabilities within this expanded InsightVM dashboard.  

Hunting down fine-grained vulnerability-and-remediation details

  • New card #1: New vs remediated vulnerability comparison over time
    • Displays trends in remediated vulnerability findings for date ranges you specify.
  • New card #2: Average days to remediate by severity
    • Compares the average number of days needed to remediate a specific vulnerability against all vulnerabilities remediated for a week you specify.
  • New card #3: Number of unique vulnerabilities
    • Expandable table shows the number of all unique vulnerabilities in the Rapid7 database for which InsightVM has checks as well as the number of all unique vulnerabilities in the user’s environment.
  • New card #4: Asset type
    • Bar chart displays device type for assets in the scope you filter. Each bar shows the quantity of a group of os.type, sorted from left to right.

Filtering every card in a dashboard to focus the view on a group of assets or issues

If this were about finding the best way to navigate your way past a big city, we would say this new feature is the loop that takes you around the traffic vs taking the surface streets that often put you in the traffic.

You can now quickly filter all of your cards by applying a single query to your dashboard. Gone are the days of manually filtering each and every card just to focus your view on a group of assets or vulnerabilities. Long story short: You save more time by quickly filtering to your desired view.  

What’s improved: Shortcuts to what you need

To continue the traffic analogy, getting somewhere faster than you’re used to is always a great thing. The latest InsightVM improvements help you do just that by addressing 3 issues:

Manually loading custom vulnerability checks

Now you can simply deploy a check, load it into the Security Console, then the console does the rest. Just load the check, start the scan, and the console will automatically push that check to whichever Scan Engine(s) you specify.

More context needed

Peek. Panel. Proof. What that actually means is InsightVM now offers at-a-glance context about a specific vulnerability via a “peek panel.” When a user clicks on an affected asset from the vulnerability details page, the panel opens to the right and displays the proof details.  

Gaining results visibility

Teams assessing container image builds in their CI/CD pipeline can now see results in the InsightVM Container Security feature Builds tab.

We hope you have a successful quarter and a great season, wherever your business takes you. Until next time…    


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