Changing firmware config that doesn’t want to be changed

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Today I had to deal with a system that had an irritating restriction – a firmware configuration option I really wanted to be able to change appeared as a greyed out entry in the configuration menu. Some emails revealed that this was a deliberate choice on the part of the system vendor, so that seemed to be that. Thankfully in this case there was a way around that.

One of the things UEFI introduced was a mechanism to generically describe firmware configuration options, called Visual Forms Representation (or VFR). At the most straightforward level, this lets you define a set of forms containing questions, with each question associated with a value in a variable. Questions can be made dependent upon the answers to other questions, so you can have options that appear or disappear based on how other questions were answered. An example in this language might be something like:
CheckBox Prompt: "Console Redirection", Help: "Console Redirection Enable or Disable.", QuestionFlags: 0x10, QuestionId: 53, VarStoreId: 1, VarStoreOffset: 0x39, Flags: 0x0
In which question 53 asks whether console redirection should be enabled or disabled. Other questions can then rely on the answer to question 53 to influence whether or not they’re relevant (eg, if console redirection is disabled, there’s no point in asking which port it should be redirected to). As a checkbox, if it’s set then the value will be set to 1, and 0 otherwise. But where’s that stored? Earlier we have another declaration:
VarStore GUID: EC87D643-EBA4-4BB5-A1E5-3F3E36B20DA9, VarStoreId: 1, Size: 0xF4, Name: "Setup"
A UEFI variable called “Setup” and with GUID EC87D643-EBA4-4BB5-A1E5-3F3E36B20DA9 is declared as VarStoreId 1 (matching the declaration in the question) and is 0xf4 bytes long. The question indicates that the offset for that variable is 0x39. Rewriting Setup-EC87D643-EBA4-4BB5-A1E5-3F3E36B20DA9 with a modified value in offset 0x39 will allow direct manipulation of the config option.

But how do we get this data in the first place? VFR isn’t built into the firmware directly – instead it’s turned into something called Intermediate Forms Representation, or IFR. UEFI firmware images are typically in a standardised format, and you can use UEFITool to extract individual components from that firmware. If you use UEFITool to search for “Setup” there’s a good chance you’ll be able to find the component that implements the setup UI. Running IFRExtractor-RS against it will then pull out any IFR data it finds, and decompile that into something resembling the original VFR. And now you have the list of variables and offsets and the configuration associated with them, even if your firmware has chosen to hide those options from you.

Given that a bunch of these config values may be security relevant, this seems a little concerning – what stops an attacker who has access to the OS from simply modifying these variables directly? UEFI avoids this by having two separate stages of boot, one where the full firmware (“Boot Services”) is available, and one where only a subset (“Runtime Services”) is available. The transition is triggered by the OS calling ExitBootServices, indicating the handoff from the firmware owning the hardware to the OS owning the hardware. This is also considered a security boundary – before ExitBootServices everything running has been subject to any secure boot restrictions, and afterwards applications can do whatever they want. UEFI variables can be flagged as being visible in both Boot and Runtime Services, or can be flagged as Boot Services only. As long as all the security critical variables are Boot Services only, an attacker should never be able to run untrusted code that could alter them.

In my case, the firmware option I wanted to alter had been enclosed in “GrayOutIf True” blocks. But the questions were still defined and the code that acted on those options was still present, so simply modifying the variables while still inside Boot Services gave me what I wanted. Note that this isn’t a given! The presence of configuration options in the IFR data doesn’t mean that anything will later actually read and make use of that variable – a vendor may have flagged options as unavailable and then removed the code, but never actually removed the config data. And also please do note that the reason stuff was removed may have been that it doesn’t actually work, and altering any of these variables risks bricking your hardware in a way that’s extremely difficult to recover. And there’s also no requirement that vendors use IFR to describe their configuration, so you may not get any help here anyway.

In summary: if you do this you may break your computer. If you don’t break your computer, it might not work anyway. I’m not going to help you try to break your computer. And I didn’t come up with any of this, I just didn’t find it all written down in one place while I was researching it.

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