Security updates for Monday

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Security updates have been issued by Debian (booth, libpgjava, and thunderbird), Fedora (3mux, act, age, antlr4-project, apache-cloudstack-cloudmonkey, apptainer, aquatone, aron, asnip, assetfinder, astral, bettercap, buildah, butane, caddy, cadvisor, cheat, chisel, clash, clipman, commit-stream, containerd, cri-o, darkman, deepin-gir-generator, direnv, dnscrypt-proxy, dnsx, docker-distribution, doctl, douceur, duf, ffuf, fzf, geoipupdate, git-lfs, git-octopus, git-time-metric, glide, gmailctl, gnutls, go-bindata, goaltdns, gobuster, godep, godoctor, godotenv, gojq, golist, goloris, gomtree, google-guest-agent, gotags, gotun, grafana, gron, grpcurl, hakrevdns, hcloud, htmltest, httprobe, hulk, ignition, jid, kata-containers, kiln, kompose, kubernetes, libldb, manifest-tool, mass3, meg, meshbird, micro, mingw-harfbuzz, mingw-poppler, moby-engine, mqttcli, nats-server, nebula, netscanner, oci-seccomp-bpf-hook, ohmybackup, onionscan, open-policy-agent, origin, osbuild-composer, podman-tui, popub, powerline-go, reposurgeon, restic, runc, samba, shellz, shhgit, skopeo, snapd, snowcrash, source-to-image, subfinder, syncthing, sysutil, terrier, thunderbird, tiedot, toolbox, vgrep, vultr, vultr-cli, webanalyze, webkit2gtk3, weldr-client, wgctrl, xe-guest-utilities-latest, xen, xq, yggdrasil, yubihsm-connector, and a vast number of golang packages), Mageia (chromium-browser-stable, firefox, gdk-pixbuf2.0, python-ujson, and webmin), Red Hat (firefox and thunderbird), Slackware (gnutls), and SUSE (chromium, firefox, mozilla-nss, rubygem-tzinfo, samba, and xen).