The 6.5 kernel has been released

Post Syndicated from corbet original

Linus has, as expected, released the 6.5

I still have this nagging feeling that a lot of people are on
vacation and that things have been quiet partly due to that. But
this release has been going smoothly, so that’s probably just me
being paranoid. The biggest patches this last week were literally
just to our selftests.

Headline features in 6.5 include
faster booting on large x86 systems,
Arm Permission Indirection Extension
Rust 1.68.2 support,
unaccepted memory handling,
mount beneath” support for filesystems,
the cachestat() system call,
the ability to pass a pidfd via a SCM_CREDENTIALS control message,
scope-based resource management for
internal kernel code,
the deprecation of the SLAB allocator,
and more. See the LWN merge-window summaries
(part 1,
part 2) and the (in-progress)
KernelNewbies 6.5 page
for details.