Security updates for Thursday

Post Syndicated from jake original

Security updates have been issued by Fedora (chromium, gnutls, gst-devtools, gstreamer1, gstreamer1-doc, libcap, mingw-poppler, python-gstreamer1, qbittorrent, webkitgtk, and xen), Mageia (docker, kernel-linus, and python-django), Oracle (dotnet6.0, dotnet7.0, dotnet8.0, firefox, samba, squid, and thunderbird), Red Hat (firefox, postgresql:13, squid, and thunderbird), SUSE (cilium, freerdp, java-1_8_0-ibm, and java-1_8_0-openj9), and Ubuntu (ec2-hibinit-agent, freerdp2, gimp, gst-plugins-bad1.0, openjdk-17, openjdk-21, openjdk-lts, openjdk-8, pypy3, pysha3, and u-boot-nezha).