UEFI rootkits and UEFI secure boot

Post Syndicated from original https://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/60654.html

Kaspersky describes a UEFI-implant used to attack Windows systems. Based on it appearing to require patching of the system firmware image, they hypothesise that it’s propagated by manually dumping the contents of the system flash, modifying it, and then reflashing it back to the board. This probably requires physical access to the board, so it’s not especially terrifying – if you’re in a situation where someone’s sufficiently enthusiastic about targeting you that they’re reflashing your computer by hand, it’s likely that you’re going to have a bad time regardless.

But let’s think about why this is in the firmware at all. Sophos previously discussed an implant that’s sufficiently similar in some technical details that Kaspersky suggest they may be related to some degree. One notable difference is that the MyKings implant described by Sophos installs itself into the boot block of legacy MBR partitioned disks. This code will only be executed on old-style BIOS systems (or UEFI systems booting in BIOS compatibility mode), and they have no support for code signatures, so there’s no need to be especially clever. Run malicious code in the boot block, patch the next stage loader, follow that chain all the way up to the kernel. Simple.

One notable distinction here is that the MBR boot block approach won’t be persistent – if you reinstall the OS, the MBR will be rewritten[1] and the infection is gone. UEFI doesn’t really change much here – if you reinstall Windows a new copy of the bootloader will be written out and the UEFI boot variables (that tell the firmware which bootloader to execute) will be updated to point at that. The implant may still be on disk somewhere, but it won’t be run.

But there’s a way to avoid this. UEFI supports loading firmware-level drivers from disk. If, rather than providing a backdoored bootloader, the implant takes the form of a UEFI driver, the attacker can set a different set of variables that tell the firmware to load that driver at boot time, before running the bootloader. OS reinstalls won’t modify these variables, which means the implant will survive and can reinfect the new OS install. The only way to get rid of the implant is to either reformat the drive entirely (which most OS installers won’t do by default) or replace the drive before installation.

This is much easier than patching the system firmware, and achieves similar outcomes – the number of infected users who are going to wipe their drives to reinstall is fairly low, and the kernel could be patched to hide the presence of the implant on the filesystem[2]. It’s possible that the goal was to make identification as hard as possible, but there’s a simpler argument here – if the firmware has UEFI Secure Boot enabled, the firmware will refuse to load such a driver, and the implant won’t work. You could certainly just patch the firmware to disable secure boot and lie about it, but if you’re at the point of patching the firmware anyway you may as well just do the extra work of installing your implant there.

I think there’s a reasonable argument that the existence of firmware-level rootkits suggests that UEFI Secure Boot is doing its job and is pushing attackers into lower levels of the stack in order to obtain the same outcomes. Technologies like Intel’s Boot Guard may (in their current form) tend to block user choice, but in theory should be effective in blocking attacks of this form and making things even harder for attackers. It should already be impossible to perform attacks like the one Kaspersky describes on more modern hardware (the system should identify that the firmware has been tampered with and fail to boot), which pushes things even further – attackers will have to take advantage of vulnerabilities in the specific firmware they’re targeting. This obviously means there’s an incentive to find more firmware vulnerabilities, which means the ability to apply security updates for system firmware as easily as security updates for OS components is vital (hint hint if your system firmware updates aren’t available via LVFS you’re probably doing it wrong).

We’ve known that UEFI rootkits have existed for a while (Hacking Team had one in 2015), but it’s interesting to see a fairly widespread one out in the wild. Protecting against this kind of attack involves securing the entire boot chain, including the firmware itself. The industry has clearly been making progress in this respect, and it’ll be interesting to see whether such attacks become more common (because Secure Boot works but firmware security is bad) or not.

[1] As we all remember from Windows installs overwriting Linux bootloaders
[2] Although this does run the risk of an infected user booting another OS instead, and being able to see the implant

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