Security updates for Monday

Post Syndicated from jake original

Security updates have been issued by Debian (chromium, cups, firefox-esr, firmware-nonfree, gerbv, jetty9, libvpx, mosquitto, open-vm-tools, python-git, python-reportlab, and trafficserver), Fedora (firefox, giflib, libvpx, libwebp, webkitgtk, and xen), Gentoo (Chromium, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, ClamAV, GNU Binutils, and wpa_supplicant, hostapd), Mageia (flac, giflib, indent, iperf, java, libvpx, libxml2, quictls, wireshark, and xrdp), Oracle (kernel), Slackware (libvpx and mozilla), and SUSE (bind, python, python-bugzilla, roundcubemail, seamonkey, and xen).