The 6.6 kernel has been released

Post Syndicated from corbet original

Linus has released the 6.6 kernel. “So
this last week has been pretty calm, and I have absolutely no excuses to
delay the v6.6 release any more, so here it is.

Headline features in 6.6 include the earliest
eligible virtual deadline first (EEVDF) CPU scheduler
, a number of
enhancements (quota support, user extended attributes, direct I/O) to the
tmpfs filesystem, the fchmodat2()
system call
, initial support for building a
kernel without buffer-head support
, the kmalloc() randomness patches, user-space shadow stacks for Intel CPUs, and
quite a bit more. See the LWN merge window summaries (part 1, part 2) and the KernelNewbies 6.6 page for
more information.